Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine Head

INTEL & INSIGHTS – SIGNS of CHANGE in the second half of 2024

Things are not what they seem and haven’t been for decades.

The world can expect to see some big changes in the next 6 months that will start to show humanity where we are heading and it all starts in the US.

The 45th President is in charge of everything! They know everything about everyone. Everything, about Everyone! If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to be concerned about.

All sins are under judgement by God, if you have sinned, now is the time to make it right with God. Whatever God means to you at any given time is to be true, follow that path and God will steer you on the path to righteousness.

Keep your ears and eyes open, and look for positive changes coming to Delaware US state. Delaware was a Deep State hiding ground, and they have been eliminated. A revolutionary collaboration with the town’s people of Delaware to rebuild will be forthcoming and it will be magnificent, putting things right with a lot of people. Change is good and significant change is even better.

There is still deep state interference/surveillance taking place around the world and you may be able to feel it but it has no power.

Celebrities have their own agenda and many are not to be trusted. The more powerful they are, the more dangerous they are. Do not discern by sight or by words alone. You cannot believe a lot of what you see and what you hear. The deception runs deep. To say things are not what they seem in this instance is an understatement and to support them and their work, is to support their agenda.

The Australian Government has been dissolved and many are in custody. There is heavy surveillance within and surrounding Australia at this time, to help both assist and arrest and to protect. Further arrests will be forthcoming and protection is in place for those who require it. Many are under surveillance and don’t know it. Many are under protection and do not know it. A lot of what you seeing in the media at this time, is simply more illusions. The media cannot be trusted.  

Facebook is under heavy surveillance and is not a safe place to be but it will be. The little I say about this the better. Change is coming.

It’s time to rebuild and reshape Australia, to build back better for the people, by the people!

2025 will be a remarkable year and brings great change to the Australian people and to the World.


© Nadine Head 2024


As I know it to be true, God is All That Is.

God is the Earth and the Sun and everything in between that is of the Light. God is within you and within me and within All Living Things.

God is in all that you see, all that you do and all that are, and God said “let there be light” as he commanded the light into being as part of his creation. This shows us that God can create something out of nothing and can speak things into being and just as God spoke to the Earth and it was, so shall you, for you are one.

Many throughout history and now many of you have experienced this and know it to be true and many more will to come. As humanity continues to awaken their Divine Powers, humanities Divine Powers are coming to light exponentially.

We are all born of God Frequency, when humanity returns to God Frequency from within, all Divine Truths will be revealed and this process is now in action.


Divine Transmissions

© Nadine Head 2024


Sacred Soul’s, the New Earth is built on true and integrity. God’s Kingdom of Love and of Light is built on Truth (love) and Integrity (light). We cannot desire a world living in truth and integrity and yet reject the truth when it is spoken, for the world in truth does not work that way.

If we want to live in a world of truth and integrity, we must learn to live from a place of truth and integrity and to open our hearts in order to accept the truth, when it is gifted to us. How do we know if the truth is being spoken, we live truthfully!

When we live in truth and integrity of our soul’s truth, we can hear and see what is said and done and what is not, in truth and integrity. Humanity has reached a point of evolution, in which from this time forward, those who do not live in truth and integrity will continue to struggle even greater in their own life and to live in harmony with others upon the Rising of the New Earth in Love and Light of the Oneness in God Frequency, which is of the utmost of all Truth and Integrity.

God’s Kingdom is the Righteous Kingdom, only the righteous will bask in its heavenly delights, for God’s Heavenly Kingdom Delights are sacred and in which reaches far beyond our Earthly realm.

Rise in truth and integrity, cultivating the New Earth Rising in truth and integrity.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of the Oneness in God Frequency

© Nadine Head 2024


We all carry within us the Power of Light Codes that carry the Divine Frequencies embedded in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency; all we have to do is unlock them, by God’s Divine Laws, with Divine Guidance and in Divine Timing.

Life is a journey to greatness not a race, the following pics are a before and after image of my journey from illness to wellness thus far, with the reactivation of Vorce Synergy and no, I was not intoxicated in the first photo; in fact I barely managed to get though one class of wine. No but sadly, the truth is, I was exhausted, tormented and traumatised, I was an unwell woman with suicidal tendencies, and I was surrounded by people who through no fault of my own, chose to work against me instead of with me for their own self-gain.

I was surrounded by people who recognised the light within me long before I did and saw it as a threat and chose to suck the life right out of me by any means possible and that meant playing on my vulnerabilities, my good nature and spirituality, and by stomping on my inner child wounding, of which I know many of you can relate.

