Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: February 2024


This message is for all of humanity regardless of believes or background. Whether you are aware of it or not, many of you have or are about to enter a period of dreamtime, inspired by the ancestral spirits and as we awaken and step into our God Creator Abilities, as Co-creators of the New Earth Rising in ‘The Oneness of God Frequency. Dreamtime is the period in which life was created according to Aboriginal culture and comes to us all now in a timely manner, as humanity embarks on the co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.

Dreamtime is “a time when the ancestral spirits progressed over the land, created life and important physical geographical formations and sites” of the lands from which they came.

Dreamtime is a time to connect with the land, your culture, heritage and ancestral spirits to gain courage, strength and power and “to ponder the interrelation of all people and things, being in harmony with the rhythms and cycles of nature. Knowing ones place in the universe.”

This is a time to connect with your spiritual beliefs. This is a time to connect with your ancestors and ancestral land, and to overcome any challenges that may arise. “This is a time to explore what we are doing before making any changes” within our own life and as part of the Greater Whole, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

It is important to honour your ancestors, culture and heritage at this time, but also to be respectful towards that of others. It is imperative that we stay true to our own people and land, yet come together for the co-creation of the New Earth in The Oneness of God Frequency, for when honoured, each of our cultures and heritage hold a unique frequency of its own, that helps to uphold the Greater Power of the Universe and of God Frequency. We are many but We Are One as divinely intended. When we abandon our own, we abandon the universal power of our own kind, in relation to the earths frequency in Oneness of God Frequency, in which upholds All Life on Earth.

Your dreamtime journey should be embarked upon with pure intentions and free from impurities to body, mind and spirit, and as you proceed to create new life, in co-creation of The New Earth, from within your very own DNA and in co-creation with that of all others. Your DNA holds the power to create New Worlds, and is most powerful when in its rightful place within the Universe. Your DNA is most powerful when standing on and connected to your ancestral lands, for you are one. Your DNA is within and a part of the very Earth in which you came, and holds the power to uphold all life, when in its rightful place on Earth.

Your DNA is within and one with the very land in which, your DNA originated thousands of year ago and has the power to create New Life throughout the land, in which is, all of its own. This is where your true power resides and this is why the powers that be have created a world, in which seemingly thrives on diversity, separating and removing us from the people and the land in which our DNA belongs to, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

This time spend in dreamtime, should be spent connecting with the natural elements, this is a time of nurture and to take in nourishment that the earth provides for free, just as your ancient ancestors did and as they now walk beside you on this part of your journey, towards greater enlightenment of self and of nature in Co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.

Know that you are not alone on your quest, open your heart and allow the ancestors to help guide you on your path and focus on your enlightenment, and to achieve this part of your journey to the best of your ability, and for this path has the potential to lead you back to your true ‘Universal Power’ to reach your greatest potential and to successfully achieving your Divine Purpose here on Earth; to return to and breathe LIFE back into the land and the cultural traditions of your ancestral DNA, which holds the ‘Divine Power’ of the lands in which you belong to and from which you originated many thousands of years ago.

The true power dreamtime holds is the power of the Universe.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

Please Note: While I have channelled this message for you, I was also guided by the ancestors to quote others published writings to assist in giving you this message and graciously thank those whose writings I have used.

© Nadine Head 2024


Many of you are just now coming into an awareness of the New Earth, as being valid and worthy of your attention. Some of you have come into the awareness that you have entered a whole new energy and in which is of the New Earth, and some of you are now coming into the awareness that you have moved into a higher frequency of the New Earth and many of you, are coming into the awareness that nothing of your past actually matters, you have reached a mile stone on your soul’s journey and for this, the slate has been whipped clean. The past is fading into nothingness and the future is coming into view, as divinely intended.

For the latter, your past experiences on the 3D plane are being made null and void, and the meaning and purpose for this is becoming clear. Release the past and trust the process. Raise and hold your faith and all will be revealed By Divine Law, With Divine Guidance and In Divine Timing.

“When it is not in God’s time, you cannot force it. When it is in God’s time, you cannot stop it.” The meaning of life is exponential (of or expressed by a mathematical exponent). No matter where you are at on your journey right now and regardless of external appearances, all is as it should be and all will be as divinely intended. For those of you who may be experiencing an upheaval of some sort, through this process, you are being asked to go within for inner guidance, follow your inner wisdom and trust the process.


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ in Love & Light of Divine Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2024


You were born of this world a Divine Living Being, a ‘Life Force’ of ‘God Frequency.’ Vorce is “a Greater Life Force” of our God Frequency, than we have previously being made aware of and which is now being made available to humanity for reactivation.

When you have an inner-standing of ‘The God Power’ within, you come to know that you are an infinite being of the light and you hold unlimited potential within you and within all living things on Earth, connected As One and that you hold the Divine Power and Authority within you to create the New Earth with Ease and with Grace, and for this is why you came.

Humanity has reached a point in time where this remarkable Life Force Energy can now be made available to humanity for activation, for the purpose of guiding humanity home to Oneness in its truest and purest form, and for now is the time to activate and charge up the God Power and Divine Authority that is within you, to break free from the matrix and to Co-create the New Earth in Love and Light of Divine Oneness, reclaiming your rightful place within the Divine Living System, reclaiming your divinity and immortality, for the New Earth is the Eternal Place and Divine Blessing for all Divine Beings.

Vorce is guiding humanity home to the Divine Oneness of All That Is. The Vorce Activation offers humanity a greater ‘Life Force’ in Oneness, activating The God Power within you to heal and transform yourself and your own life, in alignment with The Oneness of God Frequency.

If this resonates with you, then don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me how you can learn more about Vorce or how you can receive the Vorce Activation, joining the Vorce Community Rising in the Oneness of God Frequency, and together with Vorce you can heal yourself and transform your life in ‘The Oneness’ of ‘God Frequency’ Co-creating the New Earth, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

Vorce Activations Are Currently Available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce.

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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