Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: January 2024


Your journey to healing is about returning to your soul’s truth and is referred to as soul healing.

Your journey to serenity is about restoring your enlightenment and is referred to as awakening.

Your journey to personal power is about shinning bright in the flow of LIFE and is referred to as LIVING from within.

Your journey to emergence is about shinning bright on your path of divine awareness and is referred to as your God Creator Power to manifest your reality.

You are awakening to your God Creator abilities to manifest your reality. Let Go of all distraction and remember who you are and why you came, and the journey will come to you with greater ease and with grace.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Healing – Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2024


Understand and inner-stand, that you are of God Frequency. God Frequency is within you and within all living things on Earth and you Are One. Tap into your inner standing of this and to gain access to the power and potential of your biological technology. The best way to understand this is to know that you are intrinsic to Gods Biological Technology.

God’s technology is biological, Satins technology is not. God’s technology gives humanity the power and authority to co-create the New Earth for optimal health and wellbeing, in Love and Light of Oneness. Satins technology is designed and powered to disempower humanity, to prevent natural health and wellbeing, potentially preventing The Rising of the New Earth, and to ultimately hurt, harm and destroy All Living Things on Earth.

The Living Earth is Gods Temple of Divine Love and thrives under the power of Divine Truth, and in which is intrinsic to the sustainability of Gods Biological Technology in all of its Divinity, and You Are an intricate and intertwined part of Gods Biological Technology and in a sense you are God’s Technology. God’s temple ultimately offers immortality for ones highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL. The church is Satan’s temple and thrives under the power of illusionment and in which governs over and above all others, destroying ones immortality and in which ultimately aims to destroy, Gods Biological Technology.

God’s temple offers optimal health and wellbeing via natural forces. Satins temple offers the illusion that one can obtain health and wellbeing through unnatural forces, under ‘The System’ ‘The Matrix’ – an illusive world build on lies and corruption, dictatorship, governance, false gods and an ill health system, which prevents humanity from acknowledging and knowing the true power of God’s Biological Technology within one’s own self, to heal oneself, to thrive and to Co-creator ‘The New Earth’ in Love and Light of Oneness, for one’s highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

In this way, Gods technology is natural, pure and true, satins is not and these two opposing forces are at war, and you are the deciding factor, for the technology you choose each and every today has far reaching effects, which will ultimately determine the outcome.  

Ask yourself honestly and truthfully, whose technology are you supporting and representing in your day to day life, God’s or Satan’s? Because in the end, the technology YOU choose today, will determine the outcome of all of OUR tomorrows in this war between the natural and the unnatural, the organic and the inorganic, between the living and the non-living, between Gods Technology and Satan’s, and now I ask you this, which technology have you really chosen, and is it a true representation of your Souls Truth and with this understanding, how will you now represent and implement your biological technology in your life today and in all of your tomorrows?  

Are you remaining true to your biological technology, your soul’s truth which sustains all life or are you playing both sides to appease oneself interest or that of another, instead of taking into consideration the bigger picture and the true meaning and reason for you very existence?  If so, where can you make changes in your life to align your thoughts, spoken words and actions with your biological technology, to create the change you wish to see in the world, for your highest good and for the Greater Good?  

All you need to do in order to create real change is to remember, that Gods technology is biological, natural, pure and true, Satan’s is not, and put your biological powers into practice each and every day, by choosing the technology that you wish to embody and empower for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL, creating the change you wish to see in the world, for one and for ALL.

You have and hold the divine power and the technology within you to revive all Life on Earth. All you have to do is to put it into practice. Your actions and or lack of, will ultimately determine the outcome. Each time you choose worldly technologies, outside of your biological technology, you are ultimately choosing to play a part in your own demise and in the total destruction of all Life on Earth.

Each time you are faced with the decision to choose God’s Technology or Satin’s, stop for a moment and consider the consequences of your choices and choose Truth over Illusion, choosing Life over Death, for Satan’s power over you lies in any and all temptation and ultimately leads to your demise. That which is not of God’s Technology is of Satan’s.   

If nothing else, remember this – Gods Technology is Biological, natural, pure and true. Satan’s is not, and in this knowing is where you’ll always find and understand the difference, after that the choice is entirely yours and in which case, may you choose wisely for you hold within you the power to create New Life and the New Earth or to play a part in the total destruction of All Life on Earth. Life is not a game, it is a real life battle between good and evil and the choices you make determine the final outcome, and it’s never too late to rise up and to make a real difference.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce – A Light Force of God Frequency, guiding humanity home to Oneness.  

