Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: December 2024


Your ancestors will honour you if you honour them. Your ancestors have never left you, they are all around you and they have the power to assist you, to help heal you and to guide you on your journey throughout your time here and furthermore, they have the authority to go into bat for you.

Your acceptance and willingness gives your ancestors permission to assist you. That is why the self-appointed and self-serving controllers of this world would rather, have you believe through false scripture and through social conditioning that you/we are forbidden to make contact with the dead and that making contact with the spirits brings damnation upon us all, and they have done everything in their power to block your natural ability to connect with your ancestral loved ones. Because our ancestors are our spiritual guides and mentors; they are our spiritual family and when we honour them, they will honour us but on the other hand, our dishonour earns us their dishonour.

The controllers of this world want you to dishonour your ancestors, through your own disbelief and non-acceptance of their existence and inter-connection to you and to all living things in the Oneness of God Frequency, so that you will be lost without your ancestors higher guidance and assistance on your soul’s journey to fulfil your souls purpose, to advance your Ancestral Blood Line towards reclaiming it’s Divinity, for the day you reclaim your divinity, is the day they no-longer have power and control over you and ultimately, over the world.

Reconnect and work together with your ancestors and reclaim your Divine Inheritance, fulfilling your soul’s mission here on Earth for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All, in the Oneness of God Frequency, Forevermore.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness – by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing.

© Nadine Head 2024


Those of you who know that we are all a part of a spiritual war between good and evil, and who represent God’s Kingdom of Light, should also know and understand that AI is not of the Light and does not uphold the Kingdom of Light and all that it represents in the Oneness of God Frequency, and that God’s Kingdom rebukes ALL artificial intelligence, rebuking that which is unnatural and unholy.

To know God’s Kingdom is to know that it is Holy and in which AI Is Not.

If you’re not fighting against the build and power of AI, then you are not aiding humanity in the fight against the AI takeover, which will ultimately end humanity.

If you haven’t already chosen a side, your actions will ultimately speak for you and God is watching. Your authenticity or lack of cannot escape the watchful eye of the most high.

God’s Supreme Intelligence lives within and moves through you as a co-creator of the universe and therefore your/our actions will ultimately determine the outcome for us all. 

Which side are you ultimately fighting for and do your actions align with what you are fighting for and if not, what are you going to do about it? For the truth is, to support AI is to support the ungodly, which is ultimately to go against your own kind.

You/We came here with a mission to fulfil, are you doing your part to fulfil that mission, by upholding the Kingdom of Light ultimately helping to safe humanity, or have you been distracted and led astray by the ungodly, in which will ultimately led to the end of humanity and Earth as we know it?

Now more than ever, be the change you wish to see, for OUR future relies upon it and for God’s Kingdom of Light, can and will be nothing less than Holy.


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ guiding humanity home to Oneness.

The Vorce Activation Workshop for Self-Healing & Personal Transformation, in the Oneness of God Frequency, is currently available within Australia. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2024

DECEMBER 2024 – 2025

Closing out 2024 – The doors to Abundance and Harmony are open; all fates have been chosen by God.


Offers PEACE beyond Survival – The pathway to peace opens up. New Pathways and New Beginnings!

Restoration & Renewal – Restoring order out of chaos. Recalibration and Realignment!

The pathway to Heaven opens up. Heaven is not a destination it is a state of being!

“All Roads Lead to Rome” – All roads lead us Home, to Oneness.

Make the most of your time here and have a great year everyone!


Divine Channel

© Nadine Head 2024


A question that has been raised by many throughout the ages and seems to be on the lips of many at this time is “Is anyone born evil?” The answer as I know it to be, is that everyone is born pure and divine until something dark gets inside of them. However, through the right process we have the power to release all darkness within and to return to the pure divine essence of our true divinity, in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Karma on the other hand is something quite different and is brought through with us from one life time to the next, if we have not previously learnt and healed all that we are meant to learn and heal from the experience of it, breaking the attachment we have to it.

