Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: September 2024


Are you ready to embark on the journey of a life time, through reacquiring the divine power to heal yourself and transform your life in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency?

One of my greatest hopes and desires in life is to see people step into their power and to share their stories of healing with others, because that’s how others know it is possible. It’s important for others to hear that we can heal ourselves, even from the most serious of conditions and circumstances. It’s important for others to hear our success stories, because it gives them encouragement and the opportunity to become aware that in this changing world, it’s not just a possibility, it’s our new reality.

The ability to heal one-self is increasingly becoming a necessity rather than a commodity as humanity embarks on a journey to restore greater health and wellbeing to self and to the world we all live in and as we do, we will all bear witness to the New Earth rising into being. The New Earth will rise up into being through humanities ability to heal itself and the way we do this, is being shown to us right here right now.

New pathways are being made available to humanity for self-healing and empowerment, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of all and it’s ultimately up to each and every one of us to awaken the power within. It is upon the rising of the New Earth, that the New Earth will bring with it, new and improved pathways to self-healing and personal transformation, in the Oneness of God Frequency and that time is now; for the New Earth is already rising into being and the increasing rate of speed in which the New Earth will rise into being, will be determined by humanities ability and increasing rate to heal itself.

If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and you are ready to take your healing power back into your own hands, by unlocking the untapped and sacred healing power of Vorce Synergy from within, than I am ready to help you embark on this very powerful and enlightening pathway to Oneness.

My personal healing and transformational journey from illness to wellness with Vorce Synergy this far, has been nothing short of miraculous. Vorce has given me the ability to heal myself in many different ways, including the following health related issues.

Mental Health Illness


Thyroid issues



Fatty Liver

Gall Stones


Inflammation and much, much more! 

Vorce has given me the ability to take my life’s path back into my own hands and to come into alignment with my divine purpose, becoming an active co-creator of the New Earth in Oneness.

If you are ready to unlock the sacred healing power of Vorce Synergy from within, taking your healing and transformation journey into your own hands, than don’t hesitate for a moment longer, reach out and ask me how you too can heal yourself and transform your life, from illness to wellness and from wellness to greatness, with ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, becoming an active co-creator of the New Earth, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All. Healing Within… Healing the World!


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia only.

© Nadine Head 2024


Channelled on the 3rd of September 2024 – God’s timing is the right timing!

Can you believe we are in September and what a month it will be! Some of the energies coming in throughout September are sure to get things moving in the right direction, whether it is on the 3D plan or the 5D, we have a lot of fast action happening, bringing in significant transformations and well over due changes.

September is all about clearing away the illusions and bringing in the clarity of feminine energy and as such, no matter where you are at on your soul’s journey right now, God is shaking you to wake you.

On the 3D (physical realm) – God is shaking things up.

As God now brings what has been hidden in the dark to light on a deeper level and bad karma continues to come in for those who have been operating in the dark and still refuse to show remorse or repentance, now is a time to be aware of any old energies that may be trying to return to the comfort of the feminine energy, whether is be the ‘feminine energy’ within the feminine or the masculine.

Soul Lesson – The lesson of righteousness, justice and purification; judgment, physical and spiritual attacks are punishable by the divine law of cause and effect, karma continues to hit hard, finding oneself being lead back to the light or to ones own demise.

Living truthfully is the only way forward in a world marked by divine justice.

Action – Return to the Light, repent and create right action in one’s life and within the world. Purify body, mind and spirit.

On the 5D (spiritual realm) – God is showing up, through revelations, synchronisations, breakthroughs, upgrades and downloads. Many will now experience the closing out of old cycles, breaking old patterns and soul contracts, clearing out any stagnant energy and releasing any illusions – clearing the path ahead, through endings and New Beginnings – life changing events and blessing in disguise are likely for some but not for all.

Lessons Learnt – The recognising and releasing of illusions; taking back your power and reclaiming your freedom, knowing your worth and divine protection. Knowing that the war continues but the battle is over, allowing god to take over.

“Allow God do the heavy work, while you do the lightwork.”

Action – Release any illusions. Know your worth, live your truth and move forward with confidence. Do the things you are being drawn to do. Purify body, mind and spirit.

You may find yourself experiencing one or more of the above mentioned. However, know this, whatever it is that you are experiencing, it is all a part of the journey in which is intended for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All, your acceptance of and co-operation on this path is the key to a brighter future, for one and for all.

The rising of feminine energy at this time brings forth a greater sense of peace, balance and harmony and a greater sense of self-awareness, bringing forth a new awareness of Divine Love, within and for self, of and for others and within the World as One. This rising of One Consciousness, brings the New Earth into a greater sense of being and into the empowerment of the Divine Feminine Energy and as a result greater transformations within self, within others and within the world will be forthcoming.

The Divine is now clearing any doubts that The New Earth is indeed rising!


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ for self-healing and personal development in the Oneness of God Frequency. The Vorce Activation Seminar is currently available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Humanity is in a powerful time of transformation and as humanity now shifts into being, as it has never done before, Nature is also shifting into being.

Both humanity and Nature are returning to and restoring its Natural State of Being, by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing, rather than by man’s law, man’s guidance or man’s timing for that time period is now and will in time come to an end.

Nature knows the way, listen to and behold, as Nature now does a new thing and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a pure and true, Divine God.

Listen to the birds and the bees; listen to the wind and the trees, observe and connect with the changing of the seasons as both humanity and Nature come back into balance. Watch, listen and imitate the New Earth Rising into being, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of all, in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Behold for I AM doing a new thing – God


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy, for Self-Healing & Personal Transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia.

© Nadine Head 2024


God is shaking you to wake you. It is said that judgement will fall on “the living and the dead” before destroying the old heaven and earth, which are corrupted of sin.

God has called judgment and is wiping the Earth clean. God gave warning after warning but many did not heed the warning, which God so graciously gave to them, now their time is up.

Many are currently receiving karma for bad deeds done, as God now wipes the earth clean of sin. Unfortunately, many still cannot correlate their down fall to the bad things they have done in the past and for this reason, God is about to make it know, that karma has indeed hit them and for this very purpose, many are about to see that there is a God and what they do next will determine their future.

God the Universe wants it to be known, that Bad Karma can show up in many different forms, it can show up through illness, through incident or accident, it can show up through some form of loss or heartache but no matter how it shows up, it displays a fall from grace. On the other hand Good Karma can show up as a blessing in disguise, showing a rise in grace.

To disgrace God is to disgrace life itself. Many are being stripped of their divine inheritance at this time and many are being stripped of life itself, as they now fall from God’s Grace and feel the full force of Gods distain.

Humanity can expect to experience and bear witness too many more endings in the following months and years to come and just as many New Beginnings, as the New Earth simultaneously rises into being.

Sit tight and be still at this time, as God the Universe makes it known to the world, that karma has indeed hit, and bear witness to God, rise up in action!

The next three months will bring new revelations to one and to ALL.

Love and Blessing


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ for self-healing and advancement in the Oneness of God Frequency.

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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