Nadine Head
If you’ve been paying close enough attention you might have noticed, an increase of ankle bracelets in our streets is becoming evident, so too is the fact that some try to cover them up while others wear them like a badge of honour, this within its self serves as a telling sign of how disconnected a person has become, from that which is God and should also serve as a sign, for what is taking place behind the scenes and furthermore, for what is to come and by all rights, it should serve as a wakeup call to humanity.
As God’s appointed continue to sweep our streets clean, be sure to remember this, actions speak louder than words and if you do the crime, you do the time and some crimes are punishable by the loss of life, and in which is Divinely Intended.
Have no fear for God’s Law is now in full effect and separation between that which is, of the Light and that of Darkness must take place, before and in light of the New Earth and it’s elevation of moral goodness. Allow stillness at this time with the knowing that both personal and worldly signs and signals for elevation with soon follow.
God sees all and is in control of ALL Outcomes and all future outcomes, serve The Greater Good.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
They thought they would divide us for their own agenda but God used their evil plan against them. God used their attempts to divide us, to reveal and divide opposing forces. Division was always a part of the plan and Only Ever, took place for the Greater Good.
Now that division has taken place and all has been revealed and as humanity now enters uncharted waters, unity will now begin to take place in a New and Enlightened Way.
It’s now time to release any attachment there may be, to what has taken place in the past, to Let Go and to Let God lead the way.
It is time to Let Go of what has been revealed to you and leave it all behind you. It’s time for humanity to cease any attempt to create unity, where unity does not belong and allow God, to now show you and the rest of humanity a new and better way, with the knowing that God will now take care of all the rest.
Now through God this too shall be known, as we all now move forward in Co-creation of the New Earth, of Gods Kingdom of Light here on Earth, without God nobody enters in nor out, for all that is left now, is The Light!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Together the words you speak and the frequency of your voice become a manifesting tool, of great power and potential; be careful and be mindful how you use them.
In addition to this, when you abuse the divine power of your words and the divine frequency of your voice, your words and the frequency of your voice, loses its power, until which point you return to and restore the divine power of your spoken words and the divine frequency of your voice with honour, love, light and purity.
Return to, restore and honour the purity of your spoken word and divine frequency of your voice, reinstating the divine power of your voice to manifest your hearts desires into reality, via the spoken word but do take heed, for the world is changing rapidly under the reinstatement and increasing power of God Frequency and as such, to dishonour the power of your divinity in any way, will now and forevermore have grave consequences.
God will now clearly and decisively show you the way, but it is up to you to follow God’s lead or face dire consequences. The power of your voice has the potential to lead you to freedom or to your own entrapment. The choice is yours and yours alone. Choose your words and frequency wisely!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
It’s time for humanity to follow natures lead. Do as nature does and avoid as nature avoids and in this way, nature will guide humanity home.
Have you ever noticed and wondered why the bees will happily frolicking in one yard, while avoiding the flowing bushes in the neighbouring yard?
Or how the ants will happily climb all over your kitchen sink but will avoid any left overs that have been left lying around?
Or how one side of a tree will die while the other side continues to grow and perhaps even blossom?
Forty plus years ago the bees could be seen frolicking on most flowering trees and bushes, the ants would enjoy any scrapes lying around, especially if they were sweet and delicious, like watermelon or pineapple and the trees were healthy, unless mankind had interfered in some way with their natural process to grow and to move with the seasons as it was always divinely intended.
Did you ever contemplate theses type of changes taking place over time and ask yourself why? Did you ever think that they may be a good indication that something has changed, that something isn’t quite right and that these telling signs from nature should in fact be ringing alarm bells for you and your loved ones and for humanity as a whole?
Nature knows what is good and what is not and its ability and awareness to know the difference should in some part be a sign of divine guidance to all of humanity. Humanity has lost its ability to know right from wrong and good from not so good.
It’s now time for humanity to allow nature to help guide humanity back to our true origins, as an intricate part of the Divine Living System, in which everything has a natural order of taking place, in order for everyone and everything to not just survive but to thrive; where everyone and everything works together to uphold the Divine Living System and the Divine Power that it holds, for the upholding and rising of divine health, abundance and happiness, for one and for all Living Things and as it was always divinely intended to be, within the Oneness of God Frequency, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of All.
For centuries humanity has continued to distance itself from that of the Divine Living System and from, how it was always intended to be for the Greater Good and in doing so, mankind created an imbalance within ‘The Oneness’ of God Frequency and both humanity and the rest of the Divine Living System has been suffering in some sense and to one degree or another, ever since this began. It’s now up to humanity to return to Nature and to restore the Divine Power that Nature holds, in The Oneness of God Frequency for one and for ALL.
