Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine’s Insights


God works through you and for you. The devil works against you…

God does not confuse, the devil confuses…

God does not abandon, the devil abandons…

God does not hate, the devil hates…

Whenever and where ever there is confusion, abandonment and hatred in your life, reach out to and get close to God, for the devil is working his will against you and Gods Light holds the divine power to save you.

Those who bring confusion, abandonment and hatred to your life have been sent by the devil, to distract you from your divine path, with or without their knowledge. You cannot save them, send them love, let go and let God. If they are meant to be saved, God will find a way.

If they are meant to be saved, God…Will…Find a Way!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Reveals and Renewals – Death and Rebirth!

In coming, the return of what belongs to you and what’s owed to you, call back your power and reclaiming your divinity.

The end of delays and well earnt benefits will be forthcoming.

Release the old and embrace the new, remain alert to those who only serve to sabotage your progression, with the knowing that they are being taken care of behind the scenes. They hold no power and at this point in time any attempt they make to sabotage another, will only be to their own detriment.  

God used you to expose them. They did not delay you, they played and delayed themselves. You are on time. Let go and let God!

Step forward with joy, happiness, confidence and peace. It’s time for you to soar, on the Rising of the New Earth.

Love & Blessings


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


It does not please me to be the bearer of bad news but this is an important message, for this is a time to be more cautious rather than throwing caution to the wind.

The divine would like to bring it to humanities attention, that all sickness and disease has been introduced to humanity in one way or another, whether it is through humanities dishonour and polluting of the Divine Living System or by sinister design and manipulation.

This Easter Period – It is important to protect yourself and your loved ones; this particular message from source energy is as follows…

Don’t eat the Easter Bunnies and stay out of the water.

Rare sickness and conditions can be expected in the days, weeks and months following the Easter period in some communities whether it be a small or larger outbreak, for example the outbreak of scarlet fever and the likes may be on the rise and being that of a less common illness and or disease than we may be familiar with, in our day and age and or the possibility of food poisoning, all sporadically spread in small groups as not to cause suspicion. These sorts of patterns are not uncommon but have been done in such a way as to prevent humanity from recognising that there is a pattern.

Source would also like it to be known that not all but many day care centres have been targeted in this way, through the food and water over past decades and particularly around the holiday seasons in small doses, mostly without the knowledge or knowing of the people who own and or operate these facilities but unfortunately, in some cases it has been with their knowledge and with their full cooperation, as some centres have been owned and or operated by unsavoury and dangerous people, who have ill intentions towards our children and or towards humanity.  

Source advises humanity to return to a more personal and more detailed approach to self-care and that of one’s loved ones. Trust is too readily being place in the wrong hands. Awaken to the potential dangers that lurk within your communities and trust no one at this time and moving forward.

“Protect the children” – God the Universe and Divine Living Earth.

This message is intended to help humanity awaken to more of the hidden truths and dangers surrounding them and their communities and to help prevent unnecessary illness and harm.

It is up to humanity…each and every person to take back their power and to protect the children from any further exposure to that which is unnatural and intended to cause harm through illness and indoctrination, in an attempt to keep humanity in a low vibration, as to diminish our connection to our divine power and the energy source of all life, from as early as the day we are born.

Please share this message with your loved ones and stay well and safe this Easter and have a great holiday with the knowing that with knowledge comes great power, use this knowledge to take back your power and raise your frequency for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

Love & Blessings


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


God warned them to stop their wicked ways…

God told them to rectify their wrongs…

God gave them ample time to turn around and they failed to do so…

God shone a light for them to follow and they failed to walk the path…

Now their time is up and their fate is sealed. Justice is being served and they are being stripped, of their divine birthright to enter the Kingdom of Light, for they failed to serve The Light…

Their days are numbered. There is nothing you can do nor should you do for them…

Let Go and Let God…

For their time is up and yours has just begun!

Congratulations! It’s time for you to step forward and into the Kingdom of Light for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL. Know that all obstacles have been removed, they may try but they will fail!

Welcome to the Kingdom of Light and your Birth Rights!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


While ever humanity continues to entertain the Matrix (Satan’s technology) humanity will continue to experience dark times.

Satan’s weapon is technology. Technology has been knowingly and unknowingly designed to dull all of our natural senses, to syphon our Divine Essence and Life Force, stealing our divine inheritance from us and from the Holy Spirit of the Earth in which we came and in which we belong.  Our natural senses are connected to and are an intrinsic part of the holy spirit of all life on Earth, bringing all divine (soulful) living things together in the Oneness of God Frequency (the ether).

