Are Twin Flames Meant To Be Together?
There seems to be some confusion around this question… Are Twin Flames really meant to be together?
In short YES!
However this can be a difficult task UNTIL both Twin Flames Surrender to their Connection.
The reason why Twin Flames are in and out of each other’s lives, and can be apart for long periods of time and keep coming back together, is because they are not aligning to their Spiritual Connection, due to their life’s conditioning and individual healing process, this presents its self through negative thoughts, words and actions towards themselves and towards their divine counterpart (TF) due to past hurt or what they believe to be true from their prospective, but in reality it is not, this can be by conditioning… a state of being conditioned by experiences and or society to think or behave a certain way, a way that does not align with truth or Love.
Our own conditioning, automatically and energetically causes resistance towards our TF, through this process both Twins become repelled by each other to some degree… causing resistance to their connection, through the inability to see their connection for what it really is and the inability to recognise some truths within their connection, this can happen even if, it is only one of the TFs that is in resistance though negativity, as they effectively effect each other through their own energetic vibration, through their thoughts and feelings and as a result it determines their ability or inability to proceed with right action towards union/re-union…
In other words, what one twin flame is thinking and feeling can energetically be felt by the other even from long distances away, this can be felt on a conscious and or subconscious level… effecting the respective TFs thoughts and feelings. So if one Twin is happy the other Twin might be feeling happy for no apparent reason, they are essentially picking up on the vibrational energy of their TFs happiness… their true essence, so it also goes to say, if one TF is feeling sad or unhappy, the other can often sense it or feel the same as a result, and not understand why, this can be so strongly felt that if one Twin is thinking and feeling negative thoughts about the other, the respective Twin can begin to have negative thoughts about themselves and the Twin that is being negative, this can then without explanation effect their relationship with each other, where one or both TFs will express their thoughts to each other at a most unexpected and unexplained moment. Once union/re-union has taken place, this process can and will serve them both… to rise to great heights as they want the very best for each other and understand that they effect each other immensely on an energetic and telepathic level.
Before reaching a harmonious re-union TFs are meant to trigger each other, for the purpose of healing and growth, towards wholeness within themselves and ultimately becoming one with each other, making their journey towards a harmonious union a difficult one… causing these two lovers to go back and forth in what is referred to as the runner, chaser process. One runs from the other and later becomes the chaser, they can swap these rolls for some time if the timing of their re-union is out of balance, or healing is taking place and due to resistance on one or both of their behalf. Meanwhile they both continue to feel an energetic connection to each other to some degree that may or may not be something they can explain.
When both TFs stop resisting their spiritual connection, releasing any negative judgments towards themselves and towards each other, with Divine Guidance are able to come back together and begin to embrace each other, building a stronger foundation for their future. Each time they re-unit they are learning more and more from their experiences within and externally from their journey towards a harmonious union, each simultaneously healing their own life and the life of their TF.
Upon reaching a harmonious re-union the relationship will then take on a very different form than any previous relationship the two have shared with each other or with any other partner in the past. They will each experience love and connection on a deeper and very different level than ever before. TF relationships are not a traditional relationship, yet each TF carry a sense of tradition and nobility within the core of their being. TFs are here to shake things up and create change for the better… for a love that is unique and powerful, bringing more love and light to the world. This is a union that will with-stand the test of time and grow stronger and better for it, once they reach a harmonious re-union, and they will grow together towards Complete Oneness in body, mind and spirit… as they themselves are One!
If one or both TFs begin to see or feel negativity towards the other at any stage, they know that there is more healing to be done and can hold space for each other to do so if they are willing to surrender to the process. Otherwise they will once again separate for a period of time, until the healing has taken place and they can once again return to a harmonious re-union.
The Universe will always continue to try to bring these two back together with gentle but with persistent persuasion. This can be through the occurrence of synchronicities, Initials, names, numbers, dates, times etc. intended to grab their attention and draw them back together, this can also be through thoughts and feelings. E.g. not being able to stop thinking about each other even though they may be in other relationships, however this is not always the case, it is possible for the TFs to enter into other relationships without constantly thinking about their TF but will be guided to learn what it is they are meant to learn from their current relationship while it lasts, assisting the TF connection towards re-union and the universe will always at some point guide them back to each other.
Your TF connection can and will never be forgotten no matter how hard one try’s to resist or forget it or to move on with another, often this can be a connection that can be felt but not explained by each TF.
At the end of the day both TFs will eventually come to the realisation that resistance is futile and the best they can do is to surrender to the process at whatever stage they both may be at on their own journey towards a harmonious union and beyond. This is not a union of settling, but of rising to great heights within one’s self and within the union.
On completion of reaching a harmonious and loving Union… is where both TFs are finally ready to truly live and love life for the greater good of ALL. Bringing all of themselves and each other to LIGHT!
What to do, if you are in a separation from your TF or struggling within your TF relationship/connection –
Heal your wounds – Forgive and Heal your life of any past hurts that still effect you negatively, in body, mind and spirit.
‘Let Go’ of any negative, thoughts, words and actions towards yourself and towards your TF.
‘Live in Truth’ of who you are from the heart and through all of your thoughts, words and actions.
‘Allow Stillness’ time and space to move freely between you and your TF. Practice the art of stillness within body, mind and spirit at all times.
‘Recognise Possibilities’ when they arise in your life and within your TF connection. Focus and honor the positives within yourself, within your life and within each other.
‘Grow in Wisdom’ Learning all that you can in order to grow through your experiences. Bringing loving and infinite wisdom back into your total wellbeing.
Pray! Consult your higher self for guidance and send loving thoughts and feelings to your Divine Counterpart (TF) with the inner knowing that you are both where you are meant to be at any giving time.
The more you let’s Go of the If’s, when’s, why’s, how’s, but’s and maybe’s within your thoughts, words and actions and come from a loving space in all that you do, the better the outcome will be.
Hold Your Faith, for all is well and will be as it should be, by Divine Guidance in Divine Timing!
Works of Higher Intelligence
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2017
Image – twin-flames-karma
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