Monthly Archives: June 2016
The Journey towards Oneness through Self Reflection!

If you are wondering at this time… why is this happening to me? It may be that you are receiving the gift of reflection.
Over the last few months and right now the universe has been and is showing mankind our own reflection of some of the energy/behaviors we have been displaying over the last months, years or even decades that align with your soul lessons and some of you may or may not be ready to accept that revelation.
However many of you would have noticed this and can acknowledge that what we have been giving out is reflecting back to us through others and the coming and goings in our world.
While this may seem harsh, it is a true gift. The gift of reflection it is not about the other person and what they seem to be doing or not doing and its effect on our own wellbeing… it is about you and you alone.
The intention is to bring ones awareness to what needs to change within one’s self, so that we can become closer to oneness. This is a time to reflect upon the self and learn the art of Letting Go, Living in Truth, Allowing Stillness, Recognize Possibilities and Growing in Wisdom.
You might be struggling with the Live In Truth part right now as you may feel that you are living your truth and that is why this has happened to you… you may feel that you have been standing up for yourself in all of your truth and that is why this is happening but upon further reflection you may see that Living In Truth is to Live in Truth of all that you are in Love and Light, not in resistance/struggle of your experiences.
These are difficult times we are facing but in Truth we are reawakening to the Truth… of all that exists in ourselves and our world. We are expanding in the knowledge and wisdom of all that Is… Bringing us closer to all that is meant for us as an individual and as one with all that is.
To embrace change is to grow and move closer to all that is meant for you in this life time. As one create positive change, the Universe responds to you and your efforts, it supports you and the energy you choose to send out into the world through your efforts to make changes within yourself and within your circles. The Universe will offer assistance along the path but it also requires you to work with it to earn more of what it has to offer you, therefore you will be tested on how much you believe, so change can be a bumpy road in the initial stages, but if you hold your faith and trust in the process, it will reward you with many blessings and life becomes increasingly more positive, as you allow the universe to work with you rather than resisting the assistance it offers.
The process I speak of is a way of being, that way of being is of all that we are in our natural state of being in love and light. In all that we are in love and light… we are as one with all life on earth and throughout the Universe.
We Are One and therefore we are being shown how to live as one with all that is. The journey to oneness begins from within each and EVERYONE!
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2016
Through the reflection of a Seer!

When someone asks me to read for them, I am honored.
I take my gift very seriously and it is a pleasure and a privileged to be given the honour of reading for another, they are entrusting me with the honour of seeing into their past, present and future and I respect that immensely.
Quite a number of years ago I was feeling quite lost and fragile, so I decided to go to a local lady/seer for a reading, I had heard she was good. I was looking for clarity, confirmation and guidance, I walked in there with hope, enthusiasm and expectation but what I got was tears, disappointment, and loss of hope for the future, she sat in front of me and told me of all the things I would never have, do, own or achieve, this woman destroyed any hope for the future I had left, she was so negative I wondered what on earth I was in for and why I would choice such a difficult path.
I cried throughout most of the reading and even more once I got home. She was cold and harsh, she showed no compassion let alone remorse for her unkindly deliverance nor the state I was in because of it.
At the time I did not have the strength to rise above it, I believed in what she told me as I had believed that all readers had the ability to foresee the future, I had also though they would honour their abilities with truth and integrity. I had no doubt of the ability one has to foresee the future, with years of positive feedback from my own clients, I undoubtedly knew of the accuracy involved and how important it is to deliver any insight respectfully and appropriately, I knew this woman did not share my view but still I believed every word she had said.
There is a big difference between feeling someone’s energy and foreseeing ones future… feeling someone’s energy at the time and reading it is very different to having the ability to see past their current situation/energy and predict what they themselves cannot currently see in the now and the future.
Since then I have learnt that not all readers are of the same moral nor accuracy in foresight as others. I had allowed this woman to crush me for some time before I picked myself up and begun the journey back to self-domination.