Satan’s Technology is that which is spiritless and that which is spiritless, is created by the unnatural forces of Satan’s will and design, which in turn rebukes God, the Divine Living System, rebuking all divine beings and robbing humanity of our divine birth rights here on Earth. While ever these two forces are at war within, humanity will continue to have war within the world – as within, so without. But as God can be rebuked, Satan can also be rebuked.

If you pay close enough attention, you will come to the realisation that each and every time you interact, with any form of technology, it draws you in and under its spell, robbing you of your life, your life force, your divine essence and your divine connection to the Holy Spirit of Life, which is strongest and most powerful when you are connected to God (Nature) and to that which is of the Holy Spirit. Satan’s technology robs us of our life and of life itself, just as Satin intended and as Satan laughs in our faces, while his devious plans are carried out, by his willing and not so willing minions and we willingly take the bait. Satan offers that which stimulates our senses in a way that robs us of our senses, robbing us of our divine connection to God.

Humanity came to reclaim and restore our Divinity here on Earth for one and for ALL Divine Beings. Our individual choices here, ultimately determines the outcome for us all, tipping the scales in favour of God (good) or of Satan (evil) Therefore, I ask you this, which side are you willingly or not so willingly choosing through your own choices?

Are you exercising your free will as a divine being here on Earth, to pave your own way and to fulfil your divine purpose here on Earth or are you choosing that in which has been laid out before you in the unnatural and spiritless world of technology, which is robbing you of your divine essence and connection to God? Satan’s technology has been designed to put you under a spell, keeping you from discovering and fulfilling your soulful mission here on Earth. Your mission here is to break the spell and live your life by your birth rights as a divine being, to have free will.

Are your actions in alignment with your soul’s truth and desire for a world where there is plenty for everyone and where no man, woman or child will go without or suffer, or are your action in alignment with your desire for self-gain, fame and fortune, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, because that is where the world of technology has lead us up until this point in time and is leading us in the future if we continue to allow it, simply by entertaining it, are you taking the bait, getting caught up in the illusion of grandeur, because if you are, I can guarantee you that Satan can and will take it all from you, just as fast as it was given to you.

Are your actions tipping the scales in the direction of good or evil, light or dark, in support of that which is divine (with spirit) or that in which is spiritless and in which is robbing you of your divinity and your divine connection to the Holy Spirit of the Earth, in which you came and in which you belong and in which has far more to offer you than you could possibly know at this point in time and for you are far more powerful then you have been lead to believe.  
Know this, that you are far more powerful than any technology Satan can possible provide for you, which is why he has gone to great lengths to prevent you from discovering who you really are and why you came.

If you haven’t already, now is the appropriate time to align your actions with your soul’s truth and to be the change, you wish to see in the world, not for self-gain but for self-preservation and the preservation of the Divine Living System, the Living Earth in which you belong. Will you align with the light of the divine truth that resides within you or will you lean towards the illusion of fame and fortune, through the devils technology and theft of your true divinity, which is to co-create the New Earth in Love and Light and in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency for Evermore, creating Heaven on Earth in man’s own image.

These two worlds cannot co-exist for much longer and whichever you choose today could be the deciding factor, tipping the scales closer to the light or towards the darkness that still remains, for one and for ALL. Your choices today, will ultimately affect all of our tomorrows.

Choose now and choose wisely, for these two worlds currently exist but only one will remain for evermore, what kind of world do you want it to be, for in truth you are a co-creator of the world we all live in. Rise up in love and light of Divine Oneness; co-creating a world we can all thrive in forevermore.


Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in Love & Light of Divine Oneness, guiding humanity home!

© Nadine Head 2024



Things are not always what they seem in the world as we know it and what may seem to be one way is often another way entirely.

A huge energy shift is coming in over the Easter period in the 5D and on the 3D planes, in both positive and negative ways. One is by natural forces and the other is by force. God’s message to the world is…

In the 3D – “Don’t eat the chocolate” – It’s not safe.

In the 5D – “Blessings will follow in Love & Light of Divine Oneness” – In the days, weeks and months that follows.

Love, Light & Blessings


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2024


We are all one but we are not all the same. For any one of us to think that we are all equally the same comes from the conditioning that is intended to hold us all back from fulfilling our life purpose and reaching our full potential, preventing humanity from creating the New Earth in real time. Yes, we are all divine beings and yes, there are similarities within our experience but we are not the same and nor should we be.

This form of conditioning is intended to make us all believe that if we choose not to, then there is nothing we actually have to strive for or achieve in this life and that it is ok to sleep on our divine path and mission here on Earth, because we are enough just the way we are. While this may be true to some extent, it is in many ways cheating us all out of living life to the fullest, fulfilling our life purpose and reaching our full potential, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

We all came here with a mission to fulfil and many of us haven’t even come close to fulfilling our mission, through no fault of our own but due to the oppression, suppression and misguidance of others, many of whom came here long before us and have taken it upon themselves to pave the way for us ahead of time, robbing us of our divine birthright to have free will and pave our own path from within, fulfilling our souls purpose each and every life time, in order to spiritually evolve and reclaim our divinity here on Earth.

