Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: March 2023


Words invoke action. Open your awareness to the hidden and deceptive ways words are being used to invoke the opposite to what we the people actually want for ourselves and for the rest of humanity.

I would like to give you an example of how words are being used against humanity, in hope that you may see it for yourself – e.g. The word illuminati derives from the word illuminate, without this knowing, many across the world have recently been asked to join together in Meditation-Prayer in Rejection of the Illuminati, and this would in fact be a meditation/prayer to reject illumination for all of humanity.

Words hold great power and have been used in a ways to trick humanity; words have been used against humanity by the powers that be for as long as they have held any power. The frequency that we naturally invoke around the world illuminati is similar to the energy we invoke around the word illuminate, regardless of the evil attached to it. Don’t be fooled by this, you can try this out for yourself and if that fails to invoke the truth, then I ask you to remember who you are.

I ask you to remember who you are as a soul being and tap into your higher knowing for greater truth, before accepting any falsehood that we have all been subjected to. Don’t allow yourself to be tricked by this evil in the world any more. Live from your soul’s truth and encourage others to do the same, for we are ultimately all in this together. The truth is within you, tap in!

I encourage you to go within and ask yourself to be enlightened with divine truth, before accepting anything anyone else says, even if they appear to be in support of humanities salvation, for not all proclaimed light bringers are fully aware our the divine truth. Be spiritually discerning and live for greater truths to be revealed to you through the higher power of all that is truly divine. Watch for hidden truths in the words you use, for they are right there in front of your very own eyes and we are all being asked to open them for greater spiritual enlightenment.

While prayer is powerful, true power comes through the embodiment of all that is truly divine. Use this power to invoke greater spiritual awakening, in love and light of Divine Oneness and let go of all the rest.

~ NAYA ~

© Nadine Head 2023

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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