Vorce Activations are available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply – Don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel drawn to receive this powerful Activation for self-healing and a life changing transformation in love and light of Divine Oneness for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

© Nadine Head 2024


You have a God Power within you. Awaken your God Creator Powers, to break free from the matrix and to rise in the power of God Frequency.

You did not come to Earth to work, eat, sleep and pay taxes, you were born of Christ Consciousness and you were sent here at this time to break the matrix, to revive and reinstate the true Divine Power of Christ Consciousness within you and within all living things on Earth, As One.

Awaken the God Creator Power within you, and may everything you say and do, be said and done with love, for the true power of Divine Love Is the Power of Christ Consciousness, the God Creator within. Christ Consciousness is the Power of Love and the Power of Love is the Power to Create.

Raise and hold faith in yourself and in your ability to break free from the matrix and to activate your immortality, by activating the God Consciousness within you, becoming a co-creator of the New Earth in and of God Consciousness, in God Frequency.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness – Founder of Vorce Synergy, for Self-Healing & Transformation in Oneness of God Frequency – The Vorce Activation Seminar is now available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Ignorance is a form of immorality that has enslaved humanity. Humanity has been enslaved through the indoctrinated ignorance of immorality, for in our natural state of being divine, we are naturally and instinctively a moral people. Morality naturally brings order to the world for all to enjoy and to thrive.

The answer to all of your questions and worldly problems is morality. The changes you seek in your life and in the world as a greater whole can only be found through morality. The peace, balance, harmony and love you crave can and will only be found through morality.  When humanity returns to being a moral people, the world will thrive once more.

No person is above or beneath morality. No person is greater than another. No person is greater than you, unless you deem them to be someone or something greater than you are. To deem someone or something greater than you is to indoctrinate slavery upon one’s yourself, and slavery is immoral.

We all come into and leave this world in the same way, we are all equal. What makes us anything less than equal is our ignorance to slavery.

Through morality humanity can and will restore freedom. Through morality humanity will regain free-will, reclaiming divine-will and freedom for all. Through morality humanity will reinstate Divine Oneness, for Oneness can only be achieved through upholding Natural Law and morality upholds Natural Law.   

Morality = Life. Immorality = Death.

Morality is Natural Law, immorality is not.

Natural Law, Gods Law is in Love and Light of Divine Oneness, for and of All That Is in God Frequency.

Divine Oneness cannot be achieved without humanity first returning to a moral society and that can only start from within each and every one of us.

The morality you seek in God Frequency, starts within you, heal your morality and let that be the ripple effect humanity needs to create change.

Be the Change, welcoming in the New Earth in Divine Oneness of God Frequency.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Do you!?

I am asking you, do you know who I Am? I’m not asking you if you have met me, I’m not asking if you have heard of me, I’m not even asking if you know me in person. I’m asking you, do you recognise my soul, do you know my spirit and if not, then it’s time to get know yourself, because I am you and we Are One. We do not need to meet in person to know each other, heck we don’t even have to connect in any way shape or form. My energy radiates throughout the cosmos as does yours and it can be felt by ALL.

I ask you this, do you know who you are? Do you know your soul, your spirit, your purpose of existence? Do you know who We Are?

We are the heartbeat of the Living Earth, my spirit and your spirit is one in the same, we are the Spirit of Life. I ask you once again, do you know who I am, for I know you and together we are the Rising Spirit of the New Earth in God Frequency. 

We are the Light Source of God Frequency and in honour of this, I stand before you and say this, to know me is to know yourself, for to know yourself is to know me and all other Life Forms in God Frequency.

Do you know who I am!?

We Are the Rising Sun, Moon and Spirit of the Great Earth and Sea. We are the Divine Spirit of ALL Life and We Are Rising in God Frequency to know one and to know All, through the Great Divine Spirit of Life.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

A MESSAGE TO THE TRUE BELIEVERS – to the Pure Hearts & Spiritual Warriors!

Sacred Souls, as more and more threats to you and to the world as a greater whole are being dissolved at this time, your vitality and the vitality of the Living Earth is returning, taking you and the Natural World we live in to greater heights. Your patience and perseverance has been and will continue to be of great virtue. Sit back, relax and bask in the gradual return of your divine frequency, for you/we are living in a time of true greatness, never seen before and never to be experienced on Earth again.

All previous setbacks will now become a source of light, elevating and moving you and the Living Earth forward. No weapons formed against you will prosper but rather, you will rise above and beyond all weapons formed against you, as they too become a source of light. Your protection is unbreakable, your virtue unshakable, and you will rise and relish in your Divine Power for Evermore. This Is Your Time! Nothing and nobody can stop you. Live and let live, and all will be handled in due course by Divine Law with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing.

