Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine Head


Seeing is, believing. “No dear one, believing is seeing. Once you believe, you will see!” Believing is the key that unlocks the door to seeing.

Every time you doubt yourself you doubt the divine essence of life, you doubt the ‘life force’ that is you and that flows through you, surrounding you and connecting you to all living things on Earth and beyond and which ripples out into the world and through all living things. When you doubt yourself, you repress yourself and therefore, you repress the divine essence of all life.

With this understand, know just how powerful your thoughts, words and actions really are and be the change you wish to see in the world. Believe in yourself; believe in and honour the divine essence of life and when you believe and honour the divine essence of life, it will transform your life and the world as one, in unfathomable and miraculous ways.

What you do to yourself and to others that goes against the Divine Laws of upholding LIFE, you do to ALL LIFE on Earth and beyond, for You Are the divine essence of all life. You either uphold it or bring it down when you fail to uphold all life from within.

Uphold your Life Force, upholding the divine essence of all life on Earth and beyond.

~ NAYA ~

Founder of Vorce – Untapped Life Force Energy, guiding humanity home to Oneness, from within.

Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia for Healing and Transformation in Oneness. Will Travel, Conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2023

Wow… a trip down memory lane!

Today I stumbled across this article I wrote for Born Organised Magazine back in 2014 while scrolling social media. Wow… how time flies. Vorce – not just another Life Force Healing Energy! No, it’s much, much more than that and in truth, the future of mankind relies on it. It was a little before its time back then, but the time has now come for Vorce to help transcend the world into Oneness for the Greater Good of All, for humanity is now ready to understand the seriousness of our situation here on Earth and how Vorce plays a vital role in the future success of mankind and of all life on Earth, connected in Divine Oneness.

If you’re ready to embark on the adventure of a life time, discovering hidden truths about whom you are and why you came, and if you feel that you are ready to ascend to far greater heights than ever before with the help of Vorce Synergy, playing a more active and far greater role as a co-creator of ‘The Rising of The New Earth in Oneness’ with greater ease and grace, and all from the privacy of your own home, or you simply feel drawn to Vorce, then don’t wait a moment longer, reach out today and ask me how you can become a part of the Vorce Community, bringing Oneness into completion for the Greater Good of ALL from within, fulfilling your mission here on Earth. 

Now is the time for now is the future!

Together with Vorce you will have the opportunity to achieve self-fulfilment and fulfilment of your life’s mission here on Earth for The Greater Good.

To the Vorce Community – I would like to thank each and every one of you who believed in me and in Vorce all those years ago and still believe. From my heart to your heart, We Are One and each and every one of us up until this point, has assisted in advancing this process, simply through receiving your activation and whether you are aware of it or not. I thank you for embarking on the Vorce Journey and I ask you now, to raise your faith and to help bring our message home, for the Greater Good.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce in Love & Light of Oneness – Activation Workshops are now available within Australia. Will Travel, Conditions Apply. No previous experience necessary.

Love, Light & Blessings to One and All x

© Nadine Head 2023


In our soul’s truest form we are all equal, in our human reality we are not. We are not equal in any way shape or form.

Our soul’s mission here on earth is to return to our truest form, by restoring peace, balance and harmony within and to all life on Earth and beyond, restoring equilibrium and reinstating Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of ALL. 


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in Love & Light of Oneness – Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. 

© Nadine Head 2023


Their plan is to keep and is keeping humanity from fulfilling its divine destiny. Seek to discover more truth, to make yourself fully aware of who ‘they’ ‘really are’ and of humanities true destiny, in order for you to be able to ‘be the change’ that is required to fulfil your own destiny.

Rise above any person, place or thing preventing you and the rest of humanity from fulfilling its divine destiny. The alternative is and will become very dismal, for you and for me, and for all of humanity.

You are the only one who can help change humanities destiny for the better, for the change that is required starts from within each and every one of us, it starts within you – be the change!

