Monthly Archives: May 2018
Divine Messengers of Oneness – Restoring Peace, Balance & Harmony.
Ego! Be rules by it or rise above it and become all that you are in love and light of your soul truth in Oneness!
There are many false claims being made at this time among your communities in lure of self-preservation and external desires such as greed and even misunderstanding through a false perception or what is being felt on some level but misinterpreted, one of which is that channeled healing energies such as Reiki, Seichim, Pellowah and the likes in their current state are an integrated link of the Energy of Oneness, this is false information, one that of which WE wish to rectify. This type of false information is perceived to be true through ego… a form of self-sabotage… this is not who WE are, it is what you have become through all that separates US through ego. Dive deep into your soul for the truth.
Moving beyond the state of ego, is a transformative process that requires each individual to journey within, to seek the truth of who We are and why You are here, the truth of Our past, present and future as light beings, walking the earth, making the journey back to Oneness and all that Oneness has to offer.
We ask you… have you been fooled by false or misleading information, false claims by false prophets? Ask yourself what was the source of your knowledge and belief or understanding of that knowledge, where did they get this information, is it true? Do you know it to be true from within your soul being or is it something you believed to be true because it sounds good or your source is well known, well followed, well researched or came to you highly recommended? Or it appears to resonate… or does it? Did you feel deep into this information before accepting it or just beneath the surface where there is the illusion of truth… where the question lies… is this my soul knowing? My soul truth!
The Divine Living System asks you to look deeper into your soul for the answers, this is the only way to know for sure if what you are acquiring through new information, knowledge and understanding of it, is in fact your soul truth. We ask you to learn by leaning into new intake and to lean into Oneness for the truth of who you/we are, past, present and future… light beings of Divine Oneness that connects us all in truth of the entire Universe. We ask you to look within, seek your soul truth. We ask you, not to seek oneness but to be oneness! Be one, from within and with all that surrounds you, there lies all truth throughout all the galaxies.
The Divine, asks that mankind seeks this truth from within so that all life on earth may be restored to its former glory, rising from the ashes of ego, victoriously! Now is the time… the Divine wishes mankind to understand that Channeled Energy was gifted to mankind to assist mankind through the state of ego consciousness, before coming full circle, back to love and light of who You/We are, reinstating the Energy of Oneness! This prerequisite is incomplete, mankind is required to go forward and earn the energy of oneness back, in its full and truest form in order to become complete as an individual and as One with all life on earth and throughout the entire universe, this transformation can only be reached by looking within and embodying Oneness and will take as long or as little a period of time to transpire as mankind takes to find his/her own soul truth and embody that truth. This process has the potential to take place instantaneously if mankind surrenders one’s self, releasing all one knows to be true from the state of ego to this process and embraces ones soul truth of oneness, however we do not anticipate this due to the remnants of ego that currently remains active, however this process can and will indeed accelerate with the surrender of channelled energy.
All Universal channeled energy is becoming one energy however until mankind releases it back to the Divine Energy System, it remains a separate energy to Oneness and continues to hold mankind back from embodying Oneness in its entirety. Mankind is being asked to LET GO of channeled energies for transmutation and embrace the energy of oneness, allowing channeled energy to be transformed to its original state and return to oneness. Do not be fooled by thinking they are one in the same, they are not and once released back to the Universe all will be as One… as Intended and mankind will be free from these types of separating energies, this was always Our intention and was designed within Divine Law.
Do not be fooled by the ego into resisting this process for you only force great resistance upon yourself and your planet towards growth and expansion of all that you are and all that you can be. WE applaud mankind for your efforts in reinstating the energy of Oneness with the assistance of channeled energy however now more than ever WE must step in and assist forward motion to insure a successful outcome for the greater good of All Life on earth and throughout the entire Universe. We must show you the way and if met with resistance we have no other option than to force you into growth, through your experiences, as relentless as that may be, it must be done to ensure success, this is your soul truth and you agreed to this process before you entered this world.
This process is emanate, but relies on mankind’s willingness to surrender all channeled energy for the greater good of all life on earth and embody the energy of Oneness. A new Energy Healing System awaits you in Oneness, and has gifted mankind with the new and improve healing energy of Oneness which is already being practiced by a select few and will in time become common knowledge.
We implore mankind to ‘Let Go’ of what you have perceived to be true through separating forces and discover the truth within your own heart, your soul knows the way. Choose carefully the source of your acquired information through your inner knowing, world prophets have been chosen and will now lead with Divine Assistance, feel into their guidance, find those you resonate with from a deep soul understanding/knowing and hold light within your hearts as one. The more you seek this truth outside of yourself the further away you get from your soul truth, breathe, relax, feel into your soul truth and be guided towards the truth of All That IS from your own knowing.
This too will save you from yourself.
We Are With You Always. Walk In Our Footsteps, We Will Lead the Way, Now & Always!
Divine Messengers of Oneness.
Channeled by Nadine Head – In Services of Oneness:
Offering Channeled Information Sessions within Australia with regards to the past, present and future State of The Energy of Oneness, The Healing Energy of Oneness and Twin Souls in Oneness as well as Performing Activation Workshops – Activating the Transformative Healing Energy of Oneness for Self-Expansion of Oneness… Leading Mankind towards Achieving Oneness to its fullest sooner than later.
For more information & Bookings please make contact directly through this site.
© Nadine Head 2018