Monthly Archives: November 2020
The Great Awakening – Help Heal Planet Earth

It’s a long one, but it’s a good one!
For deeper insight and more clarity please read till the end.
I am hearing so many people talking about using visualisation and channelling energy practices to help heal and raise the vibration of the planet at this time, by sending out love and light to the world through visualisation and through channelled healing energy. Please hear me when I say this, while this has some merit there is a far more effective way to do this, however it requires appropriate action.
Let me explain, our planet as a collective is in the middle of a huge transformation, an awakening process, awakening to our ‘soul’s truth’ in the 5D and leaving behind our ‘ego truth’ in 3D. You might have heard this transformation being referred to as the dark knight of the soul or ‘ego death’ this process is having an effect on all of mankind as we transition from ego to love and light for the purpose of human evolution and ultimately in Oneness.
Visualisation alongside ‘channelled energy’ practices are both ‘three dimensional’ spiritual practices, both of which still have merit as we are still transitioning from one state of being, in 3D to a new and improved way of being in 5D and above. As previously stated, I am not saying that these techniques do not have merit, they do! Now please bear with me for this is a message you don’t want to miss!
Three Dimensional Practices of visualisation and ‘Channelling Healing Energies’ crystals etc. are far less effective than the Fifth Dimensional practice of embodiment. Visualisation as well as ‘Channelled Healing Energies’ are within the realms and the practice of external energy, this means that these energies are separate from us. When we practice these techniques in our current time… we are assisting this transformation however for mankind to evolve in the energy of oneness, we are required to release any 3D practices, discovering and embracing a new and improved way of being in oneness. To do this, we must learn to live our souls truth from within. Resisting this process only holds us back from completing this amazing transformation and therefore one will continuing to come up against resistance and blockages within one’s own life and towards achieving the full reinstatement of Oneness. This makes a lot more scenes when one truly understands the energy system of oneness, in its past, present and future state and what it means to the future success of all life on earth and throughout the entire Universe.
By continuing to use 3D spiritual techniques mankind are essentially prolonging this transformation and prolonging mankind’s evolution in Oneness. How can this be you might ask, it is quite simple, these external techniques and channelled energies where gifted to mankind to assist our souls journey through the ‘state of ego’ and to get us to this point… to the reinstatement of the Energy of Oneness, this is now in place to some degree, however to reach the full reinstatement of oneness mankind must undergo a process in which we must release one way of being in order to embrace another and as we awaken to more of our souls truth within this process we will all in time awaken to this knowing.
This brings new meaning to the phrase… All that is external from us keeps us separated and all that is within us connects us. Visualisation and channelled healing energy techniques will now evidently prove to be holding us back from evolving in oneness as they are not a part of us, but are in actual fact separate from us and as we release these energies they too will be transformed.
Oneness is an energy that is a part of you and channelled energy of any kind is separate from you. Visualisation as we understand it today and Channelled Healing Energies are a completely different ‘Energy System’ to the Energy of Oneness. What this means is that the old ‘energy system’ must be released in order for mankind to fully move into the new ‘energy system’ of oneness. Mankind’s resistance to create this shift from within, ultimately divide and hold mankind back from evolving in oneness sooner rather than later, thus having a prolonged and devastating effect on mankind’s journey moving forward and to ‘All Life’ on earth and throughout the entire universe as one.
What this means is that while ever mankind continue to using 3D visualisation and healing practices we are adding to the division of the human race in oneness with the ‘Divine Living System’ This may be difficult to understand at this time, however this process is now in action and will become increasingly evident within our day to day lives as we discover what is working for us and what is not. If it isn’t keeping you in Oneness, then it is not serving you in Oneness at any given time as we move forward. You will see this in your own life. If we are thriving in our life then we are in alignment with our souls path through our ‘way of being’ and if we are not thriving in our life then we are not in alignment with this way of being in oneness…keeping us stuck, this experience is intended to show you the way forward… our own actions create a way of life that allow us to either survive or to thrive, depending on our actions.
As I said this is a transformative process that we are all experiencing and it is entirely up to us as individuals as to how quickly we do or do not move through this process, for ourselves and for the greater good of All Life. The sooner we release the old energy system and learn to embrace the new energy system, the soon we will heal our own lives and the sooner we will heal the world.
The 5th Dimensional energy of embodiment is an internal process, one that allows an individual to heal, grow and expand… thriving in life and connected in Oneness with ALL LIFE on earth and throughout the entire galaxy, in oneness mankind can have a far greater effect on the planets healing process, by living a ‘way of being’ from within and through the ripple effect, of living in that frequency.
The Healing Energy of Oneness is an energy that resides within you and can be accessed for self-healing and expansion purposes… like no other before it and if used correctly.
