Twin Flame Activation

Alignment & Recognition
You may have noticed an increase of information coming to you through online forums, intuition and other means in the last week or so, related to the Twin Flame Activation. Twin Flames have been experiencing the Twin Flame activation sequence numbers for some time now leading up to the current and significant power surge now taking place, e.g. 111, 11:11 and so on. So if you and a significant other have been experiencing number sequences you may be in for a deeper awakened awareness of your Twin Flame. These numbers serve a number of purposes however the alignment of the Twin Flame has been of significance during the number sequence activation.
We have entered and are currently experiencing a planetary alignment bring growth and expansion to Twin Flame as individuals and as couples via an energetically serge … this is a time of great change bring about a deeper vibrational and telepathic connection between these two bodies of light whether they are currently together or not. This shift will last for several weeks with the intention of a deeper connection between Twin Flames on some level, this process will vary in great highs and lows for each Twin Flame, depending on where they are at on their own personal journey… ultimately consciously or subconsciously moving towards a harmonious union. This process is inevitable.
Regardless of one’s external influences the Twin Flame will continue to reunite in this life time until they can come together in harmony, until that point they each have much to learn and experience as individuals… this includes working through any soul lessons, elimination of the ego, karmic debt and any negative vibrations blocking their harmonious union, this journey can be as easy or as hard as one makes it for themselves, but is always being assisted towards a loving union by unseen forces. If one is able to let go and surrender… allowing the universe to lead the way, they can come through this time with much more ease than if they resist. The more one can let go, trust, wait for and follow Universal guidance the better the outcome will be, of course one must follow their own intuition for this process to be smooth sailing.
There are many stages of a Twin Flame relationship that need to be experienced before a harmonious union can take place between the two. No matter where you are at on your journey and the Twin Flame process, you can expect that this current alignment may not be a time of harmony but it is sure to be a meaningful time for you both whether you are currently together or apart. Though you may be physically apart, spiritually you are always together. Love transcends time and space… therefore nothing is missing.
A Twin Flame is made up of three bodies of energy, each of the Twins… typically a male, a female and a genetic light body… a higher source of energy, known as the Flame. All three energies are intertwined, each are a part of each other. During the current alignment, the Flame is now becoming consciously known to the twins through the same vibrational and telepathic connection the twins are currently awakening to between each other, this connection between all three bodies will become stronger as time goes on and eventually all three bodies will be fully aware of each other’s energetic presents and how they can work together to assist in the coming together as one body of light, energetically and eventually in the physical form, from the moment the conscious awareness of the Flame takes place for one or both the Twins it has great potential for growth, a deeper understanding and connection in a much shorter time frame than if the Twins were not aware of their third body… the Flame. One or both Twins may or may not become aware of the Flame during the Twin Flame emergence, but once the Twins merge in consciousness, a connection can be made bring all three light bodies together in consciousness.
The Flame is a key element in the harmonious union and has the ability to assist the process in an accelerated manner for the highest good of all regardless of its conscious awareness within one or both Twins. Once the Flame is recognised and acknowledged by one or both Twins it can bring the Twins to a whole new dimension and in a shorter time flame, if they are ready and willing to take the next step towards this dynamic soul connection and union for the greater good of all. This process can be very difficult if only one of the Twins has awakened to the presents of the Flame, however the Flames current aim is to assist both parties with their own individual struggles and has the capability to protect and support each Twin in their own personal journey consciously or subconsciously and will develop as the Twins merge together as one in time. So this is not a journey that either Twin must take alone, they each have the assistance of their Flame to some degree at all times, but ultimately has the greatest potential once both Twins have made a conscious connection with their Flame and all three bodies of energy are consciously reunited.
This maybe a difficult time for Twin Flames but it is a significant one supporting the inevitable union/reunion and will ultimately bring you both closer in time. Resistance is futile. The best way to move through this time is to Let Go of any negative vibrations particularly controlling patterns from within the self, if your Twin is resisting ‘Let Go’ for your influence can not be felt at this time, Let Go of the Ifs, when’s, whys, how’s, buts and maybes surrounding this situation and Surrender to the process currently at hand. If your Twin has gone astray all you can do for now is Let Go and love them from a distance. Regardless of external appearances, all truth will come to light in time and a new deep and meaningful union/reunion can take place. Miracles can and will take place when both Twins surrender to the process. A resisting Twin will eventually find their way back to the Twin Flame connection, while separation can be quite painful for one or both Twins, it is merely a time of eternal growth… eventually leading to a harmonious reunion.
If you are currently in a harmonious relationship with your Twin Flame, you can expect a deeper connection to take place now.
A Twin Flames purpose is to bring more love and light to the world and throughout the Universe through their unique connection and soul mission. A journey to the depths of the soul through pure love… fulfilment and wholeness… Aligning to Complete Oneness in love and light of all that Is…. eternal love and life.
Many Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head
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