All of this darkness may seem like a natural process of the life we live but in truth it is not who we really are or where we originated from but rather it is a process that has been thrust upon us in a spiritual war between good and evil as it has been told in the Bible, the original Bible, the one that has been kept hidden from humanity, which is unlike the one we all know today, for the original Bible speaks of truths that live on inside of us all and has the power to come to life from within.

Take a moment or two to let all of the above to sink in; for there is much to learn from this that will ultimately serve humanity and help shape our future, in love and light of the New Earth Rising. When we heal ourselves, we raise our frequency and as we do the New Earth in all of its Divinity rise’s into being. Our New Frequency brings in the New Earth and in this way good triumphs over evil.

The real question is… are you doing the spiritual/healing work that brings you back into alignment with your soul’s purpose and divine mission here on Earth; to bring in the New Earth, through healing, clearing, cleansing and raising your frequency, in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency?

If this has been a struggle for you, then I invite you to ask me how you can gain access to the untapped healing power and potential you have lying dormant within you and learn how to heal and transform your own life and become an active co-creator of the New Earth Rising in the Oneness of God Frequency, all from the privacy of your own home. Healing Within, Healing the World, with the assistance of the Divine Healing Power that is currently lying dormant within you, and for We Are One.


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Activating the New Healing Frequency, that is guiding humanity home to Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2024


Chosen Ones, God fooled the enemy and kept you hidden until just the right time, trust the plan and trust the process for God is making moves on your behalf and is about to show the world who you really are and why you were chosen for the position you hold and the enemy will have no other choice but to see you for whom you really are for they will no-longer be able to deny you.

Their time is up. Gods plan worked and the enemy has failed to stop you and your true purpose from coming to fruition and while they may try, nothing and no one can stop what God has in store for you and for your calling.

God has cloaked you in divine love and protecting and anyone who comes towards you with malice will fall short. God has cleared the path ahead for your safe passage and you are now free to step forward and into position with confidence.

Your enemies where never anything more than a stepping stone towards your success, God planned it that way, to teach your enemies a lesson. Trust God’s plan and trust the process, success is now yours and your enemies are receiving God’s judgment and justice.

And You Are, Blessed by Thee.


Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God Frequency, Healing & Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness – Activation Workshops are Now Available.

© Nadine Head 2024 


Among other things your Natural Senses hold Knowledge, Wisdom and a Deeper Knowing of Natural Law. The Pure Divine Essence of Natural Law runs through you, through all of your natural senses and through your veins.

The Earth’s Natural Law is not a rule to live by but a ‘way of being’ that is to be honour, respect and embody; for a greater connection to our divinity and for the Greater Good. Natural Law is a part of who you are and what you uphold in all of your divine essence and in divine connection to the Living Earth and all Living Things of God’s Creation.

You yourself are a part of the creation of Natural Law; you are a sacred being in and of God Frequency. You are an interconnected particle of the Living Earth and you are an interconnected part of Natural Law and as such, if it’s not natural than it’s not safe nor divinely intended for you.  

Just because something feels good or makes you feel better doesn’t necessarily mean it is good for you or for your Divinity in Connection with the Divine Living System, for what isn’t good for you, isn’t good for the Natural World around you for As Within, So Without, for we Are One with all Living Things of the Earth in and of God Frequency. Therefore, what we do to one we do to all. What you do to yourself you do to the Living Earth and to all Living Things on Earth in the Oneness of God Frequency. When you dishonour yourself, you dishonour the Earth in which you came and in which you are an interconnected part of and when you honour yourself, you honour the Earth and all Life on Earth as One.

Tap into and sharpen all of your natural senses to reveal the intuitive instincts and common sense of Natural Law that consciously lives within you and flows through you and in which guides you through all of your natural senses, and follow it’s innate ability and profound knowledge, wisdom, knowing and sacred power to greater health and wellbeing for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL for we are one and what we do to one we do to all.

