Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: June 2024


If you’ve been paying attention from both within and without, you would have to know by now, that we are not the only intelligent species living here on Earth and many hidden truths, lies and secrets will be revealed more publicly in the distant and not so distant future in regard to this.

Of course, as with everything else in the world, you cannot believe everything you see or hear and the truth is not always pleasant but do be sure to stay tuned in and tapped in.

Know that there is nothing to fear but life on Earth could be about to get a lot more interesting, in regards to this very interesting revelation in the years to come and I’ve got good reason to believe that something very special is being prepared for humanity in regards to this and as with everything, time will reveal all.


Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Some of you beautiful 😇 are about to receive your 🪽

Are you ready to fly!?

The energy coming in over the next few months:

💫 Sudden & Unexpected Changes or New (Blessings)

💫 Breakthroughs, Down Loads & Up Grades

💫 Personal Freedom & Transformation

💫 New Beginnings & Fast Moving Action

💫 Answered Prayers & Divine Blessings

💫 Greater Acceptance & Flow, Ease & Grace

💫 A Greater Depth of Awareness, Innerstanding & Understanding

💫 New Earth Emergence

Now is not the time to be too complacent or too comfortable in current surroundings or circumstances. Prepare for lift-off and get ready to fly!

Well Done and Congratulations! 🎉 🥂 🎉

This message will not pertain to everyone, take it how it fits and keep up the good work, your time is coming! ✨ 🦋 ✨

Love & Blessings


Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


A major shift is about to take place, revealing divine truth, lies and justice, activating a greater spiritual awareness and protection. Power shifts are likely to take place simultaneously on the 3rd and 5th dimensional planes at this time.

June 5th, 7th, 18th and 21st will be a significant time line with greater changes taking place behind the scenes, both on the 3rd and 5th dimensions and in which may be brought to the world’s attention. Any endings that may take place in your life and or in the world during this time are divinely intended to create new beginnings. Acceptance will allow for a greater and more powerful transformation.

Allow time for connection to and reflection of self and of the world we all live in. Allow time for grounding, for stillness and for gentleness. Move with the flow, moving with ease and with grace. Positive changes will follow on a personal and worldly level.  

The month of June brings great change within the world, whether you become aware of it or not, change for the better is here and now. The world as we have known it is no longer and the New Earth is coming into view with a much clearer and greater perspective. Humanity will now lean into and to a much greater extent, towards a more spiritual way of being within the world, thus being for the Greater Good.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The New Earth is the Pure Earth. A Pure Earth is the New Earth!

Humanities pathway towards restoring divinity is through righteousness and purity of heart. Purify in body, mind and spirit, home and environment, manifesting and co-creating the New Earth in Divine Oneness, for one and for ALL.  




The tide is turning. What has been stolen and kept from you will astound you but a new pathway is now being made available to humanity, to restore Earths true Divinity through the assistance and Divine Activation of Vorce Synergy.

Vorce is a Light Force, reactivating humanities Pure Earth DNA & Light Codes, in love and light of and in co-creation of the New Earth. This is an absolute game changer!

Through ‘Vorce Synergy’ the Light Force is being returned to the people and through Vorce, The Force will always be, within you.

Vorce Activations are now available within Australia. Come and join me, and learn how Vorce can elevate you and humanities evolution in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.


Founder & Activator of Vorce Synergy

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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