Every single one of us has a spiritual rank in which we have earnt, accumulated and climbed the ranks each and every lifetime or incarnation if you will, in order to get closer to our end goal and in which is dependent on the work we put in but this lifetime is quite different, this lifetime we get to experience where all of our hard work has gotten us up until this point in time, which will now be an absolute game changer! 

In this lifetime we will bear witness to the rising of the chosen and the high ranking unidentified specialist who have walked amongst us hidden in plain sight, cloaked and protected in Gods Light and of whom have been assigned to bring forth new pathways and shine a New Light on the Rising of The New Earth; Gods Kingdom of Light and Heaven on Earth, with all of its supernatural forces and delectable delights, where no child of God will ever go without nor suffer in any way. 

While this may all seem too much to believe or somewhat unreachable at this point in time, I am here to assure you, that it is not and in time the New Earth will indeed prove itself to be the true Source of All Life but what is unbelievable and unimaginable is that while God’s high ranking spiritual officials (specialist) have been hard at work preparing and waiting to bring their higher knowing to the world, they have been under the greatest of scrutiny. Up until this point in time, they have gone unidentified by many, while others knew their identity long before they did.

These divine beings have been under spiritual attack and ostracised for nothing more than their spiritual rank, their unusual and somewhat unidentifiable authenticity, their unique inner truths and their blinding light, being greatly misunderstood, judged, criticised and ostracised from the world around them since birth, living their lives in this world but not of it, for they have always known there is a much better way to a much brighter future to come, which they will assist in bringing to light and to life by divine law, with divine guidance, in divine timing and in this way, taking the road less travelled in order to achieve their souls mission, hidden in plain sight, cloaked and protected in Gods Light.

As these spiritual officials now show up in the world with their now identifiable specialty and with their expertise, creating new pathways and bringing previously hidden truths to light, in order to complete Gods work, many will rise with them and many will not, this is of their own free will and of their own doing. The message here is that X makes the spot. Where you find yourself aligning is where you are meant to be and of the path in which you are meant to follow. If a person, place or thing does not resonate with you then simply let it go until which point it does but never; never stop seeking your alignment and know this, those who walk in the light are protected by the light and those who do not are not.      

From this day forth, all dark (negative) thoughts, words and actions, towards oneself or that of another will be met with a certainty of karma, by the divine law of cause and effect, thus leading the way forward for one and for all regardless of position or rank. However, let it be known that Gods Chosen are undeniable and untouchable and to go up against one of them, is to go up against God.

As God now reveals the identity of his most top secret officials and their expertise, let go of the world as you know it, for that world is no-longer relevant to the path ahead and embrace the world that is now opening up to you, for it is and will be for evermore and let it be known to all, that Gods Children are safe and protected along their path home, to the Kingdom of Light, so let there be peace, balance and harmony, love and light amongst all of God’s children, now and forevermore. 


Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce Synergy’ – Guiding Humanity Home to the Oneness of God Frequency! © Nadine Head 2024


Prepare for the onset of change, the world is under siege for all the right reasons. In the days and weeks ahead the signs may be subtle in most places but evident to those of sound mind and sharp senses.

If and when the power goes out and the military is in the streets, rest assured that the world is now a much better place and when the power comes back on and the rebuild begins, remember that the world will be bigger, better, stronger, when you rebuild its foundation with strength, with love and with light.





Know there is nothing to fear.

Regardless of what ever may or may not take place in our streets in the near or distant future, the following information is intended to help ease one’s mind and to be of benefit if and when it is ever required and particularly over the coming 2-6 weeks and moving forward thereafter. Updates in regards to this, may or may not be forthcoming.

If you are drinking filtered tap water (tap water) boil the water first, allow it to cool then put it through a water filter. Store drinking water in glass jugs/bottles/Jar, whether it is for short or long term use and weather the power goes out or not.

Keep this in mind, water has a memory and the ability to transform to the frequency of its container and environment, therefore leaving it to settle in glass ware in a peaceful and loving environment before drinking it is most beneficial.

If you find yourself short on food for any reason at any time, place your stored water in the sunlight for 20 or so mins, allow for cooling, shake and drink – infusing and activating the water with natural health enzymes – the sun is the ultimate source of energy for many living systems including water and DNA. Shaking your water before drinking it activates enzymes including that of a super-natural kind and in which activates a greater Life Force when consumed on a regular basis. This is a wonderful daily practice that can assist in one’s spiritual ascension and evolution.  

