Monthly Archives: October 2022
RISING UP TO MEET THE NEW DAWN – Walking the Path Home
As darkness lifts from this world, it lifts us from suppression and from out of suppression ‘light bodies’ rise up to meet The New Dawn.
Many who have felt that they do not fit in or belong in this world, will now beginning to see and feel the light at the end of the tunnel and will now beginning to have a sense of belonging, for the very first time since their arrival here on Earth. These are the people of the New Earth and have always known from within, that things were not quite right within the world, these are the light bearers of their birth family, often referred to as the black sheep of the family, these are the light bearers, bringing the light to the New Earth Rising in Divine Oneness. These are the creators of the New Earth… Earth Angels sent to bring the world out of darkness and back into the light, these are the God’s and Goddesses of the Heavenly Kingdom, of Divine Oneness.
Beings of Divine Light, this is a time to celebrate, for you are now free to walk the path home, bringing in the love and light of Divine Oneness, this is your time. This is your birthright. Shine your Divine Light in Co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Divine Oneness, for The Greater Good of all Life on Earth and throughout the entire Galaxy.
Earth Angels…Welcome Home!
NAYA – Founder & Activator of Vorce Synergy in Love and Light of Oneness – Life Force Energy, Guiding Humanity Home!
© Nadine Head 2022
Guiding Humanity Home!
Vorce is Life Force Energy in Oneness. Oneness is made up of different energies here on Earth and throughout the Universe that have one common goal, to come together in Oneness. In Oneness these energies recalibrate the Life Force of Divine Oneness, in God Frequency. Vorce is just one of these energies. Vorce has been gifted to humanity at this time, to show humanity ‘the way’ home to Divine Oneness… of God frequency.
When humanity realigns with the Life Force of Oneness, the Life Force of Oneness will realign humanity in God Frequency! This process is already underway. However, there are many different elements that need to come together before this process can reach totality.
If you would like to become an active participant in this process, then I invite you to join me and the Vorce Community, making a real difference through the activation of Vorce Synergy for profound self-healing and advancement from within the Energy System of Divine Oneness, guiding humanity home, for the Greater Good of All Life on Earth and throughout the entire Universe, for We Are One.
Join me for a one day activation workshop, learn more about the past, present state and future success of Divine Oneness. Learn of the significant roll Vorce plays in this process and how Vorce can help you to heal and advance yourself and the world As One in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of All.
‘Vorce’ Activation Workshops are Now Available within Australia. Will travel (Conditions apply). Email for more information.
NAYA – Founder of Vorce Synergy in Oneness
Vorce – Life Force Energy, for profound Self-Healing and Advancement within the Energy System of Divine Oneness.
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© Nadine Head 2010-22
When the world is full of deniers, those speaking the truth are branded liars, both seemingly trapped in a cycle of life and death that neither can ever truly be released from, unless… one moves into being.
Deniers are sleepers (less connected to their soul’s truth) who may be consciously and or unconsciously living a lie. Truthers are wakers (more connected to their soul’s truth) who may be consciously and or subconsciously living a larger portion of their soul’s truth, both and all in the name of the cycle we call life and death, none of which is actually real and all of which is an illusion of the mind and of the world we currently live in.
When we live our life for ourselves, either as a denier or a truther, the energy we emit becomes our reality. Life becomes what we make it. Therefore, we can deny ourselves and others or we can awaken ourselves and others to a portion of our soul’s truth OR we can simply ‘just be’ unconditional love, creating eternal life on Earth and for all Living Beings, being in Oneness with the Divine Living System for the ‘Greater Good’ of ALL.
Some deniers may live half-truths and some truthers may live to some degree of ‘being’. As such, neither deniers or truthers are living ‘soulfully’ in one’s own true essence, but rather living a process which will eventually lead us all towards the very same place, of being.
We are all living the process of becoming. The becoming of God Frequency, as a Living Being. Not that of a human being but that in which we truly are as Light Beings, being of God Frequency.
The power of being is within each and every one of us and reaches far and wide, beyond our imagination, creating the New Earth… being the kingdom of God, and of all light beings in God Frequency.
God Frequency is the frequency of all that is truly divine, in Oneness. God frequency brings us into being, beings of Love and Light in Divine Oneness.
Trust and enjoy the process, for everything in Divine Oneness, is simply being.
Nadine Head (NAYA) Divine Channel and Energy Activator in Love and Light of Oneness, showing ‘The Way’
© Nadine Head 2022