Monthly Archives: January 2019
Sacred Soul Sex ~ The Embodiment Of Divine Love.

‘Never sleep with a man or woman you wouldn’t want to be.’ This statement changed my life.
All men and women would benefit from reawakening to the knowing of how sacred our bodies are and that the true meaning of sacred sex starts with self-mastery.
If we are to open our hearts up to truly feel, to give and to receive divine love then we must honor our own sacred being and choose wisely who we allow to enter our body, mind and soul.
During intercourse, we inherit each other’s energy not just through vibrational energy within our body, mind and spirit, but through the transfer of ‘liquid energy’ through the transfer of DNA and then we transfer all of our combined energies onto our offspring. This is the case for both men and women, however it is not just the energies of these two beings that is transferred, but that of all previous sexual partners, being held in the very fibers of your being. With every sexual partner you sleep with, there is an exchange of energy, our body mind and soul holds that energy for the rest of our lives or until the body, mind and soul undergoes purification through self-mastery… the becoming, a being of divine light.
When two become one through intercourse they are merging their energies together, and one literally becomes the other. This can be seen in very subtle ways… through slight physical changes as well as through our emotional bodies, thought patterns and processes.
Without achieving self-mastery prior to engaging in intercourse… often result in confusion or other negative vibrational energies creating imbalances within our own being and within the connection or union, due to the imbalances within each other being transferred through energy.
Mankind lost their soul’s knowing of this truth long ago through ego, but through embracing love, mankind is releasing ego and awakening to their soul’s truth and beginning to embrace love within themselves and within their connections, creating positive changes, awakening from within so that we can return to our soul’s true knowing of all things sacred and through our sacred soul unions we will transform our planet and know the true meaning of Oneness.
Twin Souls are an energetic match on all levels in body mind and spirit once in the awakened state, this may not become apparent to them until they have done the inner work to heal and become whole within themselves… allowing them to come together in a harmonious union. There are many different signs that show them that they are an energetic vibrational match as they come into a harmonious union. Their energetic vibration and liquid energy are a match with each other, and in separation these energies help bring them into union, guiding them both into ‘the merging of the souls’ as they become one and learn the true meaning of Oneness.
Twin Souls serve as a guide to all of mankind, leading the way towards self-mastery, sacred soul union and sacred soul purpose, rising in divine love and light as they become one in union and with all that is Truly Divine.
Be of service through the energy you embody and emit, transforming our planet from within.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2019