This incident has come to my consciousness of late as a reminder of how far I have come in more ways than one and how important it is to trust and believe in one’s self and to use one’s own intuition when seeking the right reader at any given time. A reader is there to guide you in the right direction and as with anything in life you must use your own logic and intuition to make your own choices. I can now gratefully and proudly say that I am taking note of what I have achieved since that tragic reading and working towards achieving all that she told me I would not achieve, all with the promise of great success, not that I see it as a challenge but I genuinely want all of those things and more and I now know I can.
So yes there are good readers and not so good readers, one must be proactive when choosing to connect with the right reader for them. When a good reader reads for you, they are foreseeing what will happen for you from that moment forward given the fact that you follow your own intuition, your intuition is your soul speaking to you, leading you towards the path that is meant for you, it will never lead you astray, if and when one chooses not to follow their intuition, then they naturally change their own path forward, taking a different and often less desirable path until at which point they get back on track.
No matter how talented a reader is, it is essential for them to continually work on themselves and their own soul’s path and towards a greater connection to source… offering greater insight with precision and in keeping up with the current energies of our planet and the affects they have on the individual… ensuring accuracy in foresight.
There are many ways to find the right reader for yourself at any given time, intuition is of course a very accurate indication, to be drawn to a person or to have signs fall at your feet, such as having a readers name mentioned or appear in front of you repeatedly or at the time you are seeking a reader. One client came to me and told me that she had picked my card up about 6 years earlier, put it away and had forgotten about it, then about a month ago she had found it on the floor in her office, picked it up and put it back on her desk without a second thought, a week or so later found it on the floor again. Recognizing the sign she was being given she decided to make an appointment and was very pleased she did, telling me just how timely my insight and guidance was.
There are signs around us all the time, guiding us on the right path and towards the right connections, offering assistance along our journey throughout life, all we have to do is be aware, acknowledge and follow through when we do see a sign, to let them go or pass us by at that time would be to miss a great opportunity to enhance one’s life or advance one’s self to some degree.
Some of the questions you might like to ask when seeking a good seer are:
What type of reading/s do they offer?
What is their aim or intention when delivering a reading?
What are their unique gifts or abilities that they use to perform a reading?
How long have they had their abilities?
How long have they been reading for others? Or the public?
Why do they choose to use their gifts to read for others?
What can you expect to experience during a reading?
What can you expect to gain from having a reading with them?
What tools if any do they used in a reading? Please note that using tools such as cards or personal items, does not detract from a seers ability to be extremely accurate, some seers simply feel more comfortable using a tool, it does not mean that they necessarily need to use a tool, but may simply prefer to.
A good Seer will take the time to answer any and all of your questions regarding the service they are offering, just as they might like to and have the right to ask you… the client similar questions, a good reader wants to connect with those who resonate with what they have to offer as they offer their service to assist others not to hinder others… insuring that they are connecting with clientele that they can assist accordingly, having an ongoing positive effect on both parties. If a client and practitioner or reader are not on the same page, then the outcome can be a less desirable one, cause short term or on-going damage or distress to either parties, as it did in my reading all those years ago. A reader needs to be aware that his/her client may be in a dark place and what he or she has to say or pass on and how it is delivered can help or hinder. Back when I had that awful reading, I was in fact suicidal and her reading could have had a devastating effect on me and my loved ones and it did but thankfully not to that degree.
Now I am much more proud and confident in all areas of my life, healing has taken place out of my own doing, my own inner guidance and strength. No one can do it for you, but there are many people that can help assist you to greater health and happiness or to achieve what you want to achieve through offering you, insight into the positives of your future rather than the negatives… the more one embraces the positives the more they drown out the negative and healing takes place, towards greater health, harmony and happiness, the journey takes strength and requires Love… Self-Love, so next time you are seeking a service that requires truth and integrity make sure you follow your intuition towards making the right connection and love yourself enough to seek the right guidance for you and your specific needs.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2016