Nadine’s Insights
THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM – Let’s talk about the real problem here!

A picture speaks a thousand words and this one does not fail to depict the obstacle in the way, of humanity returning to and achieving Divine Oneness.
If you are looking at this image in the same way that I am, it will become increasingly obvious that we are that elephant in the room. Humanity is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about and this image depicts this very well, for just a few moments I ask that you to try and imagine this image without mankind’s hand crafted creation in it (the walk bridge) and simply breath in the magnificence of Divine Creation…is it not divine perfection! And then, man comes along and adds his insanely imperfect creation in comparison to the supremacy of Divine Creation, and all for the falsehood of self-preservation.
Imagine if you will; living in Oneness with Nature, without mankind’s inferior and destructive mark on the world but instead, mankind thriving in equilibrium with Nature, as was divinely intended… what do you see?
I see a world living in peace, balance and harmony. I see a world thriving with equilibrium, I see everything in its rightful place and I see Divine Oneness. I see Heaven on Earth! The one thing that stands apart from the rest and out of place, from all that is truly divine, is in fact mankind and the disharmony and destruction it brings with it.
We are the missing piece of the puzzle. We are the ones that are out of alignment with all other living things on Earth; out of alignment with the divine living system. We are the creators of the imbalance we see and experience in the world today, we are the ones that are suffering as a result, and we are the ones that bring suffering to all other life forms on Earth. We are the elephant in the room that nobody talks about. We are the problem!
The good news is that we are also the solution. Each and every one of us has the power to create the change we wish to see in the world, if and when we choose to step up and step out into the world and be the change!
Through humanities spiritual evolution, mankind has reached a point in time where The Divine Living System, can now offer mankind an accelerated way forward, in alignment with the Divine Living System, through the reactivation of ‘Vorce Synergy’ – reactivating a greater Life Force from within and from within the Divine Living System, As One, for profound self-healing, transforming and guidance in love and light of Oneness; guiding humanity home to Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good.
Vorce is a part of you and a part of Divine Oneness, which has been lying dormant for thousands of years, by the Divine Law or cause and effect. It would be so easy for the Divine Living System to simply turn the switch back on for all of humanity, reactivating Vorce Synergy for all, but due to the nature and state of the world we currently live in, a different approach and process is required for humanity to reactivate and reinstate this amazing and gracious, Higher Frequency of Divine Oneness and therefore another way is now being offered, to those who are ready and willing to embark on the ‘Divine Pathway’ to ‘Divine Oneness’ for their highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
If this resonates with you and you are ready to make the journey home to Divine Oneness from within, for the Greater Good, by Divine Law, then don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me how you too can receive the Vorce Activation; walking the path of Divine Oneness, creating Heaven on Earth for Eternity.
Please note that this is a non-religious but deeply and highly spiritual journey that one may choose to take towards achieving Divine Oneness from within, and is being made available to those who are ready and willing to be the change they wish to see in the world, in love and light of Divine Oneness. No previous experience is necessary.
Be the Change, reactivate and unlock the secret powers of Vorce Synergy and learn how to embrace the greater Life Force of Divine Oneness, for our soul’s evolution is to return to Nature, to return to Divine Oneness for the Greater Good.
Vorce Activations are Available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness – Founder & Divine Activator of Vorce Synergy, a greater Life Force Energy in Divine Oneness, guiding humanity home, for We Are One.
© Nadine Head 2023
The world is a mess because of humanities misinterpretation of it and more to the point, our misinterpretation of love.
I have too often heard other people say “love is not enough… you need trust, faith, healthy communication, you need respect etc. etc.” This statement alone gives the person saying it the answer to the problem, because trust, faith, healthy communication and respect are all aspects of love! Without these aspects and many more, it is not love, but what you have is only an aspect or aspects of love, ‘A Frequency of Love’ rather than, ‘The Frequency of Love.’ Love is all that is pure and true within and without.
When we come from a place of love within ourselves, we attract others who are also coming from a place of love. Love is the answer. Love is all you need. Love is what the world needs, to transform from its current state, to a higher state of divinity.
