Monthly Archives: July 2020
Healthy Reflection Brings Forth Deeper Levels Of Awareness

Sometimes you just have to reflect on your past… present and future, where you have come from, how far you have come, where you are currently at and the direction in which you are heading… without judgement but with absolute acceptance of the process.
Lately I have been guided to share some of my older blog posts with my clients over on my Facebook page and today, I ironically found myself reflecting on this one ‘Through the reflection of a Seer’… gaining far greater awareness of my own personal journey since writing it back in 2016. What an eye opener! and to depths I couldn’t possibly explain if I tried. Life is such a mysterious adventure… and to depths beyond one’s comprehension at times. The mysteries of the universe never fail to amaze.
Without going into the details and as we are all aware… everything we think, say and do… is energy in motion, creating ‘our’ future reality. Our fears… the catalyst of manifesting all that we do not want and all that we radiate through loving joyous vibes miraculously creates all that we desire.
Today I sit and ponder over this awareness to new depths of consciousness… in awe of what has been and in all, that is yet to come. I sit in awe of the magnificence of mankind and of ‘all life on earth, as creators’ of our own reality.
Everyone and everything is energy… energy in motion, creating one’s reality… as an individual and as a collective… creating ‘Our Reality’ here on earth and I ask myself;
What reality is your current energy today, creating for the future world?
And I remind myself…
Vulnerability is only feared by those who do not know the true meaning of love and vulnerability is only to ‘be’ feared by those who do not know the true power of love.
Surrender all fear of vulnerability… to know and to experience the true impact of love, and…
For the future success of our planet depends on it!
Love & Blessings
Nadine X
©Nadine Head 2020