Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine’s Insights

A MESSAGE TO THE TRUE BELIEVERS – to the Pure Hearts & Spiritual Warriors!

Sacred Souls, as more and more threats to you and to the world as a greater whole are being dissolved at this time, your vitality and the vitality of the Living Earth is returning, taking you and the Natural World we live in to greater heights. Your patience and perseverance has been and will continue to be of great virtue. Sit back, relax and bask in the gradual return of your divine frequency, for you/we are living in a time of true greatness, never seen before and never to be experienced on Earth again.

All previous setbacks will now become a source of light, elevating and moving you and the Living Earth forward. No weapons formed against you will prosper but rather, you will rise above and beyond all weapons formed against you, as they too become a source of light. Your protection is unbreakable, your virtue unshakable, and you will rise and relish in your Divine Power for Evermore. This Is Your Time! Nothing and nobody can stop you. Live and let live, and all will be handled in due course by Divine Law with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing.

Regardless of appearances, nothing is missing nor out of place and everything is as divinely intended and new stories hold new value.

Open your awareness now, to the rising of the New Earth!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Here’s the scoop – If you are the so called black sheep of the family (the bringer of the light) and you have been operating in the 5D and have broken generational curses. (You will know if you have or not) Any prior karmic agreements/contracts are no longer valid.

Read that again… any prior karmic agreements/contracts are no longer valid!

Anything can happen and any previous preconceptions about what might happen have been dismissed. You are receiving or are about to receive confirmation of this in one way or another. If you are feeling this, I am speaking directly to you and I would like to be one of the first to Congratulate and Welcome You to the Kingdom of Light, all will be revealed in due course.

Many Blessing Lovelies ✨💛✨


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness – Founder of Vorce Synergy, Life Force Energy in Oneness of God Frequency. Activations are available within Australia. Will Travel, Conditions Apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Prepare to be amazed in 2024 where the New Earth will reveal itself as the real Light Source of All That Is.

Awakened and awakening souls, the world we live in is about to change in ways you could never have imagined. 2024 will be a year we will never forget.

Humanity is about to embark on a year of transformation and of great wonder with the rising of The New Earth, as more of humanity activates and rises in their God Frequency.

Come with me on this journey as we embark on a year of wonderful new discoveries and one that will be remember for and referred to as – The Resurrection of God Frequency.

2024 will be Life Changing for us all and for the World we all live in. I invite you to join me by subscribing to my free blog posts and by joining me on my social media platforms as we embark on the year 2024 with an open mind and an open heart and as humanity now begin to speak its Divine Will into reality with absolution and conviction, with great success.

Say good bye to the old world and say hello to the New Earth in 2024!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness and Founder of ‘Vorce’ the Universal Life Force guiding humanity home to Oneness. Vorce is a Universal Life Force Energy of The New Earth in God Frequency, Healing & Transforming Lives in Love & Light of Divine Oneness, guiding humanity home – Activations are now available in Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Some of you divine beings out there have been concerned about the haters, the copy-cats and spiritual thieves. Don’t concern yourself with these things, for in reality your haters are some of your greatest admirers and for both of you are receiving or are about to receive divine justice for the things they have done to you. You have to know that if others feel intimidated or threatened by you and feel the need to copy you and steal from you that you have something special that they want and in which case you are also divinely protected. So, let go and let God, with the knowing that the Universe is taking care of your enemies behind the scenes and they are powerless against your divine will and testament.

Now is a time to focus on yourself and your divine path. Nurture yourself; nurture your divine path and your divine blessings. When you stay true to you, trust your intuition and use your divine will and creativity, anything and everything is possible. It’s now time to speak your divine will into reality, with absolution and conviction.  

Trust the process, believe, hold faith in and give thanks to all of your divine helpers for you are being protected in miraculous ways. Leave the past behind you and focus on your future and the future of those you are here to bless with your divine grace.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


The Resurrection of God Frequency following Extraction – A beneficial and magnificent transformation is currently underway. Those of you who have been aware of what is going on in the world, know that it was necessary for the extraction process to take place in stages; we are now in the final stages of extraction, extracting some of the worst still left amongst us. This extraction is in action, taking place right now as we speak, amongst these are some of those, whom you have known and loved as some of the greatest entertainers in the world but have in reality, played a part in committing crimes against humanity and causing injustices to Earth.

This blog post is not about them so much as it is about the changes this now brings, so do not concern yourself with such matters but rather tap in and take notice of the transformation it has now activated within you and within the Natural world around you. If you stepped outside today you may have noticed that the world looks and or feels a little different and that’s because it is, and that’s because the Frequency of the Earth is rising, as darkness is extracted from it.

Nature is responding to the extraction of dark forces. Step outside and take a good look around, for the World around you is transforming through this process and this transformation can be translated through all of your senses as you absorb its frequency, all you have to do is to make the connection.  