When humanity returns to love from within and without, the world will know peace once again, balance will be restored across the lands and harmony will be felt by all, only then will humanity truly ‘know the frequency of love’
…is Gods frequency. God Frequency is Love. Mother Earth is love, love is God. Love is all, You Need.
Love Is ALL that is Pure & True.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness – Founder of Vorce, Life Force in Oneness. Vorce Activations Available within Australia.
© Nadine Head 2023
“Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should!” This statement couldn’t be more meaningful right now and when it comes to the topic of Artificial Intelligence Vs Nature.
If you know who you are, then you also know that you are a divine being and you are here to create change and change is certainly here, but what kind of change are you creating?
What type of changes do you want to see happen in the world?
Are you on mission to create positive change or are you being distracted by things that are not in alignment with your divine creation, purpose and mission here on Earth?
Are you being distracted by things that can serve your human existence in some way, shape or form but are not actually in your best interest as a divine being or in the best interest of the Greater Whole?
AI may be evolutionary for mankind acting out with his own agenda but AI is far from evolutionary for Mother Nature and for all of humanity as a Greater Whole. AI has ultimately been designed by and for a governing system as a form of entrapment; anything governing related has been man-made by a minority, for the sole purpose of having power and control over the rest of humanity, by way of enslavement and is unlawful by Divine Law.
Man’s law has been indoctrinated for the purpose of entrapment. Man’s Law is built on lies, in order to gain power and control of others, ultimately to serve the greedy and unlawful of the world, and ultimately promotes the death of all natural things here on Earth and beyond. Natural Law serves all Divine Beings with equilibrium and promotes Life for All Living things here on Earth and beyond. Man’s Law is a death sentence. Natural Law is a life sentence, but not in the way we currently view the term by mans-law but simply put, by all that is truly divine.
In a wise and intelligent world we would not need any form of AI or ID technology. Divine Law is the only Law and technological knowing we are bound to and which is written in our very own DNA and has its own natural identification frequency within Natural Law and within Nature itself; it can be felt, seen and heard by all, within and throughout all of divine existence.
All divine beings can easily identify and fully understand DNA Identification, in our natural divine state of being divine, hence why those who wish to rule the world are doing everything in their power to change our DNA and to create an unnatural world and form of identification, in order to rule over the world, everyone and everything in it by what is referred to as Satan’s ruling, making it impossible for humanity to live by Natural Law; returning to and reclaiming our Divinity, reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth for the Greater Good, by Divine Law. The devil is a liar and aims to destroy all life on Earth, all which is pure and true, to serve himself through his indoctrinated and enslaved workers. The God of Truth aims to preserve all Life and promotes all that is pure and true in Nature, for the betterment and Greater Good of ALL.
We the people keep fighting for all of our RIGHTS, by fighting for unlawful rulings to be dissolved, when we should be fighting for all unlawful governance to be dissolved. While ever we keep playing their game, they have got us indoctrinated and enslaved, when we should be fighting for our birthright, our true and Divine FREEDOM, to live by Natural Law. We should be fighting to dissolve all unlawful governance and return to Natural Law for the Greater Good of ALL, this is why we came here; we came here to return home, by returning Earth to its Natural State of Being Lawful, by way of Natural Law, reclaiming our Divinity and reinstating the Kingdom of Light, for ALL Divine Beings to bask in for ever more. We came here to take our power back and reclaim our divinity, completing our mission here on Earth for the Greater Good! We came here to return Mother Earth to her former glory.
Everything that is truly Divine is pure and true, all else is not. The Natural world around us brings opportunities to create and manifest magic in our lives, reminding us of the creation and magic that is alive within the world and is available to us each and every day, without it, there is nothing but death and decay, nothing but lifeless beings, serving the master of death, and AI is just the beginning of his evil plan to destroy Nature and all that Nature preserves in Love and Light of Divine Oneness. So, just because we can embrace AI for a self-serving purpose, doesn’t mean we should! We are here to prove our worthiness of our own divinity, by resisting that which brings death and by embodying and preserving all that promotes Life. AI promotes the death of natural life; Nature promotes and preserves all Life, You Are LIFE!