My story is a lifelong story full of traumatic experiences, horrendous betrayals and great adversity, all starting at quite a young age and from there on, where life mostly seemed to be working against me, when in fact life was shaping me for something much more. In hindsight and now on the side of greater health and wellness, it is now very clear to me that like many of you, my life has been a great battle, a battle between good and evil in a war waged upon ‘The Light’ that is within us all, a war waged on God and on God’s people and for what we bring with us into this world, which is the DNA Codes to reclaim our divinity and to restore God’s Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore.

This is a spiritual war, a war The Light has finally won after thousands of years and now as a result, humanity can reclaim what is rightfully ours and rebuild anew. It took the most part of my life to realise that the war people waged on me had nothing to do with me as a person but everything to do with the light they saw within, which is God’s Light within us all.

Each and every one of us holds within us a powerful force and that is what they want to take from us. Each and every one of us has a purpose to fulfil in this life time and while one person’s divine purpose may seem somewhat greater or grander than another’s, each of us has a purpose to fulfil of great significant to the Greater Whole in Oneness, and it is of great importance that we each heal our past, to discover and fulfil our divine purpose here on Earth. No person or purpose is greater than another but all hold greater purpose and greater value when fulfilled, and not for the lack of them trying but nobody can take nor fulfil another person’s divine purpose, for it is written within our DNA.

For me, sadly they had me beaten down, until God decided to step in and bless me with the Reactivation of Vorce Synergy in Divine Oneness, gifting the ability to heal my life and deliver my divine purpose, to serve humanity by delivering the Vorce Activation Process, unlocking a greater Life Force within, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of all life on Earth. The time of watering down our earthly experience and Divine Truth to please others has now come and gone, for humanity has reached a point in its evolution, where All Truths will now prevail, under God’s Divine will and grace.  

Vorce is a gift to humanity from God, gifting humanity the ability to heal oneself and to transform one’s life in love and light of Divine Oneness, as humanity now shifts from one energy system to another and in turn co-creating the New Earth in God Frequency, reinstating God’s Kingdom of Light here on Earth forevermore. This is what they wanted to take from me, in order to take from you. What God gave to me in my hour of need was the ability to gift you with the Vorce Activation, unlocking a greater Life Force from within and in Divine Connection to the Oneness of God Frequency, ultimately reinstating the Kingdom of Light Forevermore, and for the future now belongs to God’s People and for we hold the power within us all, to transform ourselves and the world, As One.

And as such I can now invite you to join me on the Vorce Journey to heal oneself and to transform your own life in the Oneness of God Frequency, becoming an Active Co-creator of the New Earth, reinstating God’s Kingdom of Light forevermore, not by humanities limited understanding of Oneness but by God’s Divine Will and Grace in which resides within us all.

Life is a journey to greatness not a race; what matters most on this journey, is not so much about, where you are at on your journey but that you simply take the journey. The world around us is changing and if you are ready to make a real change in your life and within the world as we know it, then come and join me and so many others on the Vorce Journey from illness, to wellness, to greatness, by receiving your Activation of Vorce Light Codes, unlocking a Greater Life Force from within and within the Oneness of God Frequency, transforming All Life on Earth Forevermore, for We Are God’s People, living on Gods Great Earth and We Are One.

All roads lead back to God and Gods will, will be done. This is my story and I am my own greatest testimony of the miraculous journey we can all take with the assistance of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God frequency and for the Power of Vorce is within you!

Come and hear more about my miraculous journey with Vorce, learn all about Vorce and how to heal yourself and transform your life in love and light of Divine Oneness with the assistance of Vorce, becoming an Active Co-creator of the New Earth, reinstating Gods Kingdom of Light forevermore. Be the change you wish to see in the world and bear witness to the Evolutionary Process of Humanity in the Oneness of God Frequency, creating Heaven on Earth. This is why we came, this is why we stay and this is where our future belongs, in light of and under God’s Divine Will & Grace.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy

Offering a one-day Vorce Activation Workshop, currently available within Australia, Email asking me how you too can join the Vorce Community Rising in the Oneness of God Frequency and where I look forward to hearing from you.

© Nadine Head 2024


Humanities return to love has demoted the devil and placed God back in power to a greater extent. God’s return to power requires God to shake things up, in order to restore peace, balance and harmony to the world and therefore the journey home begins with greater intention.

God is about to shake you to wake you. When you do wrong by yourself or by others, God makes sure things go wrong for you, this is God’s way of guiding you back towards the light, back to righteousness and to divinity, through what humanity refers to as karma.

