Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: February 2022

Integral Communication Vs Unfiltered Communication

Integrity – The quality of being honest (Truth) and having strong moral principles (Integrity) – The state of being whole and undivided. Both of which derive from a loving space, from within our heart centre…of truth.

When we break it down, Truth with Integrity, means to say and do… with love.

Truth well-balanced with integrity, results in greater peace, balance and harmony, within and without.

Unfiltered communication, lacks integrity, and therefore results in an imbalance of energy, within, and without… thus creating disharmony, destruction and eventually, disease. Imbalance creates dis-ease.

Speaking and living your truth with integrity, creates a more balance, inner health and wellbeing, connection with others, and with the world, As One. Practice speaking and actioning your truth, with integrity… transforming your inner and outer world, for the better.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2022

What ‘THEY’ don’t want you to know about Connection.

Let’s talk about connection to self, and how it has a significant effect on the world as a whole.

When we block out all distractions and come back to self, remain centred and connected to self, through self-awareness in body, mind and spirit, we regain inner strength, and a stronger sense of self, and as a result, our Life Force Energy increases, and with that, comes the powers of self-healing…to love and to live greater.

What ‘They’ don’t want you to know, is that when we increase our Life Force Energy, we become more connected to the greater whole, to all that is Divine, here on Earth, and throughout the entire Universe. We become connected ‘As One’ and this is where true magic, comes to life… with the creation of heaven on Earth.  

‘Their’ plan is to create division… creating disconnection… destroying all that is Divine. Why would they want to do that, you might ask…because good destroys evil, and evil wants to win!

Not all who walk the Earth are Divine, many have fallen from grace, and now worship evil. Connection and disconnection, is and always has been the War between good and evil.

Block out external distractions. Return to self, remain centred, and connected… to self, to others and to all that is Divine…In Light of Oneness! ♥

© Nadine Head 2022 – Oneness Advocate & Educator.

Nature Is Accentuating All Truths for Your Discernment

If you understand Natural Law, you will see truth everywhere. No other form of communication or action is needed, except to…’Pay close Attention’.

All truths are now being accentuated, by nature’s law, for your discernment. Nature is stepping in to show you, what you may not have previously been able to see, what needs changing, and what is to come. These signs and or messages, may show up in various ways, through illness, through tension, through incident or accident… revealing hidden truths, within oneself, within others, and within the world as a whole, or they may show up as messages via ‘nature’s way’ through spontaneous, and outstanding connections with nature, and all living creatures themselves.

Pay close Attention, to that which is At-tension and or requires your attention, and trust whatever truths, nature is revealing to you.

By Natural Law, that which is At-tension shows us, that which is out-of-balance with ‘Nature’s Way’ by way of Natural Law.

Where there is imbalance, there is injustice, within and without. That, which is imbalanced within one’s external world, represents imbalance within their internal world and vice versa.

Go within and address all imbalances within the body, mind and spirit… realigning your body, mind and spirit with your soul’s truth… where all inner truths are in equilibrium with the Laws of Nature, for your highest good, and the greater good of all that is Divine, within the Natural Laws of Oneness.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings – Let there be Peace x

© Nadine Head 2022 – Oneness Advocate & Educator.

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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