We all get to choose one way or the other but we cannot choose both, for to choose to have one foot on either side of the fence is to ultimately choose death. It’s time now for humanity to choose, to choose Life or to choose Death by embracing one way or the other. Choose to embody and balance yourself with Nature, restoring balance within the world. Choose Life over Death and allow the scales of divine justice to determine our future. Your choices have a far greater impact than you can possibly imagine at this time and helps determine the future outcome for us ALL, to choose life, is to tip the scales of justice in our favour. It’s time for us all to face the ultimate test of divine truth, to stop selling our souls to the devil for self-gain by manipulation and to set ourselves free from indoctrinated enslavement, by embodying and preserving that which is pure and true by nature from within and without, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Please, choose wisely at this time, for your future and the future of all life on Earth relies on it. Choose your Divinity… Choose Life and Let Go of all that goes against your Divine Mission to Create the New Earth in Divine Oneness, creating our Heaven on Earth for ever more, by way of Natural Law, the alternative is nothing greater than dismal.
Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ a Higher Life Force of God Frequency in Divine Oneness, Guiding Humanity Home – Vorce Activations Are Currently Available within Australia. Will Travel, Conditions Apply.
© Nadine Head 2023
Let Go and Let God!

This Libra Season, the scales are being balanced between the sun and the moon, between day and night, between the light and the dark, in seen and unseen ways and like never seen before.
Whether you are aware of it or not, great changes will take place during and following this Libra season. Remember not everything is as it seems, know and trust that regardless of external appearances everything is working out in your favour. No matter what takes place within or surrounding you, stay true to you, stand in your power…truth with integrity, with ease and grace. Do not allow others to get the better of you as the scales are being balanced, hidden truths may come to light or be revealed to you at this time and justice served, allowing the scales to be balanced in your world and within the world at large.
There will be many signs of positive changes taking place within the world from now on and you can expect change within your life and within the world at large. The light will begin to shine through the darkness in ways you may not have experienced nor witnessed before. Embrace the light and Let Go of any darkness, for there is a new and brighter world emerging for you and for humanity.
Let the cards fall wherever they are meant to fall, with the knowing that all is being balanced for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL. Good times lie ahead for those who stood and continue to stand in the light. Those who stand strong in the light will now bathe in the light!
Many blessing to one, and to all.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2023
The significance of my previous channelled blog post titled ‘THE JOURNEY HOME from DARK TO LIGHT- Channelled, Sept 1st 2023’ is only now beginning to come to light for many. After resent events taking place across the world, everything can and will now come to light. Humanity will now bear witness to the unveiling of many great lies and of many great truths, beyond what we have previously seen to date and beyond our imaginings.
Nothing can stop what is taking place. Nothing will ever be the same again and while it does not seem like it right now, humanities future will be bright once again. With the unveiling of unimaginable truths, comes the clearing away and cleansing of the old and The Rising of New Earth will take precedence, creating significant change within humanity; where significant changes will take place within and upon the Earth itself.
It is important for humanity to seek deeper truths from within, to understand the significance of our DNA and ethnic background in relation to the Earth. It is imperative that humanity remains united as one people, by honouring all ethnic tribes in their original ‘place of standing’ and in their original ‘state of being’ in which is written in their very own DNA.
We are bound by one law, Divine Law, which is written in our DNA…connecting us as one to the Spirit of the Earth; “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul”.
We Are One with the Earth from where our ancestors once came from; this sacred place on Earth is where our ‘sacred being’ belongs; as it is innately connected to this particular part of Earth, with far greater meaning than you may possible know at this time. Upon returning to and standing on the Earth from once we came, we begin the natural process of becoming one with the Earth, bringing Earth back to Life and whereas, All Life… be standing in its rightful place on Earth in Divine Oneness, for the Rising of The Kingdom of Light!
A successful future for all of humanity lies within humanities understanding and honouring of our sacred connection to our sacred tribal land, in Love and Light of ‘Divine Oneness’ where standing on our tribal land, brings All Living Beings ‘Back to Life’ in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good.