God see’s and knows all, for the omnipresence of God is within all living things. God will warn you to stop doing the things that are not good for you or for others, more times than you deserve, just to see how far you are willing to take things and If you are unwilling to stop doing unrighteous things and start living by the way of righteousness, God will take all that is good in your life from you and if you still continue to turn a blind eye, God, will take life from you. If that is not a big enough wake up call, then what is!? And if you turn your life around, God will test you to see if you have learnt your lesson and if you are deserving of your position in God’s Divine Kingdom of Light.

Life is not a game. The gift of life requires one to be righteous and those who do not do right do not survive. God is about to show the world, that LIFE and all that life represents, is servitory and involves a statutory process that many will not survive, for this is the way.

The only path home is through God and God Is Love. Return to love for where there is love, there is a way!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The True and Divine Power of All Life on Earth is God Frequency, and the truest and greatest power you can ever hold in your life and on this Earth, is to be in and of God Frequency. The greater your divine frequency is the greater God’s power to rule this world over Satin becomes. You in all of your divinity; strengthens God’s Power to rule the World.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Satan’s path is one of mortality and God’s path is one of immortality. Immortality is the true Nature and Divine Essence of your Sacred Soul and of all that represents and gives the Gift of Life.

When you choose Satan’s path, you are choosing your mortality over your immortality, and when you choose God’s path you are choosing your immortality over mortality.

When humanity chooses their immortality over their mortality, the world we all live in, will transform from Darkness to Light, Forevermore.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of the Divine Oneness of God Frequency

© Nadine Head 2024

CHANGING ENERGY HEALING SYSTEMS – Where humanity is going wrong and how we can change it!

Humanity was once part of a greater whole in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, in ALL of its Divine Beauty, Power and Grace. Divine Oneness is made up of many, different energies throughout the universe and in which humanity is an intricate part of. When all of these divine energies merge together, they become one, becoming a much greater whole and in which upholds the greater power of Oneness, reinstating the Full Divine Power to the Oneness in and of God Frequency.

Channelled Healing Energies such as Reiki were originally a part of the greater whole, in Oneness. However, when mankind turned their backs on the Divine Oneness of God Frequency and went down the path of the ego, thousands of years ago, the Divine Living System in Oneness lost its full divine power and as a result, the power of Oneness was deactivated within all living being, while humanity went through the ‘ego state’ of doing instead of being, taking the entire Divine Living System with it and up until humanity were able to come full circle and out the other side of the lower frequency, that is the ego state of consciousness.

Over the years and during this time in separation of Oneness and as humanity reached certain milestones within this process, humanity was gifted with a number of channelled healing energies such as Reiki, to help humanity heal and to return to Oneness and these energies became a part of a channelled energy system, intended to assist humanities evolution until which point humanity returned to Oneness and to which point in time, the Divine Living System, can be restored to its former glory in the full divine power held within the Oneness of God Frequency.

Oneness originates from within and as such, anything that is separate from us prevents us from returning to and restoring the full power of Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of all. Therefore, while ever humanity continues to use channelled healing energies, humanity is preventing itself and All Divine Energies that make up the greater whole, from returning to and reinstating the full power of Divine Oneness, for that which keeps us in separation, separates us from the Divine Oneness of God Frequency.

The dark forces of this world are fully aware of this and have helped to promote and keep active within our communities the use of channelled healing energies, in an attempt to prevent humanity from returning to and restoring the Full Power to the Oneness of God Frequency in totality, essentially using God’s light force against God’s people.

Over the years, Reiki has been westernised, monetised and far removed from its Divine Origins and as a result, it has lost much of the divine healing power it had once held. Through the misuse and mishandling of channelled healing energies, channelled healing energies are now doing humanity more harm than good and as we continue to use channelled energy in a time in which it is not intended to be used, in the direct form in which it is being used, and for this reason humanity itself, is preventing its own evolutionary process in Divine Oneness, when in truth humanity has the power to transform our reality here on earth, in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, much, much sooner than most can possibly perceive.

After thousands of years in the ego state, humanity came full circle and in Twenty Thousand and Ten, where enough of humanity had released their ego and had returned to their loving heart centre, which reactivated the Energy of Oneness for all living things on Earth, in a very small increment and as more and more of humanity releases their ego and returns to their heart centre, humanity is earning their rightful position back as Divine Beings, in the Oneness of God Frequency, reclaiming their divinity and reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth in Divine Oneness Forevermore. This process is taking place in increments and as humanity reclaims its divinity; which in turn is speeding up the process, reinstating God’s Kingdome of Light here on earth, with the Rising of the New Earth.