Nature is responding to the change in Frequency of the Earth as the extraction takes place and as many divine beings now have the power to return to and activate their God Frequency and bear witness to the New Earth Rising into Being. Watch closely now, how Nature responds to these changes.

Nature knows what is happening and will now show signs of this. Look, listen and observe as we all now begin to witness the Rising of the New Earth right before our very own eyes, through the rising of Earths Frequency.  Listen to and observe the birds; they can sense the change and so can you… to be a conscious and active part of this process, listen, feel and connect through all of your senses, absorb and embody Nature, for in truth, you are Nature itself and you are Rising in Divine Oneness, with and as the Resurrection of God Frequency.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness. Founder of Vorce – A Life Force of God Frequency, guiding humanity home to Oneness. Activations are now available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2023


If saying this puts me in your bad books, so be it!
If saying this irritates your demons, so be it! In fact I hope it does.

I’m not saying this for any other reasons other than it has been placed on my heart this morning to warn you of the potential danger that you may be placing yourself in at this time, on the 3D and in the 5D planes. Some may say this message has come a bit too late but I say, trust the timing. If this message reaches you in time, take heed for this message is indeed divinely intended for you!

Many of you who are operating in the 5D are now being made aware; that through your discernment and detoxification processes, you have recently overcome adversity and or dodged a huge bullet in some area of your life, and now would appear to be a time to celebrate your victory but now’s not the time to let your guard down.

While you have been slaying demons within and without and have just won the battle of a life time, a large part of the population are about to unknowingly open up portals inviting them back in, under the guises of our New Year’s Celebrations. Through the consumption of alcohol, illicit drugs and lustful relations, humanity plays in the devils domain.

You may or may not be aware that participating in these type of activities open up portals within yourself that allow toxic and deceptive energies in, these energies and entities attach themselves to you and then go about having  a love hate, push pull relationship with you, with and within your body, mind and spirit in an attempt to manipulate your life path, confusing and deceiving you, making sure that you do not achieve your life purpose to reclaiming your divine inheritance here on Earth, all without you even being aware of their presence nor of their intentions to drain you of your Life Force and Divine Inheritance.  

If you are reading this and are having negative thoughts or feelings towards me right now, I can assure you that you are already under some negative influence by some negative force, and I ask you to take your power back, calm your thoughts and your emotions and go within, for these truths, knowledge and knowing is also within you! You have the power to access the all-knowing truth of the Universe. You have the power to overcome these things, and to reclaim your divine birth right, entering the Divine Kingdom of Light.

If you value your divinity and that of the world we live in, I urge you to take heed and to refrain from participating in the type of celebrations that place you in an elusive state of awareness, for you are playing with fire and the stakes are just too high, for you are gambling with your very own divinity and that of any future outcomes here on Earth.

I’m not telling you not to celebrate, I’m simply saying that taking part in illusive activities puts you at risk of opening yourself up to a darkness and a sickness that can be difficult to recognise or to come back from; altered states of awareness are doorways, portals that put us on and keep us on a path of illusion and misalignment with our divine birth right. What I am saying rather, is to enjoy your celebrations with dignity, which will save you from a world of torment as you move forward in your life, into 2024 and beyond, and for the world is changing in unimaginable ways.

Think twice before taking part in elusive activities, for it just might cost you your life path or even worse, it may cost you your life, and your life is the most precious thing you are able to have and to hold, and for the world needs you and your divine essence to bring in the New Earth, for one and for ALL. So, protect it, nurture it and bring it to Life!

Wishing you a Very Happy New Year and May We All reclaim our rightful position here on Earth, from a place of Divinity in 2024 and beyond. Happy New Year Everyone and Many Divine Blessings!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


Sometimes remaining silent is the best thing you can do. It was placed on my heart to share this with you today.

Over the last period of time and in more recent months, I have pulled back somewhat from posting my insights on social media, because sometimes the best thing you can do is to remain silent. This hasn’t always been easy for me, as I know that the information and insights I have to share with you, can help so many of you navigate these tremulous times and to bring greater inner peace, balance and harmony but unfortunately, I have had to be more discerning with what and how much I share for a number of reasons and as I have also been fully aware that for many years now, the information, insights and posts that I share on social media is being used against me but there is this saying “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” and that it has.

Those of you who are aware of the spiritual war taking place, know that the war has been won but there are remaining forces still at play and you may also be aware that spiritual warfare is very real, that there are dark forces outside of ourselves that aim to distract, divert and destroy at this time, for not everyone wants to see you win this war and reclaim your Divine Inheritance and for this reason I have often been unable to share as much information or insight as I would have liked to. The battle has been real, fought and won but the enemy refuses to accept defeat and the attacks are still coming, in a last ditch effort to sabotage what is to come for us all. However, their efforts are made in fain and cannot stop what is to come. I have also been aware that there has been much speculation regarding myself and the information/insights I have been sharing, this doesn’t bother me in the slightest, this part of the process will take care of itself. I am not for everyone and those who judge will reap what they sow, a lesson we all learn at one point in time or another.

