Monthly Archives: September 2020
Feeling the Discomfort Within

If you have been feeling a imbalanced uncomfortable feeling within, feeling more tired or drained of energy, feeling more sensitive or emotional or perhaps you have been feeling unsettled within your own skin in some other way or perhaps you feel like you have taking ten steps backwards or maybe you are unable to see clearly the path ahead or even like something or someone is holding you back or fighting against you in some way… do not despair, for you are being prepared to take action towards alignment.
These symptoms are simply your body, mind and spirit reacting to your lack of action and are intended to guide you towards a new and improved way of being from within and towards alignment with your soul’s path and divine service.
Sometimes we need to sit with the discomfort of our own self-dishonouring, before we can see a way forward or are able to push past the current forces holding us back from within, you see your life is not falling apart and there are no external forces holding you back, you see… if you are experiencing these types of discomfort, you are the one who has actually been holding yourself back through your own resistance to take action in alignment with your own truth and any guidance you have been receiving from the Universe over the last period of time… resulting in a time of uncertainty and discomfort within your very own being… intended for you to realise the error of your ways and to rise to become a better version of yourself.
Try not to let this overwhelmed you, this is a time of soulful evolution and we are all being effect by this process at this time to some degree, take comfort in this knowledge and know that you are not alone, we are all being call forward through this process in one way or another.
Know that this is a divinely timed process and that now is a time for relaxation, reflection and revitalisation, by following any intuitive guidance, idea’s and inspirations that you may be receiving to improve your own inner health and wellbeing… improving your way of being in the world with renewed vitality… creating realignment of your soul’s path… discovering and delivering your divine service.
Any resistance to this process simply results in more discomfort and in the worst case scenario, will most certainly cause illness. When we resist taking time for ourselves in stillness and renewal of our energies and resist divinely guided pathways within our day to day lives, we in turn create disharmony within, experiencing discomfort… intended to create a deeper sense of awareness of what needs to change from within for healing, growth and expansion in the future.
By honouring one’s-self through self-love we create more vitality of life, the more we honour ourselves the more vitality of life we regain and the greater our experiences in life will become.
Life is meant to be lived…
Life is for the living!
Living restores Life… to all life… and the circle of life continues.
Bring yourself back to life, restoring vitality of life… for all life!
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Channelled Workings of Higher Intelligence
© Nadine Head 2020
Rise Up! In truth & Integrity You Are Protected But Know This…

I will not forsake you – The Universe.
In truth and integrity you are protected but know this…
You are here on earth to reclaim your divinity as a divine being of the Universe… through your human experience… as mankind transitions from ego to love and light.
Spiritual beings, light workers and leaders, you must rise… do not be fooled in thinking that the Universe will save you from what is happening on the planet at this time, It is not serving you, to miraculously solve all of your problems, it is however serving you to assist your ascension as you/mankind rise to reclaim your divinity in which was denied you during your state of ego. The divine living system asks that you rise to meet and stand together against the desecration of the world, to take back your birthright. Do not be fooled by the falsehood of spirituality on your planet, but rise to awaken to the knowing, of whom you really are as a soul being and why you are in service to humility… you are here to reclaim your divinity – The Universe.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting disconnection or war here, I am simply a messenger of the divine and time is of the essence and therefore, will not sugar coat the current situation for your comfort, now is not the time to be comfortable! Know this… in these times, disconnection comes before connection and war comes before peace. We are in the middle of a clinical warfare… the disconnected vs the connected… a spiritual war. Our fight for unity… for Oneness is upon us, unity and connection unites all life in Oneness, the full re-reinstatement of Oneness isn’t just going to miraculously appear out of thin air… although it has the potential to do so, with your help!
The Universe requires you to reclaim your divinity and in doing so you must make a stand for your rights… for right action. The Divine living system has been and is asking you to rise… to stand up and prove yourself worthy of your place within the divine living system as a divine being, taking back your power and to take back your birthright, you are here now at this time in your life to do so… this is the appropriate action the take. Through right action… actioning your truth and reclaiming your divinity… and through claiming and delivering your ‘divine service’ you will reclaim your position and help heal the world.
With truth and integrity take your position within the divine living system and take back your planet, for the greater good of all life on earth and throughout the entire galaxy. Take a stand… fight for your life and for all life forms on earth, speak out and stand up for yourselves and for each other, and for all life forms on earth and throughout the entire Universe and do so with truth and integrity. Your faith will guide you and sustain you at this time, but it can only help save the world through right action… take a stand and rise up.
The Universe has your back but it is not going to do all the work for you, you are required to awaken to your souls truth and to reclaim what is yours and what is mine and ours in oneness. First comes a battle… a spiritual war, through clinical warfare and the people must rise up and when they do, they can do so knowing that they are protected.
Rise Up and protect your rights. Pray with love in your heart, release any sadness, release any stress and worry, move forward without fear! Be of service. Focus on what you want for each other and for the world, not on what you fear. Rise to meet yourself and rise to meet the spiritual war against all of humanity. This war will be won… by those who rise to meet this challenge, reclaiming their position as a divine being of the Universe.
Do not fool yourself in thinking that you can simply stay in your own little bubble of protection and all will be taken care of, war has been thrust upon you, upon the people for your highest good and you are required to rise in service of all that is divine. Stand up for what you believe in, to help transform the world through right action, the people must rise to reclaim their position as a divine being within the Universe.
Rise and fight the battle of your life… to shift this world into a better way of being in oneness… creating and solidifying the New Earth for future generations and for all life forms on earth. The people have the power to transform this planet and bring it back to life… rise and bring your-self back to life!
This is why you are here on earth at this time; this… is… your… mission.
Through truth and integrity with ease and grace we rise.
I will not forsake you – The Universe.
Works of Higher Intelligence
Channelled by Nadine Head
Integrity – the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Similar: Honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honour, honourableness, upstandingness, good character, principle(s) ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, nobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness, the state of being whole and undivided.
“Upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty”
Similar: unity, unification, wholeness, coherence, cohesion.
© Nadine Head 2020