A new humanity, a just and moral people, is birthing The New Earth. The New Earth is the pure Earth; a pure Earth is the New Earth. For this to take place and for the Oneness of God Frequency to be activated in full, humanity is required to release all channelled healing energy and to return to the sacred power of Divine Oneness within, were there waits a much greater power for self-healing and personal transformation, guiding humanity home to the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore, were all universal energies can come back together As One, for the Greater Good of ALL.

The Healing Power that is hidden within you is far greater, than any power that is external from you and for this reason those who have willingly reached within and beyond external frequencies will now begin to loose the power to access channelled healing energy for their highest good and for the Greater Good of All, and those who continue to hold onto what is no longer in alignment with Oneness, will learn through their misfortune.

The true healing power of Oneness comes from within and promises great rewards not just for the individual but for All Life on Earth, in The Oneness of God Frequency and by divine will and grace. There are hidden treasures within you that hold the power to transform life and to create New Worlds. Let go of all that no longer serves the true and Divine Power of Oneness and rediscover your innate and divine power, to heal yourself and the world as one, from within.


Founder of ‘Vorce’ in the Oneness of God Frequency

Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. Come and learn how you can heal yourself and transform your life in the Oneness of God Frequency, becoming an Active Co-creator of The New Earth with Vorce Synergy, guiding humanity home to Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2024


No judgments, just facts, after-all none of us are perfect and we are all in this together.

Covid opened up a can of worms and brought an energy with it that presented humanity with an opportunity to recognise and break any generational curses, that we have carried with us into this life and many of us have been breaking curses off of our family blood line and for future generations to come but many still struggle with this spiritual and earthly damnation, through the actions of obsession and addiction, through temptation and immorality.

We all live in a world where there is Darkness and there is Light. The world of darkness ruled by ‘Satan’ introduced humanity to and uses the tell-a-vision, the entertainment, sports, movie and music industry, education system, technology and pornography to promote temptation and immorality, tricking humanity into committing immoral and sinful acts, against their better judgment and mostly without even realising it, trapping humanity in the actions of obsession and addiction, in order to control and manipulate humanity and rule the world.

This is how Satin, the King of Darkness has ruled over the world for more than a century, by introducing humanity to the sinful acts of temptation and immorality. While ever humanity continues to engage with the devil and his bag of tricks, full of obsessive and addictive toys and behaviour, the more humanity itself is promoting, funding and committing sin, and the longer it will take for the New Earth to Rise in Love and Light of the Divine Oneness in God Frequency, which in love, light and truth, has the power to shift Earths reality, instantaneously. And humanity holds all the power.

The devil promotes all that destroys life and God promotes and upholds all life. Humanity has now reached a point in time where we must choose one way or the other, not just in our thoughts or spoken words but now and most importantly, through our actions or face the consequences of our actions as an individual and as a greater whole.  Actions speak louder than words and it is only through our righteous and holy actions, that humanity will now create everlasting results.

While ever the devil controls your mind, you will be governed by him and while ever the devil controls the minds of humanity, humanity will continue to be plagued by darkness to one extent or another.

Humanity holds all the power, for this is a spiritual war and Satan’s people rule over the un-natural world while God’s people rule over the Natural World and whichever one tips the scales one way or the other, determines which one will rule forever.

The good news is that this war has already been won, enough of humanity has chosen the light to tip the scales toward The Light, giving greater power to God, but for the transition from one world to the other to taking place as quickly and smoothly as possible, is now up to the people and the actions we all choose to take in each and every moment, for in truth, the transformation we have all been waiting for, is our own personal transformation, it is the transformation of each and every one of us that determines how quickly or how slowly this transformation, from darkness to light takes to transpire in our reality. Our actions have the power to speed up or slow down the process.

Your actions hold the power, to destroy Satin’s Kingdom of Darkness forever or to let him continue to plague the world with his poison, to some extent or another. You chose, for your choices now determine how the rest of your day here on Earth play out and how the rest of humanities days on Earth are Reined.

Choose Love and Light, choose the Natural World… choose God, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Your spiritual abilities are a blessing, not a curse nor a sin…

A strict Catholic recently told me that Clairvoyance is evil and in a roundabout way, that it is their job to guide me back to God. It saddens me to know that so many people out there have been conditioned to believe, that their natural God given abilities are evil.

In today’s world we must be careful not to listen to those who try to confuse us or distract us from our divine path, for when someone is unconscious to their own innate truth, they are in all truth, unconscious to divine truth.