Listen to the bees; listen to the trees and the ants. Listen to nature and allow nature to guide us all home and to rebuild what we have broken, by coming back together with Nature in co-creation of the New Earth, restoring the Divine Living System to its former glory, in which is in ‘being’ of the pure divine essence of all that is truly Divine by Nature, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of all. For ‘We Are One’ and when humanity returns to ‘The Oneness’ of God Frequency, all will be well within the World once again.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Energy as we know it, is about to take on a whole new meaning!
Humanity is about to awaken to whom we really are and what we are really capable of as energetic beings living in an energetic world.
Many have already and many more are now just beginning to awaken to and experience the divine power of the spiritual energy and divine frequency that moves through us and all around us and has a great effect on all of humanity and the divine living system, As One.
In this regard, humanity is now evolving in the absence of that which has previously been blocked from our awareness and our true power as Energetic Beings of Divine Light is now emerging, to greater depths and to greater heights.
Humanity is simply coming back to life at this time and as such, it’s time for us all to ignite our energetic powers and to use them to shine a light on the world, transforming the world as we know it and reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth, forevermore.
Humanity is returning to our true origins as a pure and true Beacon of Light!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
If you’ve been paying attention from both within and without, you would have to know by now, that we are not the only intelligent species living here on Earth and many hidden truths, lies and secrets will be revealed more publicly in the distant and not so distant future in regard to this.
Of course, as with everything else in the world, you cannot believe everything you see or hear and the truth is not always pleasant but do be sure to stay tuned in and tapped in.
Know that there is nothing to fear but life on Earth could be about to get a lot more interesting, in regards to this very interesting revelation in the years to come and I’ve got good reason to believe that something very special is being prepared for humanity in regards to this and as with everything, time will reveal all.
Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Some of you beautiful 😇 are about to receive your 🪽
Are you ready to fly!?
The energy coming in over the next few months:
💫 Sudden & Unexpected Changes or New (Blessings)
💫 Breakthroughs, Down Loads & Up Grades
💫 Personal Freedom & Transformation
💫 New Beginnings & Fast Moving Action
💫 Answered Prayers & Divine Blessings
💫 Greater Acceptance & Flow, Ease & Grace
💫 A Greater Depth of Awareness, Innerstanding & Understanding
💫 New Earth Emergence
Now is not the time to be too complacent or too comfortable in current surroundings or circumstances. Prepare for lift-off and get ready to fly!
Well Done and Congratulations! 🎉 🥂 🎉
This message will not pertain to everyone, take it how it fits and keep up the good work, your time is coming! ✨ 🦋 ✨
Love & Blessings
Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
A major shift is about to take place, revealing divine truth, lies and justice, activating a greater spiritual awareness and protection. Power shifts are likely to take place simultaneously on the 3rd and 5th dimensional planes at this time.
June 5th, 7th, 18th and 21st will be a significant time line with greater changes taking place behind the scenes, both on the 3rd and 5th dimensions and in which may be brought to the world’s attention. Any endings that may take place in your life and or in the world during this time are divinely intended to create new beginnings. Acceptance will allow for a greater and more powerful transformation.
Allow time for connection to and reflection of self and of the world we all live in. Allow time for grounding, for stillness and for gentleness. Move with the flow, moving with ease and with grace. Positive changes will follow on a personal and worldly level.
The month of June brings great change within the world, whether you become aware of it or not, change for the better is here and now. The world as we have known it is no longer and the New Earth is coming into view with a much clearer and greater perspective. Humanity will now lean into and to a much greater extent, towards a more spiritual way of being within the world, thus being for the Greater Good.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
The New Earth is the Pure Earth. A Pure Earth is the New Earth!
Humanities pathway towards restoring divinity is through righteousness and purity of heart. Purify in body, mind and spirit, home and environment, manifesting and co-creating the New Earth in Divine Oneness, for one and for ALL.
The tide is turning. What has been stolen and kept from you will astound you but a new pathway is now being made available to humanity, to restore Earths true Divinity through the assistance and Divine Activation of Vorce Synergy.
Vorce is a Light Force, reactivating humanities Pure Earth DNA & Light Codes, in love and light of and in co-creation of the New Earth. This is an absolute game changer!
Through ‘Vorce Synergy’ the Light Force is being returned to the people and through Vorce, The Force will always be, within you.
Vorce Activations are now available within Australia. Come and join me, and learn how Vorce can elevate you and humanities evolution in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Founder & Activator of Vorce Synergy
© Nadine Head 2024
Sickness is God’s way of guiding you to wellness. When sickness hits, your body, mind and spirit is asking to be cleansed and purified. You are being asked to stop living a life that insults your soul and pushes against your soul’s path and purpose in the world. This is God’s way of guiding you towards alignment within self and within the world, As One.
God is asking you to cleanse and purity your body and blood, to be reborn again, to return to and restore the Kingdom of Light, here on Earth, in Divine Oneness, forevermore.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024