Accountability of Truth

I ask you my friend with love and light…
Don’t stand in front of me with your untruths…
Stand beside me with your own truth in love and light…
So together we may embrace each other’s true greatness…
Bringing truth in love and light to all that we are and all that we do…
As one we have the true power to create health, harmony, and happiness in each other…and for the world.
OK… so I’m not going to pretty this one up for either one of us… It is time to get serious and be accountable. It is time to STOP living one’s life in denial of one’s true inner light. The Universe is offering you this time to prepare and awaken yourself to your inner truth.
Stop! Take a good long hard look at yourself.
If you are not living each and every moment of your life in connection to others and to mother nature in harmony, then you are NOT living in complete truth of your inner light.
Ask yourself this, when you interact with others are you holding back, observing, judging, do you wear a mask… pretending to be something or someone other than who you truly are when coming from a place of divine love and light? Do you have an agenda other than that, in which comes from love and light? Perhaps out of fear or an insecurity of your own?
If so, look at the results of your actions and what you have created for yourself in your life through disharmony, within yourself and with others. Is this who you want to be? I’m guessing for most it is not. So what are you going to do about it?
Take steps today towards a life lived in complete truth of all that you are and can become in love and light.
We have all heard the saying ‘Practice what you preach’ we preach what is in our hearts… what resonates with us. When we do not actively put that into practice within our own lives we are living from a place of falsehood… creating havoc, causing disharmony to our own lives and to others.
Yes truth requires bravery, it request trust and it requires you to stand in front of the world in all of your truth, unmasked… Scary ha! Well it’s not so scary when you know, trust and believe in yourself and in others. Choose to see the good in yourselves and in others, leaving behind any falsehood and untruths for transmutation in the, reminisce of your love and light. When we live this way we create change for all of those around us to rise in love and light. Do not misunderstand the previous sentence, this doesn’t mean we deny compassion and empathy, we all need loving guidance on our journey towards self, truth, love and light.
Some people don’t like change and there are those who don’t like truth, often misunderstanding truth as hate. But! That is their issue not yours and by simply and actively living in your truth you can help those who struggle with truth to rise up in all of their truth.
So, next time you are speaking your inner light, take a moment to acknowledge if you are indeed actively living your own truth in all that you do.
Don’t beat yourself up for any undesirable realizations, we are all in this together, and any realisation of falsehood is nothing more than a result of our old world conditioning and wounding. Simply take the necessary steps now to actively live your truth bringing your thoughts, spoken words, and actions into harmony with each other and remember practice makes perfect.
Now more than ever as we expand our awareness any untruths can be seen clearly within others and is being brought to our attention within ourselves, the only thing left to do, is to do the inner work required to live one’s life in complete truth, love and light… restoring peace, balance and harmony to ones life and to all life. Acceptance of the process within one’s selves and within others brings with it the promise of a successful outcome.
Be all that you are meant to be in divine love and light, for the future of our planet relies on your complete truth and honesty.
Blessings All
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2015
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