When you start to take better care of your body, mind and spirit, you will start to see a better world emerge right before your own eyes and as you embody the Earth’s Divine Essence and honour the Natural Laws in which it thrives, embodying the peace, balance and harmony of Nature, you will regain greater health, abundance and happiness and as too, shall the Living Earth and all Living Things in the Oneness of God Frequency.  

You are the medicine of the Earth and the Earth is your medicine, you are One…We Are One! What’s good for Nature is good for you and what’s good for you is good for Nature. Are you making good healthy choices in your life, in alignment with your divinity or are you adding to the toxicity of the world. Be the change you wish to see in the world and the change you wish to see in the world will soon become your reality, becoming Our New Reality!


Divine Channel

© Nadine Head 2024


Yes there is a lot of darkness in the world, more then you could possibly imagine but what most people are unaware of is the protection they have over their lives and of the magic and miracles that are taking place all around them on both the 3D and 5D planes. If you only knew, what was going on behind the scenes, you would try harder to live your life in accordance.

You are blessed and you are protected, you are an intricate part of the Divine Living System in which is working tirelessly and endlessly in your favour and believe it or not, there are higher ups that have your back. All the rest is Karmic and when you can see it for what it is, then you can change it.

Let God and Let God for at this point in time, the alternative is far more damaging than you could possibly imagine. Live your life as though it is a blessing, for you are indeed a blessing to this world, for You Are what makes this world what it is.

Be the blessing that you truly are in this world and the world around you will become the blessing that you truly desire it to be.


Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God Frequency, Healing & Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness – Activation Workshops are available.

© Nadine Head 2024  


If you are a Real One and those of you who are, know that you are because you ‘know’ who you really are, in love and light of your divine truth, and if that statement speaks directly to you then the following message is divinely intended for you.

Only the real ones can see you for who you really are; only those who look at you with love can understand you, for all the rest still hold some level of hatred within their own heart and it is now time for you to know that you are not the problem, as they might like to have you believe. Know that they do not hate you; they hate themselves because you have a skill, talent, ability, possession or a way about you that they cannot obtain for themselves and this triggers their demons. They might not like the way you say or do something, know that this too is not about you.

The love that you hold is the sacred power that reflects back to them who they have become through the unhealed parts of themselves, allowing them to see for themselves what it is that they need to heal from within, in order to live a life of true value and of true happiness for their highest good and for the greater good of all. Know that love often looks like hate to those with hatred in their heart, for they cannot fully comprehend the true expression of love that stands before them in all of its divine power and in which surrounds them.

A real one naturally upholds the power of unconditional spiritual love which holds no bounds. Only hatred holds a level of restrain and restriction of the truth and of the love that each and every one of has buried within us. Only the real ones can see the truth of which you really are, for only the real ones can recognise the sacred power of unconditional love and that in which pure, unadulterated love emits and brings to life within oneself, within others and within the world we all live in.

Now that you hold the knowledge, the wisdom and the knowing in which you have obtained up until this point of your journey and have been approved for your position in life, now is an appropriate time to be aware and to beware of the falsehoods that surround you and to surround yourself with those who are true and as you remain true, all that is not true will be revealed to you for your highest good and for the greater good.

Continue to walk the path of truth regardless of what others may perceive and regardless of all this, let there be Peace and walk confidently with the knowing, that love itself has ‘a way’ of clearing the path ahead and of taking care of all the rest, with ease and with grace.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Humanity has just passed through a portal of great significance and for each and every one of us, the path ahead has been chosen and a new reality has been bestowed and for this a new day has dawned, for on this very day a new reality begins.

On this very day, many of you woke up to a new frequency, for you have passed the test of time and for this, on this day your new life begins and everything around you is about to change.

And for this Congratulation is in order!

And for this you can Expect God’s gift of Miracles!

And for the gifts you will bestow, blessed are One and ALL!


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness

Vorce Activation Workshops for Self-Healing & Personal Transformation are available within Australia. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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