What I find evil and sacrilegious is that humanity as a society has had their innate abilities supressed and stripped from them and has been conditioned to hold, such ludicrous believes for far too long. Mankind has much to answer for particularly when it comes to the true origin of who we really are and what we are capable of in and of the Light, the writings of the Bible and of our true history here on Earth, which has mostly all been fabricated in an attempt to misguide us.

Our spirituality and spiritual gifts have come under scrutiny for far too long and while our divinity has been under attack and our sacred souls have been fighting a silent war, between good and evil from within and without, much of humanity has lost their own ability to know right from wrong, to know what is truly sacred and what is not. Humanity has forgotten who we are and how to honour and nurture our divinity for our highest good and for the Greater Good of All.

As we speak many are still waging war on our God given abilities to see beyond this realm, leaving much of humanity confused as to who they really are and why they came, unwilling or unable to go within, to reawaken their innate abilities and to their own sacred connection to God and where all truths reside.     

As many hidden truths come to light at this time and in the years to come and specifically surrounding the bible, religion and spirituality, and as our innate abilities continue to come under scrutiny, be sure not to allow others to confuse or distract you from your divine knowing and spiritual path. Now more than ever, is a time to allow your own innate, God given abilities to help guide you forward from within.

Over the last number of years I have heard many people begin to question their natural (supernatural) abilities or that of others, as the scrutiny of the Bible continues to raise more questions about the supernatural, and this is where common sense must be forthcoming.

So, let’s talk about the Clair’s, most people by now would have either heard of, or knowingly or unknowingly awakened to one or more of the following abilities from within. The Clair’s consist of the following; Clairvoyance (clear seeing) Clairaudient (clear hearing) Claircognizance (clear knowing) Clairsentience (clear physical feeling) Clairempathy (clear emotions) Clairgustance (clear tasting) Clairalience (clear smelling) Clairintellect (clear thinking) Clairtangency (clear touching) and Intuitive (having clair-ity) all of which derive from our natural senses, our God given senses.

We are all born with these abilities but most people lose them at a very young age due to the interference of and dumbing down of their natural senses, which starts the very day we are born, through medical interference and from there on, through social conditioning, elemental, medical and technological interference and apartheid and in this sense, mankind has a lot to answer for. Without all of these un-natural interferences and with the sharpening of our natural senses, humanity would have evolved far beyond this realm, reclaiming our true divinity and divine inheritance long before now and life for humanity would literally be, Heaven on Earth.

The Clair’s are simply a natural part of us, a sensory perception of reality and of divinity that when nurtured, allows us to see beyond what is in front of us, that which is beyond this realm. These innate abilities have been stolen from us, through the suppression and theft of our divine inheritance, that which is our divine knowing and ability to reclaim our divinity, reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth in God Frequency.

Our natural senses are a part of what connects us to self and to God, and the Devil has done everything in his power to dull our natural senses, to keep us from advancing beyond our current reality, beyond this realm and reinstating Gods Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore.

The devil introduced humanity to a toxic life style, by introducing entertainment, alcohol, drugs, lustful relations and many other toxicities in which robs us of our sacredness, and robs us of having sharp senses, robbing us of our true nature as divine beings of love and light, in and of God Frequency.

The devil introduced humanity to an education system, religion and technologies that are all intended to weaken our natural senses and distract us from our divine connection to God, and to the Divine Living System in God Frequency, essentially using humanity to help destroy all that is GOD the Divine Living System and in which including ourselves, by engaging in such things humanity is destroying all life on Earth. The more we consume of this world, the more we destroy what actually sustains us.

The God I know and trust lives and radiates through me and through all living things in the Oneness of God Frequency and is the greatest, most powerful and beautiful thing I have ever known and experienced.

I serve God by speaking Gods word, not from the bible but through my divine connection to God. We are in a spiritual war, fighting a battle between good and evil from within. One must learn to know the difference between good and evil to know and to live Gods Truth.

It is my belief that the bible has been written many times over and had many changes, intended to deceive and lead humanity away from discovering who we really are, what we are really capable of and what we came here to achieve; to reclaim our true Divinity, reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore, and the Bible as we know it today is simply a book written by men, that has lead humanity away from our true and divine path. It’s time for humanity to return to our divine path from within, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of all, where Gods Law resides within us and God’s word flows through us, for in truth We Are One with God.

God’s word is my bible, the Natural Earth is my church and the rest is and should always be questioned. Never doubt yourself and your divine connection to God and the Divine Living System, for all else in this world, is of no true substance nor power and therefore, may common sense prevail, for your spiritual gifts are a blessing, not a curse nor a sin, as the devil would like to have you believe.


Divine Channel in Love and Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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