Psychic Medium Channeler


This is an important message for all of humanity, for Nature has spoken. The divine has spoken to me and is speaking through me to bring this message to the world at this time. Nature has reached a pivotal point in time and needs our help with some urgency, for the divine power of the Earth lies in the balance and for this reason; the Earths long awaited action to its request is now by demand.

Nature is pointing out the obvious and requesting that humanity take immediate action to give back to Nature with some urgency. Nature has been crying out for more of its own for far too long but humanity refuses to pay any attention the signs and continues to take from the earth what is not ours to take in such exorbitant amounts.

It’s time for humanity to stop looking at Nature as a commodity and to start seeing Nature for what it actually is, for Nature is the very life blood of all life on Earth, without nature and without the way nature is divinely intended to collaborate, life on earth would not exist as it does and for this very reason, the Earth urgently requires humanity to return the trees, to plant more trees where there are no tree, this is of utmost importance to humanities several and ability to thrive here on earth in the not so distant future for the tree are all interconnected and bring a greater Life Force to the greater whole through their physical and divine connection, they are the very life blood of the Earth and without them, all life on Earth would perish.

The trees connection is not just one of a physical nature but one of a spiritual nature, which creates an interconnected foundation of stability, sustenance and sustainability to the earth and to all living things on Earth and beyond, this connection holds a great power within and above the earth. What we do now will determine the future success of our very own blood and breathe through our own interconnectedness, through our physical and spiritual connection to Nature via the trees.

Nature (the Divine) is asking that we plant more trees, particularly where there are none, particularly in those areas where humanity has pillaged the earth for self-gain and for greed. The trees are not referring here to more bushes and shrubs, what nature requires most at this time is more trees, to establish a solid foundation and connection beneath the Earth and within all of life itself, in order to not just survive but to thrive and for all life on earth to continue to exist.

The trees are a vital element within the world, which gives life and without them, all life on Earth will no-long be able to survive let alone to thrive. If humanity continues to take from Nature in such a desolate way, not only will Nature not survive nor thrive but humanity itself will cease to exist, along with all other living things on earth and beyond.

I know we have all heard this before to varying degrees, yet we continue to take this message for granted. Humanity continues to turn a blind eye but this time is different, for the Earth requires the return of the trees now before it’s too late, for the Earth (ground) is changing, teetering on a major break down of biblical proportion in some areas and before too long the ground in some parts of the world will be a deselert wasteland, which will have a devastating and ever-lasting effect on the world as a whole, and for now is the time, for now is the future.

Humanity must plant more trees, particularly where man has up-rooted them from the ground, removing the life blood of all life on Earth and far, far beyond. The trees hold a much great power within and upon the earth, than humanity could possible fathom at this point in time, for mankind is far from understanding the intricacy of God’s Creation.

Nature has reached a point where it is not just calling but it is demanding humanity to take immediate action to make this necessary change, to give back to the Earth what it needs to not just survive but to thrive, before it is too late, for that time is near and for in truth, if humanity reinstates the life blood of the Earth, humanities divine connection to the Earth through the living trees, will ultimately bring a greater life force and great abundance to one and to all living things on Earth.

The trees are a life blood of the Earth and of humanity and they are speaking out with this urgent message, there is not time to waist, for the very existence of humanity relies upon it. The Earth commands man to listen to its call, to restablish what once was, for the possibility and potential of what life on Earth could be, if we just give back to the very life blood and foundation of our very own existence.

Don’t just take my word for it; listen to your sacred being, for this truth also resides within you. If this message resonates with you or touches you in any way, then I bid you to stop ignoring the signs, don’t hesitate any longer, for now is the time. Humanity must give back to Nature, plant a tree today and become an active co-creator of the New Earth for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.


Divine Channel and Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency

Become an active co-creator of the New Earth with Vorce Synergy – Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia; activate your untapped ability and potential to heal yourself and to transform your life in the Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All. Email for more details.

© Nadine Head 2024

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