Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine Head


A shift has taken place, this is the shift we have all been waiting for and this shift will change everything! It won’t happen overnight but it will happen, for it is now in an accelerated motion. We have now reached a point of no return and this is a wonderful thing. No one and nothing can stop what is now in motion, elevating humanity and growing exponentially for the Greater Good.   

The resent shift that has taken place will now shift the whole of humanity into a higher frequency, shifting humanities perception of reality to a greater extent. Those operating in 5D and above will now transcend time and space, expanding the LIGHT FORCE within, shifting humanity to a higher frequency within the Oneness of God Frequency. The full meaning and express of this will be forthcoming.  

You are a powerful force field within yourself and within the greater whole. Your Divine Power comes from within and has the power to create New Worlds in real time. A single person has the divine power to create magic within the world, in and of God Frequency.

Humanity will now learn of the true meaning of LIFE. It won’t happen overnight but it will now happen, sooner rather than later. If you thought you knew the true meaning of life, think again or rather don’t think at all. Instead, let go of all that you have previously known to be true and allow the Divine Power of All Life, to now show you the true meaning and purpose of LIFE by revealing the true source energy of ALL LIFE.

Humanity is about to witness in real time, the coming forth of the true source and power of all life on Earth, and as the New Earth rising proves itself to be the true and pure source of all life on Earth, in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency.  God is an object, not the name of a person but rather, a living breathing thing with an objective. God is the pure and true source of divine power.

Prepare to be amazed in the years to come, with the unveiling of the Earths secret powers. Prepare to shift realities. Prepare to become the magical life force that you really are in the Oneness of God Frequency.

For obvious reasons and for reasons yet to be explained, the place in which humanity is heading is not for everyone but it will lift all divine souls up to greater heights, in one form or another. Stay the course and trust the process. Open your loving heart. Enjoy the unveiling of the New Earth and embrace the coming and becoming, of God.


Divine Channel, Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in and of God Frequency, guiding humanity home to Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good.

© Nadine Head 2024


Use what I gave you!

The Universe

If you take it from the Earth and alter it in any way, shape or form, it no longer holds the full favour of God Frequency and therefore it no longer fills your body, mind and spirit with God Frequency, in its truest and purest form and its pure divine frequency increasingly decreases, the longer it takes you to consume or absorb it, thus altering your genome.

All that is of God Frequency is raw, pure and true. Rise above that which is beneath your pure and true divinity and rise, in and with all that is of God Frequency.

If it is not of God Frequency, then it is not meant for nor good for you.

God, the Natural Earth, offers all that one requires for optimal health and wellbeing and is prescribed as such – “less is best but singular will bring about perfection” that is to say, Pure and True, in and of God Frequency.

In this very way, raw, pure and true is to embody, through love and light, the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for The Greater Good of ALL.




Escape the matrix…

Use what I gave you.

The Universe


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


This one for all of you spiritual warriors, leaders and influences out there, to ‘Be Mindful’ that your groupies are not genuinely interested in you or what you have to offer, they care about your popularity and what they can gain off of your glow up. They care about hitching their cart to your horse; they care how far they can ride on your coat tale. They care how much they can gain from being in your energy/frequency. They care about how much of your energy and divine essence they can syphon for themselves or for others.

Do not mistake your groupies (frenemies/energy vampires) for your friends or loyal and devoted supporters for they can and will play the part well. Some of which will mostly sit in the background watching, learning and copying from your every move in order to take what belongs to you, in some way, shape or form. Trust that God is taking care of that situation and allow God to fight this battle for you.

Don’t be misled by the false, for their souls mission is to take you off of your divine path and lead you down the path towards your own demise, while appearing to be a friend or devoted fan and supporter, and the sad thing about it is, that most of them don’t even know that that’s what they signed up for, prior to arriving earth side and or landing in your energy. All they know is that they can gain something from being around you and pretending to be a fan. Let me tell you, jealousy is a curse.

Stay aware and listen to God first and god will reveal all hidden truths, protect and lead you down the divine path, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

For your highest good and for The Greater Good, be mindful!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The best is yet to come. God is about to reveal many more hidden truths, both good and evil in nature, many of which have been strategically hidden in plain sight. What happens next will be seen as Gods Divine Power, there will be no mistaking Gods hand at play and the true power God holds. Things are about to get even more interesting in the days, months and years ahead and even greater than you could have imagined.

Believing in God is to see god in motion. You won’t find the depth of God on the surface, you have to go deeper, much deeper, within and without to discover Gods divine essence and what God has instore for you and for the world, as one and as a Greater Whole.

God can be found in every living breathing thing born of and created in Divine Light. Embodying God is to experience god’s greatest wonders.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The true power of eternal love and life resides within you. You have and hold the divine healing power to eternal love and life within you; it does not and cannot come from any other source. Any other source outside of you, merely offers a false sense of healing and of power.

The true power of divine healing and universal power comes from within, and has the true power to restore eternal love and life on Earth for one and for ALL, as Divinely Intended. You already have and hold the divine healing power to restore eternal love and life from within and without, through the divine powers that lie dormant within you.

Unlock the divine power of Vorce Synergy in Oneness of God Frequency and become an active co-creator of the New Earth, restoring Eternal Love and Life on Earth for one and for ALL, through Christ Consciousness and for this is The Way.  


Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God Frequency – Vorce Activations are currently available within Australia only.

© Nadine Head 2024  


When you choose God, you are choosing to heal yourself, your life and the world around you as one.

When you say yes to God, you are choosing to heal from a place of truth, of sincerity and serenity. When you say yes to God, you are choosing to do the inner work, to dive into the deepest darkest parts of yourself and heal your inner wounding, and to rise up to fulfil your divine purpose here on earth, to heal and transform the world we all live in for the greater good of all.

When you say yes to God, you are choosing to heal yourself and the world under Natural Law, under god’s supervision, guidance and protection. When you choose God, you are choosing to reclaim your divinity, to co-create the New Earth for your highest good and for ‘The Greater Good’ entering the Kingdom of Light for Evermore. When you choose God, you are choosing LIFE.

Say Yes to God and start your healing journey back to life, under God’s supervision, guidance and protection, healing yourself and the world, As One, for the Greater Good.  

You were born of God Frequency. God is within you and is within all living things. When you choose God, you are choosing YOU and you are choosing YOUR DIVINITY, to choose less than, is to choose something less that divine and less than YOU ARE.


Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce’ in Oneness of God Frequency – Guiding Humanity Home to Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good of ALL in God Frequency – Activations are available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply. 

© Nadine Head 2024


God is not playing, this is not a game!  

Sacred Soul’s, God revealed and moved your enemies out of the way. God’s next move will shock you and your enemies. You are held in high regard and you are highly protected.

Call back your divinity and call in all of your divine blessings, in love and light of Divine Oneness for one and for ALL, in and of God Frequency.  

Nothing and nobody can get in your way and if they dare to try, they will feel Gods Wrath.

God is not playing and this is not a game.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness for One and for ALL

© Nadine Head 2024


Humanity has recently reached a point in time; we are NOW entering new times, which will make history.

The Chosen are Gods 21st Century Prophets, guiding humanity home to Divine Oneness and beyond, in and of God Frequency and as Divinely Intended. All false prophets will be stood down at one point in time or another.

Nine of the Ancient Profits have arrived and are ready to be of service. Nothing and nobody can get in the way of what is about to unfold. Nothing and nobody can stop Gods chosen. God’s Divine Plan is set in stone and is now, by Divine Law, untouchable and unstoppable!

Any and all distractions from this course of action, moving forward is of one’s own doing. Any attempts to distract, divert or diminish another from this course of action, will not have any bearing on them, in the physical nor the spiritual. All attempts to distract, divert or diminish another will be punishable, by the Natural Law of Cause and Effect. Nothing and nobody will go unnoticed; all will be dealt with promptly and appropriately. 

These are, The Beginning Times. Their Arrival marks The Beginning!


Divine Channel, Founder & Activator of Vorce Synergy in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The truth can never be extinguished. It’s the light that never goes out. You can try to dim the light but it will only continue to flicker until it is given the recognition and respect that it deserves.

I could have dimmed the light, altering this story slightly to appease the haters and non-believers but then that would be lying and in truth, there is no power like that in which the truth brings to life.

Yesterday was my Nan’s birthday, she would have been 100 yrs. old, we have spent the last few days together reminiscing and today she reminded me of her famous sandwiches, made with love and from the huge home grown lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions from my Pops garden, the smell and taste was divine.

Sadly nothing in today’s world compares. The fruit and vegetables of today’s world are tasteless, scentless and lack the nutrients that real food had when I was a child. Today’s so called real (organic) food doesn’t even compare let alone any other. We sure have messed things up over the last 30-40 yrs. destroying that in which gives us life.

Sadly our children, grandchildren and their children will never know what real food is actually meant to taste like, let alone how much more energy and life it gave us, unless we start to give back to the earth in a very conscious and organic way. After all, what we give back to the Earth, the Earth gives back to us.

Nothing of today’s world compares to that of the past. I sure miss those days and I sure miss my Nan and Pop even though they are always with me in spirit. I was truly blessed to have had all of my grandparents show up, as such an active and wholesome presence in my life as a child growing up. If not for them, I am not sure who or where I would be today.

Today when my Nan came to visit, she gave me the gift of being able to smell and taste the delights of all those years ago and we both relished in delight but more than this, I truly believe that there is a very real and somewhat urgent message that we could all take from this and that is…that we are very much interconnected with All That Is within existence, in which goes beyond our current form and state of existence when we are open to receive it and most importantly… If not us, then who will create the change we wish to see in the world?

We all allowed this to happen on our watch and we are also the ones that came here to change it, and to each and everyone of you, no matter how great or small your ability is to contribution, every bit counts. Be the change!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Mankind is interconnected with Nature. We are one, with all ‘Divine Living Things’ in the Oneness of God frequency.  

The more mankind seeks health and wellbeing outside of oneself and as an interconnected part of all that is of a ‘Pure Divine Source’ the further mankind gets from the true healing powers of its own divinity.

Embrace nature’s way and help shift humanity from surviving to thriving. The true power lies within.


Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce Synergy’ Activating the Healing Powers of Vorce in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Vorce Activations are now available within Australia and is guiding humanity home, in Love and Light of Divine Oneness and as divinely intended.

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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