Align your energy with your soul’s path
Align your energy with your soul’s path… in balance and harmony of Oneness.
All life is vibrational energy in motion and if we move with that vibrational energy, life will flow with ease as intended by divine law with divine guidance and within divine timing.
Your soul’s guidance is not solely of the self but made up of all energies flowing in and out of time and space, bringing all that is meant for you into alignment with your soul’s contract/path.
Listening to your soul’s guidance by following your intuition, allows one to recognize, allow and accept what it leads you towards, showing you the gifts, the lessons, the growth, the guidance, the love and the light it has to offer you and such a gift can only be received with an open heart and open mind, to move in any other way is to fail and change one’s own true path, leading to imbalance and disharmony.
Life requires balance and growth to acquire balance and growth, each person, place, or thing that is brought to us, plays a vital role in the gifting and birthing of life, love, and union in pure light on all levels of existence. Nothing and no-one is separate, moving forward comes with ease as we let go and allow each of these energies to move freely in its own movement towards or away from each other… from the heart and soul of its self… its own true essence.
Let go and trust the process of divine guidance. By letting go, the lessons, the learning, the growth and awareness expands and comes to us faster… yet with more ease. This is how we come to be where we are meant to arrive, when we are meant to arrive as human and as spiritual beings.
The only way forward in any situation that promises the soul’s intended outcome, is to learn the art of Letting Go ~ Living in Truth ~ Allowing Stillness ~ Recognizing Possibilities and Growing in Wisdom… all else fails us as we fail ourselves of a full life by divine law… these laws lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, all intended outcomes there for are presented in pure love and light, any discomfort thereafter is of our own conditioning… not of one’s true essence in pure love and light.
Move with all natural flowing energy in pure love and light and all will fall into place as intended with ease and grace.
Believe and Trust in Faith of the mystical and magical power of energy in love and light.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head
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