Rise up to meet your divine destiny, bringing it into fruition for your highest good and for the ‘Greater Good’ of ALL.

~ NAYA ~

Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in Love & Light of Oneness – Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. 

© Nadine Head 2023


The world we currently live in is not the world it’s meant to be. The powers that be created a false reality for the rest of humanity to do no more than to exist in, preventing humanity from knowing and fulfilling their divine destiny by divine will and from knowing the world as it was always intended to be, by natural law.

The world that is meant for humanity by free will, is one that is intended for all life on Earth to thrive.

Humanity gave up their divine will and destiny a long time ago for this false reality, designed to serve those whose intention is to serve themselves, through gaining power and control over all others and over the world at large. The time has come to correct this wrong doing and for humanity to return to Natural Law, where all life on Earth aims to serve the ‘Greater Good’ creating heaven on Earth for all of Eternity.

Nature is the key that opens the door to our new reality.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in Love & Light of Oneness. Vorce Activation Workshops are currently Available within Australia.  

© Nadine Head 2023

ONE EARTH, TWO SYSTEMS – Which one will you choose?

One Earth two Systems, one that is natural by nature and offers fulfilment the other is unnatural by unnatural means and offers the lack of fulfilment.

The Earth we are connected with thrives on a perfectly designed and simplistic system coherent by divine design, designed to create, peace, balance and harmony, health, abundance and happiness, designed to create order by All Life for All Life on Earth, creating Eternal Life for all. This is the way of Love and Life.

The World we stand with has been designed by mankind, which has been created on an imperfect and strategic system, by way of human design, designed to create confusion and to bring disruption, dis-ease, disharmony and discontentment, creating disorder to All Life on Earth, creating the end of Life for all. This is the way of hatred and eternal death.

Each one of us has the power from within to choose the path we most desire. Each one of us has the power to determine any results and future outcomes through the choices we make, taking effect on our own lives and that of the greater whole, for we are one.

Put the past behind you. Know your worth, stand in your power and choose your path forward, by living your life in alignment with the path of your soul’s deepest desire, transforming your own life and that of All Life on Earth, for The Greater Good. Now is the time for action. It’s time our actions match our hearts desire and soul’s path… fulfilling our mission here on Earth, to restore peace, balance and harmony within, for the Greater Good of All.

The choices you make today will determine your experiences tomorrow, and really do come down to a choice between life and death. Choose life; choose to ‘Live’ for the Greater Good of All Life on Earth.


Divine Channel & Energy Activator in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023

Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness!

Embrace healing yourself from within, to heal one and to heal all, for we are one. Not until mankind turns his/her attention to his/her own ability to heal from within and heal oneself, will the world truly heal and begin to thrive as divinely intended, As One!

While ever mankind continues to seek healing and transformation from external means, mankind and all life on Earth will continue to suffer, as one.

In this way the future for all of mankind lies within each and every one, for each one who heals and transforms themselves, helps to heal and transform the world we all live in.

~ NAYA ~

Founder of Vorce – Life Force Energy in Oneness… guiding humanity home to Oneness, from within.

Vorce Activation Workshops are Available; for Healing and Transformation ~ will Travel (Conditions apply)

© Nadine Head 2023


Humanity is in a time where it is imperative that mankind raises his/her spiritual discernment’ in order for one to determine the difference between pure divine light and false light, for they often appear simular if not the same.

False light has been used for hundreds of years, to keep humanity stuck in a repeated cycle of light and darkness, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally, through false and conditioned beliefs and practices and through the manipulation of universal light energies, whereas ‘the false light’ energies often appear as ‘white light’ energies, confusing, manipulating and redirecting mankind back into a repeated cycle of polarity, blocking ‘spiritual discernment’.