Regardless of appearances, nothing is missing nor out of place and everything is as divinely intended and new stories hold new value.

Open your awareness now, to the rising of the New Earth!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Here’s the scoop – If you are the so called black sheep of the family (the bringer of the light) and you have been operating in the 5D and have broken generational curses. (You will know if you have or not) Any prior karmic agreements/contracts are no longer valid.

Read that again… any prior karmic agreements/contracts are no longer valid!

Anything can happen and any previous preconceptions about what might happen have been dismissed. You are receiving or are about to receive confirmation of this in one way or another. If you are feeling this, I am speaking directly to you and I would like to be one of the first to Congratulate and Welcome You to the Kingdom of Light, all will be revealed in due course.

Many Blessing Lovelies ✨💛✨


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness – Founder of Vorce Synergy, Life Force Energy in Oneness of God Frequency. Activations are available within Australia. Will Travel, Conditions Apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Prepare to be amazed in 2024 where the New Earth will reveal itself as the real Light Source of All That Is.

Awakened and awakening souls, the world we live in is about to change in ways you could never have imagined. 2024 will be a year we will never forget.

Humanity is about to embark on a year of transformation and of great wonder with the rising of The New Earth, as more of humanity activates and rises in their God Frequency.

Come with me on this journey as we embark on a year of wonderful new discoveries and one that will be remember for and referred to as – The Resurrection of God Frequency.

2024 will be Life Changing for us all and for the World we all live in. I invite you to join me by subscribing to my free blog posts and by joining me on my social media platforms as we embark on the year 2024 with an open mind and an open heart and as humanity now begin to speak its Divine Will into reality with absolution and conviction, with great success.

Say good bye to the old world and say hello to the New Earth in 2024!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness and Founder of ‘Vorce’ the Universal Life Force guiding humanity home to Oneness. Vorce is a Universal Life Force Energy of The New Earth in God Frequency, Healing & Transforming Lives in Love & Light of Divine Oneness, guiding humanity home – Activations are now available in Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Some of you divine beings out there have been concerned about the haters, the copy-cats and spiritual thieves. Don’t concern yourself with these things, for in reality your haters are some of your greatest admirers and for both of you are receiving or are about to receive divine justice for the things they have done to you. You have to know that if others feel intimidated or threatened by you and feel the need to copy you and steal from you that you have something special that they want and in which case you are also divinely protected. So, let go and let God, with the knowing that the Universe is taking care of your enemies behind the scenes and they are powerless against your divine will and testament.

Now is a time to focus on yourself and your divine path. Nurture yourself; nurture your divine path and your divine blessings. When you stay true to you, trust your intuition and use your divine will and creativity, anything and everything is possible. It’s now time to speak your divine will into reality, with absolution and conviction.  

Trust the process, believe, hold faith in and give thanks to all of your divine helpers for you are being protected in miraculous ways. Leave the past behind you and focus on your future and the future of those you are here to bless with your divine grace.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


The Resurrection of God Frequency following Extraction – A beneficial and magnificent transformation is currently underway. Those of you who have been aware of what is going on in the world, know that it was necessary for the extraction process to take place in stages; we are now in the final stages of extraction, extracting some of the worst still left amongst us. This extraction is in action, taking place right now as we speak, amongst these are some of those, whom you have known and loved as some of the greatest entertainers in the world but have in reality, played a part in committing crimes against humanity and causing injustices to Earth.

This blog post is not about them so much as it is about the changes this now brings, so do not concern yourself with such matters but rather tap in and take notice of the transformation it has now activated within you and within the Natural world around you. If you stepped outside today you may have noticed that the world looks and or feels a little different and that’s because it is, and that’s because the Frequency of the Earth is rising, as darkness is extracted from it.

Nature is responding to the extraction of dark forces. Step outside and take a good look around, for the World around you is transforming through this process and this transformation can be translated through all of your senses as you absorb its frequency, all you have to do is to make the connection.  

Nature is responding to the change in Frequency of the Earth as the extraction takes place and as many divine beings now have the power to return to and activate their God Frequency and bear witness to the New Earth Rising into Being. Watch closely now, how Nature responds to these changes.

Nature knows what is happening and will now show signs of this. Look, listen and observe as we all now begin to witness the Rising of the New Earth right before our very own eyes, through the rising of Earths Frequency.  Listen to and observe the birds; they can sense the change and so can you… to be a conscious and active part of this process, listen, feel and connect through all of your senses, absorb and embody Nature, for in truth, you are Nature itself and you are Rising in Divine Oneness, with and as the Resurrection of God Frequency.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness. Founder of Vorce – A Life Force of God Frequency, guiding humanity home to Oneness. Activations are now available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2023

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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