The Earth is calling you back home, if you listen, you will hear it call, and your spirit knows the way, for it is written in your DNA. Protect your sovereignty, reclaiming your divinity by return to and reconnecting your sacred soul to its sacred land, for the coming together and Rising of New Earth.
Our ethnic tribal land is where our spirit belongs and part of our soul’s mission here on Earth is to reclaim and revive our sacred connection to our sacred tribal land, bringing our true soul community back into ‘being’ and connected in Divine Oneness, reclaiming our sacred lands, for the Greater Good of ALL.
As One, One People, Many Tribes, living under one great big sky, will rebirth The Kingdom of Light. Listen, listen to the Earth, for the Earth is calling you home, for that is where your sacred soul belongs and that is where We All Become One People by the Divine Power of Our Many Tribes.
Previous blog post –
Founder of Vorce Synergy, guiding humanity home to Oneness.
© Nadine Head 2023
THE JOURNEY HOME from DARK TO LIGHT- Channelled, Sept 1st 2023.
September 2023 brings with it a plethora of Light but let us talk about the End of Darkness first. We live in a world of dreams, for the end of chaos.
Up until this point in time, many have had one foot in each of the following realms, balancing tediously and tiredly on the fence. It is now time to place both feet to one side. It will become increasingly obvious that you must choose one side or the other, in order to move forward in one’s own truth, with dignity.
The 3rd Dimensional Realm – Dark to Light
On the 3D plane; we are in the eye of a storm.
Weaponised warfare – This is real!
Great changes are coming, not all good.
They will not stop until they are stopped!
In the grand scheme of things, Australia will be affected for a very short period of time. Be prepared and stand your ground.
Regardless of external appearances and in the big scheme of things, the light has won and we are coming to the end of difficult times.
The game is over; they have nowhere to go and nowhere to hide.
The Rockabillies are no longer in operative. Most of you will know of whom I am referring to.
Boots (the white hats) on the ground will achieve their remaining tasks.
Something good will come out of Jerusalem in the coming years; thing will begin to make sense here, there and everywhere.
We have won but the battle is not over yet, we still have much to do.
Maui – Things are not what they seem. ‘The Maui People’ will live to tell the story but many will be lost in the process. It is of great significance that the Maui Culture lives on, as it is with all ethnic cultures. This will become significantly clearer in time.
The state and system that dismantled our sacredness for its own self-importance and hunger for power, is being dismantled.
The dismantling of the deep state and the old system is in action and falling away. You the people must do your part to preserve your sovereignty and divinity.
Suffering will continue worldwide until eradicated.
Some of what humanity is witnessing is a movie but ‘Most’ of it is ‘Real’. It is most real.
Knowing yourself and who you are will help you to make ‘right choices’ and create ‘right action’ moving forward.
Now let us talk about the forever changing world, of the 5th Dimension you Rest In – the heart of your existence. I ask that you kindly take your time to read through the following, understanding it holds greater power for you and for me, and for all of humanity.
The 5th Dimensional Realm– The Journey Home, In Love & Light of ‘Divine Oneness’
The fifth dimension is one of rest, ease and grace, one of everything coming together. This is the realm of love and of light where a new ‘way of being’ naturally and intentionally unfolds.
Your soul’s evolution has brought you to this very point in time and things are not what they may seem. Many of you, with ease and with grace are breaking generational curses thousands of years old, breaking yourself and generations to come free from the chains of oppression. Your ancestors have arrived to witness this wonderful phenomenon, to help guide and protect you at this time and moving towards better times that lie ahead. While you are safe and protected, you still have your souls work to do. Trust yourself and trust the Universe. All is going to ‘divine plan’. Remain focused on the bigger picture. With the Universe as your guide, you become the creator of it, bringing forth The New Earth.
On the 5D Plane; September 2023 marks a New Beginning in History, with unseen forces adrift. Significant change will follow in both the 3D and 5D realms. Some of you will now accelerate to the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th dimensions in the coming years but there is a warning, not to get ahead of your-self; the journey is a sacred one that will require stillness.