As a result, humanity has spiritually evolved at a significantly lesser rate than it is capable of and in which is divinely intended. However, through ‘spiritual discernment’ mankind have reached a point of revival, allowing humanity to rise above these dark forces, coming out of the cycle of polarity, requiring humanity to face the truth regarding the effects the false light has had on each individual and the world as a whole and in order to raise spiritual discernment, elevating above any remaining dark forces.

Return to your inner light, reclaiming and raising your ‘spiritual discernment’ helping you to elevate above the false light and reclaim your divinity, in turn elevating humanity As One, for the Greater Good.

~ NAYA ~

Divine Channel – Guiding Humanity Home, in Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2022


Humanity has entered a powerful time of divine creation and each and every one of us is a divine spark of that creation. Every single one of us is a spark of creation, not only a part of creation but a co-creator of that which is continuously being created into divine creation.

Every man, woman and child, every divine spark of life, has the power to create from within and without, for we are one with the divine, and every single spark counts, every spark (every living person) has the potential to have a more powerful and more positive impact on all that is already in divine creation and of which is coming into being, in the here and now and for all of eternity.

The power of Divine Creation is in ‘knowing’

Affirmation ‘you are beautiful’ – Affirming ‘as within, so without’

Manifestation ‘you are powerful’ – Manifesting ‘as above, so below’

Point of Attraction ‘you are worthy’ – Attracting ‘as the universe, so the soul’

You are the beautiful affirmation

You are the powerful manifestation

You are the point of attraction

In your ‘knowing’ power, you are a worthy affirmation; manifestation and point of attraction, within and of divine creation and as such, you are a powerful creator of the world we living in, affirming, manifesting and attracting ‘all that is’ into being. In this way, you hold the power within you to create New Worlds.

You must ‘know’ that you are and hold the beautiful and powerful essence of divine creation to ‘know’ you are worthy, and ‘know’ that which is beautiful, is powerful and worthy, affirming and manifesting the point of attraction. Once you KNOW this; you will hold the power of affirming, manifesting and attracting divine creation, from the point of divine essence, becoming an activator (spark) and co-creator of divine beauty and power, through the embodiment of ‘all that is’ of divine creation.

Become the beautiful and powerful manifestor that you really are, bringing the New Earth rising in Oneness into creation, for the ‘Greater Good’ of all.

You are the creator of the New Earth, rising up in all of your divine essence, of and for divine creation!                               

~ NAYA ~

Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy in Oneness – Become an Activated Vorce Healer and active co-creator of the New Earth Rising in Oneness, for the Greater Good, all from the privacy of your own home.

Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2022


Many of you are now coming into a higher awareness, with conviction of whom and what needs cutting out of your life, as we close out one cycle and enter anew in 2023 and where your highest vibration, will help build the New Earth rising in Oneness, for the Greater Good.

Your higher self is now bringing up to your awareness, those who have wronged you through injustice, throughout your life, and why they must be released from your energy at this time. These are the people who knowingly and unknowingly oppressed and suppressed your free will and divinity, for their own benefit and self-gain, many without repentance or rectification. Holding on to these people, through thoughts, words and actions will only cause you further pain and strife, holding you back from becoming a better version of yourself and fulfilling your divine purpose here on Earth, to Ascend.

Take note of your thought processes at this time and take appropriate actions where necessary. For in truth, your future and the future success of all of humanity rely on it. It’s time to do what you have to do, to transform your life and the world as a whole… for We Are One, this can only be achieved by releasing those who are holding you back from ascending into Oneness.  

Rise above those who have wronged you, forgiving yourself and any others involved, releasing any hold they still have over you and move towards and fulfil your divine purpose, for the Greater Good of ALL.

You… brave heart, have the power within you to create new worlds, let go of the old and ascend into anew.

~ NAYA ~

Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy in Oneness – Activate Vorce Synergy in Oneness, healing yourself and Mother Earth as One, becoming an active co-creator of the New Earth Rising in Oneness, for the ‘Greater Good’ of All.

Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. Will Travel, conditions apply. Email for more Information.

© Nadine Head 2022

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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