
It may be that you find yourself time and time again in the right place at the right time, having the same experience or experiences consecutively over a period of time, running into the same person or people, coming across the same sequence of events, numbers, words etc over a period of days, weeks, or even months.
These unexpected fortuitous occurrences have significant meaning and offer the persons involved insight into what they may be missing, where to look for answers, or what they need to focus on, learn, gain, or grow from at this time, perhaps you have made an incorrect judgment or dismissed someone or something that had something wonderful to offer. These are signs of fortunate and opportune discoveries, blessings just waiting to be discovered.
IF you are experiencing these random and fortunate strokes of luck, you are being offered a sign to connect deeper in some way or look for the hidden meaning or treasure being offered to you at this time through the chance encounters of serendipity.
It’s time to pay close attention, reassess the situation… asking yourself…
What is it that I am not seeing?
What do I need to pay close attention to?
What is it about this experience that I have to reassess?
Have I missed an opportunity here?
Have I ignored the blessing in this situation?
Where and why is this happening?
These serendipitous encounters will continue to surprise and delight you, until you either stop and or discover what you are meant to discover from them or until the opportunity for advancement and fortune has passed you by altogether, through your lack of attention.
Serendipitous encounters always have something positive to offer, it is therefore in your best interest to seek its propitious guidance that will indeed benefit you in some way.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X
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