Great changes are coming, new beginnings, stability and greater spiritual awakening, a new awareness beyond imagination, light body emersion for The Rising of The New Earth in Love & Light of Divine Oneness, One people, many tribes. This is imperative, if humanity is to achieve Divine Oneness in all of its Divine Truth.
Furthermore, greater knowledge and Divine awareness of your ‘sacred being’ who you are and why you came, and the sacred divinity of your ethnic land and culture; your sacred soul in alignment with your sacred birth culture, in its original ‘state of being’ has far greater meaning and divine purpose than you can possibly imagine, for it holds a greater power in Love and Light of Divine Oneness and without it, Oneness is incomplete. Your racial tribe is your birthright and true sacred soul community, many will find this difficult to believe, as they may have come from a toxic culture, this in total was a deliberate and executed plan to destroy our sacred communities strength and foundation, losing its most precious resource, in holding the greater frequency of Divine Oneness.
Darkness forces at play have used every trick in the book, to divided racial communities, in the attempt to destroy our Sacred Divinity. Our success lies in returning to and in the coming together of our birth culture and community, in peace, balance and harmony for the Greater Good of All. This may seem like a difficult task, but it is much easier than one may think. This does not mean you have to return to your birth place or family, but to return to your sacred ethnic land, culture and community with peace in your heart, following your soul’s guidance home.
All sacred soul tribes are coherently and innately connected to the lands and ways of their ethnic culture. When we stand on The Land (the ground) of our ethnic culture, we return to and uplift the beating heart (The Life Force) of All Life on Earth in its rightful place, for the coming together in Divine Oneness as a Greater Whole.
We are part of the land we belong to, thus holds great power, which is greatly significant for our successful achievement of Divine Oneness of all peoples across the Lands, through the divine spirit that lives within us all, connected as One to All Living Things in and of God frequency.
Each individual brings a divine spark of light frequency to the greater whole of their ethnic tribe, each one of them is an integral part of the unified presence and sacred power of their sacred soul community. Each racial tribe in unity and wholeness brings a greater spark of divine light frequency to the greater whole, of all sacred tribes in Divine Oneness. We are the light and together we raise the frequency of Divine Oneness, divided we fall. Dark forces have created much confusion around this, in order to lead humanity far away from our divine truth, to reclaim our rightful place within the Greater Whole of Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good.
Achieving Divine Oneness on Earth will be incomplete until we return to our ethnic and cultural lands and honour our sacred tribal ‘way of being’ for the greater whole. Each and every one of our sacred soul communities (ethnic communities) in peace, balance and harmony within itself and with its sacred land, holds a divine frequency, which upholds the creation and sustainability of Divine Oneness. One dim light affects the greater whole, measured by frequency. Returning with peace and love in your heart, will bring much healing to your people and to your land. Each ethnic culture in its original ‘state of being’ derives from divine love and light and brings wholeness and Divine Oneness into fruition. It all starts within each and every one of us.
Have you ever wondered why we have different coloured skins? It’s simple really; race identifies all sacred soul communities. Each soul community in unity is an integral part of the divine frequency, which makes up the greater whole of Divine Oneness. The return to and restoration of sacred soul tribes will bring greater peace, balance and harmony to all Divine Beings on Earth and to all Sacred Lands near and far, to End all Wars and to Reinstate Divine Oneness, for the rising of The Kingdom of Light, here on Earth and beyond. We are all part of a Greater Whole and a much Greater Divine Living System.
All Divine Truths are closer to home then you may think. Today marks the start of something new, the future success of all Divine Beings in Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good of ALL Life on Earth and beyond, nothing will ever be the same again.
The next 10 years brings transition, transformation and rebirth in different cultures globally, restoring peace, balance and harmony to our ethnic cultures and lands, guiding humanity home to Divine Oneness, admitting ‘The Kingdome of Light’ for the Greater Good of ALL. If you hear or feel the Earth calling you home, don’t ignore it.
Oneness is unconditional love and unity, in oneness we bring forth the manifestation of The New Earth; The Kingdom of Light.