Absorb a minimum of 20 mins of sunlight per day, preferably before 10 am and after 3 pm. During rain or shine, the sun has the power to heal and to active greater Life Force. Stay out of storm or flood water at all times where possible.  

Rest, relax and rejuvenate.

I’m not saying you will ever need it but the following information is always good to know… believe it or not a person can live solely on, active water and sunlight for 60 or more days with shelter and the right mindset. Your mind is very powerful; use it and allow it to work for you rather than against you, through optimism and positive reinforcement.

Also good to know, we are surrounded by an abundance of natural food for health and wellbeing, right in our own gardens and in the surrounding landscape. Herbal teas have enormous health and wellbeing benefits. Get to know your herbs particularly our wild bush herbs and berries.

Secure your resources and supplies indoors, to deter possible theft over the coming weeks, possibly months. As the unconscious and ill spirited, may fall short of logic. Know that your home is safe – to stay close to God, is to be blessed with God’s protection.

Over all, the world will be a much better place, moving into 2025.

Last but not least, follow your intuition. These are great times to be alive as the power comes back to the people and the people come back to life. Stay focused on the positives and let go of the rest, with the knowing that a short period of inconvenience may be required for the Greater Good and this too shall pass.

Love & Blessing


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The world is changing rapidly and in unimaginable ways, in both negative and positive ways and for we are in the final stages, two paths lie ahead at this time but before too long, only one path will remain with you for evermore. Many chose before you, which got us all to this point in time.

Ascension awaits those who choose to live their life by Natural Law – God’s Law for there to be Light on Earth.

Descension awaits those who choose to live their life by Man’s Law – Satan’s Ruling for there to be Darkness on Earth.

Your ‘Spiritual Discernment’ knows the difference and knows the way.

Up until this point in time, leniency has been granted. Humanity has now reached a point of evolution, where living with one foot in each of these worlds is reprimandable by the Natural Law of Cause and Effect, on a whole new level, which has us all seeing karma play out much faster and much harsher than ever before and as it is divinely intended, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL – “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.”

The time has now come to choose the path you most desire and to stay the course, which will determine what takes place for you on your path from here on out. Those who choose the light and know their way will continue to rise. Those who choose the light but are without clarity of direction will fumble and stumble along the way but will find their way, and those who choose otherwise will lose their way. The path in which you find yourself will be met with either your Ascension or your Descension. There is no in-between or playing in both worlds, moving forward it is one way or the other. You are either operating in the light or you are operating in the dark and in either case your fate is sealed.

One path leads to the creation of your Heaven on Earth, the other leads to your Hell on Earth. The choice is yours. You get to choose, your ascension into heaven or your descension into hell here on Earth. Just remember this; whatever you choose will have a greater effect on the Greater Whole, causing the scales to lean one way or the other.

The path you choose cannot be made by your mind or your actions alone but is made by what is in your heart and your aligning actions, then determine the path you have chosen to experience in the future – “What you sow, you shall reap”.

Get to know and understand the politics of the world we live in and choose wisely for your future and for the future of the World at Large, for in truth… All Life on Earth depends on it.


Divine Channel in Love and Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


When we think of evil we often think of people, places and things that do not involve us and we certainly wouldn’t think of evil things happening to us or close to home but the reality of it is that, whether we are aware of it or not, darkness is all around us and is often closer to home than we may think.

Darkness comes in many different forms but always through the abuse of power, and for evil is what evil does. To be and do evil is to be weak and the weak resort to being evil for it’s only through the abuse of power, that they know how to survive.  

Over the last number of years and whether you are aware of it or not, much of humanity has witnessed ‘The Coming of the Light’ through Gods Wrath, clearing the Earth of Evil and darkness, starting at the very top and working its way, all the way to the very bottom.

As God’s wrath now shines a light on the darkness that surrounds us throughout the world and closes in on that in which is closer to home, some of you may be surprised to discover, that someone you may know and love may be detained at this time or at some time in the future. Many of which have been involved in occult and criminal activity within our own communities and in many cases, within our own families without our knowing. Many of whom have sat at our own table, and many of whom are about to experience loss, illness and or impending doom, because they would not stop. Many of which received warning after warning but refused to stop and repent; now their time is up.

For those of you who may be affected by what is to unfold in the coming months, possibly years and as God’s Wrath closes in and hits closer to home… stay close to God, remain in the light.  Dark times may lie ahead for some but this too shall come to pass. Raise and hold your faith in Gods Promised Land, for you are a living testament and witness to ‘The Coming of the Light’ sweeping across the land, wash away the darkness and bringing ‘The New Earth’ to Life. Above all else, trust in God’s plan.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of ‘The Oneness of God Frequency’

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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