Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: January 2025


Traditional Culture’s create Oneness, as it was always Divinely Intended to be. Some might say culture/race separates us, and they would be right from a human perspective. However, what humanity does not understand is that there is a much greater purpose behind cultural difference, in which has been kept hidden from humanity. Thanks to malevolent forces, humanity has a much distorted view of the true meaning of Oneness and how to create it, and currently lacks the knowledge to bring humanity back into the sacredness of our birth culture, in the Oneness of God Frequency for the Greater Good of all. However, with greater knowledge, wisdom and understanding, it is certainly not out of our reach.

What humanity has forgotten is that our true culture and pure bloodline separates us all for a greater purpose, which is how it was always intended to be, in order to active the true divine power that humanity as a greater whole holds within the Oneness of God Frequency. For this very reason, malevolent forces within this world have done everything in their power to separate all cultures from their sacred land and the sacred power they hold in relation to, separating us all from the true divine power of oneness and from this divine knowing within self, separating us from our culture, our heritage and our spiritual lands and by encouraging the mixing of our bloodlines, and by conditioning and manipulating the true meaning of Oneness, all in the name and the game of self-importance and self-gain.

When we leave our birth culture and spiritual land, we lose the true meaning and sacred power of Divine Oneness and how in connection to our birth culture and sacred land, each and every one of us brings all cultures together As One, as divinely intended.

The colour of our skin and sacred DNA separates all cultures because the true divine power of Oneness lies within the power each culture holds, when in its rightful place, connected to its sacred land and where we learn the true meaning and divine power of our culture, blood and land, connected as one, in the Oneness of God Frequency. All cultures in their rightful place of origin, holds a sacred power that helps to makes up the greater whole within God Frequency.

In order to create Divine Oneness, restoring the full and sacred power of God Frequency for the Greater Good, humanity must return to and honour self and to where they truly belong, in body, mind and spirit to the culture, blood and land from where their ancient ancestors once came and in divine essence, where they truly belong for the coming together of Divine Oneness, for their highest good and for the Greater Good of all Divine Beings on Earth and beyond.

Creating Divine Oneness comes from returning to our rightful place, to our sacred origins, to our divine culture and to our sacred land. In this way, reactivating the true and divine power of Oneness is without a doubt within our reach and in which each and every one of us who return home to this greatness makes a difference, returning humanity to the greater whole of Divine Oneness for one and for all.

Previous Blog Post Channelled on the 26.8.22 –


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency

Vorce Activations are available within Australia for self-healing and personal transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency, guiding humanity home.

© Nadine Head 2025


What you see taking place within the world at large and whatever is taking place within you is also taking place within the world around you for you and for we Are One.

Sacred Soul’s, there is a need for you to hold back at this time. God the Earth and Universe is asking you to reflect, release and rest at this time, with the knowing that this too shall pass and that you are being divinely protected in ways you could never even imagine.

An intense wave of energy is currently creating significant changes in both the 3D and 5D realms, creating change in your 3D and 5D reality and in which can be seen taking place within the world at large, and in which many can also see that there is a much darker undertone at play, as more and more of the darkness is exposed.

As a result, many of you are currently experiencing illness, incident or accident at this time, none of which is quite what it appears to be on the surface and all of which stems from one of two things, being that of either karma or of spiritual attack. As even darker forces are now being exposed, these dark forces are fighting back from within the energetic realms that we all living in.

If you happen to be experiencing either or of these types of energies at this time and can determine which ever one it is and where or of whom it is being directed, then you will be in a much better position to overcome this hurdle with greater ease regardless of external appearances, by obtaining greater awareness and putting into practice your inherent wisdom. Regardless of the situation, choose the light, Choose Love and protect your peace.

And remember this, that while evil is what evil does, the devil uses the weak to do his dirty work, in an attempt to take you off of your divine path and purpose, and many of whom are unaware, as they are operating under the power and control of forces beyond their comprehension. Do not react to their indiscretion for this would not turn out to be favourable in the 3D and or 5D realms for either one of you. Your job in this instance is to Let Go and Let God, trusting God’s Divine Plan.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2025

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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