This message from source is strong and clear, mankind must release external energy practices, go within, embody love and light and by doing so, will be helping to heal the world and raise the frequency of the planet, creating significant change within and for ‘All Life’ on Earth and throughout the entire galaxy… creating the New Earth, reinstating more of the energy of oneness.
At this time, rather than visualising & sending out love & light to the world for healing, I encourage you to simply embody the light… be love… within every part of your being. The light is within you and when you live your truth with integrity, you emit a frequency that raises the vibration of the planet to great heights, far greater and faster than anything that is external from you.
To have awakened to more awareness, knowledge and belief of Oneness is simply that, Oneness is not awareness, knowledge or believes. Oneness is embodiment of what it represents… that of connection, love and light.
Mankind have a long way to go before we have fully embodied Oneness, but by releasing three dimensional practices and embracing five dimensional practices mankind are capable of creating significant changes within the world, healing planet earth and actively assisting The Great Awakening… reinstating peace, balance and harmony throughout the world and throughout the entire galaxy.
Be the light, be love, and be…Oneness.
Information Events and Activation Workshops – Drop me a line if you would like to know how you can find out more about this way of being, the Energy of Oneness, Twin Souls in Oneness and how you can access the ‘Healing Energy’ of Oneness from within for greater self-healing, personal growth and expansion, in alignment with your divine counterpart, life purpose and full potential… creating all that you desire through and within the new and improved energy system of oneness.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many Blessings
Nadine x
Channelling Works of Higher Intelligence, Bring Greater Awareness.
© 2020
A New Way of Being

To my dear spiritual friends, please do not be blinded by the light, there is a false belief within our earthly spiritual faith that the universe, the light… will miraculously save us from all that is unsavoury in the world we live in. I am here to deliver a message from source, that the light is here to guide us to a safe place, not to miraculously safe us. The message is clear… it is simply not enough to vibrate high within oneself, we must vibrate into alignment. We must come together as one through a new and improved way of being… creating our realignment to oneness.
Source energy wants to assure you that the divine has your back, but you are required to take action, to stand up and ‘live your truth’ with integrity, to stand up for your rights at this time and by doing so… reclaiming your rightful place within the divine living system, reclaiming your true divinity. This divine truth is within you, it is within all of us. Open your heart to receive this ‘divine truth’ and with ‘divine guidance’ take right action with and by ‘divine grace’ before history repeats itself. The world as you know it is falling away and a new world is emerging, what you do now through your action or inaction will determine what the new world will look like.
We are being gifted an opportunity to rise as the soul beings that we are and to evolve… to reclaim our rightful place within the ‘divine system of oneness’ here on earth and throughout the entire galaxy, reclaiming our true divinity. We are all here now, at this time to be a part of the great wakening, consciously shifting from one state of being to another, from the state of ego to love and light, to heal ourselves and our planet, putting an end to all of our generational karmic cycles and to end the ‘ego war’ once and for all, but in order to achieve this, right action is required from us right now, a new way of being is emerging… assisting this process.
We/You are here now to create great change, do not be blinded by the light, by false beliefs. The light will guide you and protect you but it will not miraculously save you… that is your job… you are here now to be your own saviour and to save our planet, to earn back and reclaim your rightful place within the ‘divine living system’ so that we can all thrive… as one. United in the light we will rise to greatness.
You are the light, you are a force to be reckoned with… it is time to stand in your true power and create change… towards oneness. Now is the time, NOW IS THE FUTURE.
The light that shines within you shines within us all; when we realign within that light source and unite together as one… we rise together in oneness, creating a new earth.
Rise Up and Take Back Your/Our Freedom… reclaim your divinity and your rightful place within the divine living system. This is our divine purpose as a collective here and now. This is your time to rise up and be the light. There is no time to waist, we must act now!
YOUR realignment to self and to source energy in oneness will bring forth a guiding light, shining the light on the path forward. It is now time to ‘live your truth’ to ‘stand up for your rights’ to ‘take back your power’ and to end the war within you and within the world we live in. Now is the time, now is the future. Take action and rise to the occasion, this is your mission here on earth. It is your time to rise in oneness and to be a saviour for us all.
Know this; if we do nothing… it is our fault. If nothing more, history tells us this.
Channelled information events and alignment workshops are available; ask me how you can align with this new and improved way of being… helping to create a better world for ourselves and for future generations to come. No previous knowledge or experience needed.
Informative topics on the table: Oneness – The Healing Energy of Oneness – Activation of the Healing Energy of Oneness – Twin Souls in Oneness, and beyond. What all of this means and what it brings to the table and how it can change your life and the world we all live in, rising to true greatness.
The Healing Energy Of Oneness Activation Workshop Now Available.
Works of Higher Intelligence.
Channelled Blog Posts by Nadine Head
© Nadine Head 2020