Psychic Medium Channeler


There are many different paths that one can take to find God. However, each and every one of us is already operating from within a resonance of God frequency at any given time. Just as we work our way up the ladder earning a higher position within our chosen career, earning a higher rank and gaining greater rewards for our efforts, so too, it is with Frequency, we work and earn our way up to higher frequencies, moving up the grades so to speak. 

When we choose to open our heart and mind up to our own spirituality, do the inner work and strengthen our connection to God, we earn a higher position (a higher spiritual rank) which offers greater benefits and rewards, our souls journey here isn’t about matching another person’s frequency, or rising above them, it’s about embracing and allowing what resonates with us to help us grow, within the frequency of that which is truly divine; as we grow and embrace that which resonates with us from deep within our soul, we strengthen our connection to God and discover new pathways to rise in God frequency, raising our own frequency and that of the entire divine living system as one, ultimately embodying that of the most high, embodying the Pure and True Divine Essence of God Frequency, through purity of body,  mind and spirit. All pathways to God lead to the embodiment of God.

Choose that which resonates over that which doesn’t, embrace your passions and allow for growth and expansion in all areas of your life, rising up through the ranks and becoming all that you came here to become in and of God Frequency, discovering your soul tribe along the way, by the way it feels and the frequency it emits, and by allowing yourself to grow within and beyond that which currently resonates from within.

There are many pathways to find God but much more than this, our divine purpose here on Earth, is to embody the Oneness of God Frequency, through purity of body, mind and spirit, embodying God.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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