Today, I have been guided to come on here to say this – There are BIG things happening in the 3D and 5D realms at this time for us all on both personal and worldly levels and without saying too much, the Universe wishes you to know that great changes are coming but right now is a most crucial point in time and to protect your energy, remaining silent is the best thing you can do for yourself and for others at this time.

Many of you may be feeling that everything is falling apart or that everything has come to a standstill or that you have been guided to let go of everything you have previously known and are unsure of where your future lies, know that you are being protected and know that the Universe works in mysterious ways and all will be revealed in good time.

As new energies make way for what’s to come, old energies aim to divert and tear down. Be very discerning at this time. Not everyone is who they portray to be, things are not always what they seem and you cannot believe everything you hear. Keep your discernments to yourself and wash your hands of any indiscretions and as new energies rise, do not become complacent, stay on your toes.

Use your intuition and stay true to you. Know that good things are coming and there are light forces working behind the scenes, taking care of all the interference. It’s almost over. Know this, all good things take time, remain patient and continue to persevere for through this, you are protected.

Love, Light & Blessings


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


Energy, vibration, frequency, doesn’t lie. Nature doesn’t lie. The Divine Spirit doesn’t lie! You only need to make this connection, to know that the extreme weather we are experiencing is unnatural. What we are experiencing is an unnatural phenomenon and we the people have the power to change it. Your voice holds more power than you have been lead to believe and together our voice is powerful!!!

I wonder how much more you are willing to accept as normal and natural, before you remember from a place of divinity, that it’s not normal or natural and we are allowing it to happen to us and to the world, on our watch. Well, not on my watch… I do not accept it and will not remain silent for those who have forgotten who they are and why they came, and have been programmed through years of conditioning and dictatorship, forgetting who they are and their divine mission here on Earth.

It’s time to remember and it’s time to reconnect in Divine Oneness and get to work. It’s time to remember, that you came here to put an end to wrong doing and to make things right again and that you Have the Power!

You have the power to be the change and to make a change! Change comes through right action. Use your voice and speak your divine truth into reality and to those who have taken it upon themselves to dictate, manipulate and overthrow for their own benefit. Use right action to be a positive influence and to create change for the better, from within and without. This is why you came and by doing so, you will have earnt your rightful place within the Divine Living System, Creating the Divine Kingdom of Light here on Earth, for One and for All.

If it’s not natural, it’s not meant for you or for this world.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE leading up to 2024 and beyond…

Detox your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Clean & Cleanse your Home & Environment.

Remove ALL dirt, dust, SNAKES, BATS and SPIDERS from your home (including pet snakes, bats and spiders) all of which can energetically and spiritually hinder your divine blessings, your health and abundance and or that of anyone in the vicinity; these creatures are spiritual messengers and can symbolise and or attract both good and evil, in which should not be invited, captured, trapped nor live in our homes. This alone, can be the cause of blockages in your finances, love life, career, business etc. and can cause a sense of lack, bad luck, bad karma and or ill health in your life or that of anyone around you.

The divine living system is not ours to capture nor to hold but to experience, to sing and to dance with, by Natural Law. Our homes as they are built today are built upon man’s law and are by Divine Law, prisons inhibiting our Divine Will & Nature and that of all other life forms through misalignment.

Protect your Energy & your Environment.

Remove and or distance yourself from any and all toxicity – people, places and things.

And above all else from this day forward, protect Your DNA and that of your children.

If this message speaks to you in any way, then it is divinely intended for you, so please take heed!

Note – DNA consists of:





Finger Prints

Foot Prints

Eye Print

All Body Parts/Organs and Bodily Fluids

Voice & Breath – Both in which hold a powerful frequency vibration that can hurt, harm and or protect you. Your voice has the power to move mountains and to create New Worlds, protect it and use it wisely!

Energetic Field – your energetic field has its own unique frequency (finger print)

Get Close to God/The Divine Living System, without holding onto it by way of attachment, setting it and yourself free within the realm of Divine Oneness.

Open and bring love into your heart. Bring love into your body, mind and spirit and head into 2024 with gusto. This is the year of significant and positive change within the world, showing true greatness; make sure you are a part of the change.

Lovingly protect and take care of your personage, home and environment for The New Earth requires nothing more, than Your Divine Frequency.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


2024 will be a year of great reveals; it will be a year of great change around the world and there will be plenty to celebrate. All truths will come to light very soon.

Keep your ears and eyes open; there will be three destinations in the next three months that will change the world forever. One will breach all codes of conduct but serve a greater good. The second will chase all threats away and the third will instil peace for all across the lands.

Things are about to get even more interesting; get more serious and show greatness. The change we have all been waiting for is here and now and the future is ours to see; we are living in a time of true greatness, that will be seen and felt by future generations to come. Interesting times lie ahead!

The choices made today, will impact all of our tomorrows.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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