Psychic Medium Channeler


God is shaking you to wake you. It is said that judgement will fall on “the living and the dead” before destroying the old heaven and earth, which are corrupted of sin.

God has called judgment and is wiping the Earth clean. God gave warning after warning but many did not heed the warning, which God so graciously gave to them, now their time is up.

Many are currently receiving karma for bad deeds done, as God now wipes the earth clean of sin. Unfortunately, many still cannot correlate their down fall to the bad things they have done in the past and for this reason, God is about to make it know, that karma has indeed hit them and for this very purpose, many are about to see that there is a God and what they do next will determine their future.

God the Universe wants it to be known, that Bad Karma can show up in many different forms, it can show up through illness, through incident or accident, it can show up through some form of loss or heartache but no matter how it shows up, it displays a fall from grace. On the other hand Good Karma can show up as a blessing in disguise, showing a rise in grace.

To disgrace God is to disgrace life itself. Many are being stripped of their divine inheritance at this time and many are being stripped of life itself, as they now fall from God’s Grace and feel the full force of Gods distain.

Humanity can expect to experience and bear witness too many more endings in the following months and years to come and just as many New Beginnings, as the New Earth simultaneously rises into being.

Sit tight and be still at this time, as God the Universe makes it known to the world, that karma has indeed hit, and bear witness to God, rise up in action!

The next three months will bring new revelations to one and to ALL.

Love and Blessing


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ for self-healing and advancement in the Oneness of God Frequency.

© Nadine Head 2024

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