Psychic Medium Channeler


Energy as we know it, is about to take on a whole new meaning!

Humanity is about to awaken to whom we really are and what we are really capable of as energetic beings living in an energetic world.

Many have already and many more are now just beginning to awaken to and experience the divine power of the spiritual energy and divine frequency that moves through us and all around us and has a great effect on all of humanity and the divine living system, As One.

In this regard, humanity is now evolving in the absence of that which has previously been blocked from our awareness and our true power as Energetic Beings of Divine Light is now emerging, to greater depths and to greater heights.  

Humanity is simply coming back to life at this time and as such, it’s time for us all to ignite our energetic powers and to use them to shine a light on the world, transforming the world as we know it and reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth, forevermore.

Humanity is returning to our true origins as a pure and true Beacon of Light!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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