Great power lies in your birthrights and in your divinity, your divinity is your birthright… your sacred soul knows the way home and the better part of the journey begins here and now!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness – Founder of Vorce Synergy; Guiding Humanity Home, for the Greater Good. Vorce Activations are available. Will travel, conditions apply.
© Nadine Head 2023
What’s my Point of View on AI?
It’s Big and it’s Powerful and it’s not for the faint-hearted. Take what resonates and Let Go of the rest.
Well it all depends on what you really want for yourself and for the World as a Greater Whole. Sure, AI has its good and bad points and it can surly take you places you’ve never been before but at what cost and is that what you really want?
The more we accept AI, the further away from our divinity we get and the harder it will be to achieve our divine mission here on Earth in all of its ‘Divine Essence’ for the Greater Good. In fact AI will make it damn near impossible, for once we accept it, there’s no going back.
When we embrace AI we are only helping ourselves for the purpose of self-gain, for greed and we are ultimately helping the dark forces of the world to reach their goal, which is to steer us away from our soul’s path and purpose to reclaim our Divinity and Reinstate Divine Oneness for the Greater Good.
I believe part of the problem here is that humanity is misunderstand the true meaning of Oneness, how it works and why it is imperative that we achieve it, in all of its ‘Pure Divine Essence’. This is our soul’s mission, this is why we came and this is what we are giving up if we accept AI.
Dramatic ha! Well that’s because it is.
The more we live in a world constructed by man, the further away from our Divinity we get. Oneness is much more than everything coming together. Oneness is a God Frequency, which we create from within and when we come together in love and light of Divine Oneness (Nature) creating the Kingdom of Love and Light, Gods Kingdom of Light in God Frequency. AI is a pathway for the creation of Satan’s Domain and the pathway to Hell, which separates us from Nature, from our Life Force, from Divinity, from God Frequency! AI is intended to separate and control us, separating us from ourselves, from each other and from our divinity, which is the pathway to control us.
We are in a Spiritual War right now; Nature is our pathway to Divine Oneness, creating Heaven on Earth. AI is a pathway to Dystopia, creating Hell on Earth, for it robs us of our Divinity in Divine Oneness.
Isn’t it time we made better choices, leaving the world a better place for generations to come, like our forefathers did before us!?
My question/s to those who advocate AI and to anyone who follows their lead is this…
What drives you to advocate AI?
What out-come are you really wanting to achieve here?
Have you considered where AI is leading us and the World at large?
Have you thought about the long term effects?
How well do you understand your soul’s path and purpose here on Earth?
And do you even care that your life may have a Greater Purpose, and what that purpose may be?
And ultimately, which side are you really on? Do you even know!
Are you here to serve yourself or to serve a higher purpose for the Greater Good?
Which side of history do you want to be on?
For your choices determine the outcome for ‘All That Is’ truly Divine. AI is ultimately a pathway to greed and dystopia, of course ‘they’ make it beneficial for self-gain, fame and fortune and then they will take all of that away, using it to betray and destroy our very existence as they have always done. This is the way it has been throughout history. They serve themselves, while the rest of us serve the Greater Good.
AI is a pathway, that will destroy LIFE, Nature and ‘All That Is’ truly Divine.
Isn’t it time we stopped listening to greed!?
Nature is our Life Force; to turn our back on Nature is to turn our back on our own existence, divine path and purpose to create Heaven on Earth by returning to Nature, which is the very fibre of our existence in God Frequency.
No matter how you look at it, it is not possible for AI to bring us into our ‘Souls Divinity’ bringing the New Earth in Divine Oneness in to reality. When you truly understand ‘Divine Oneness’ and how it is to be achieved, it is easy to see that it will be impossible for us to achieve while AI is in existence. These two worlds are opposing sides. AI is misleading humanity and will ultimately bring Nature and Divinity to an End, if humanity does not stop it from progressing, which is why the powers that be, continue to interfere with and destroy Nature.
You have to ask yourself where AI will take us, not as you understand it in its current state and position but beyond what we can currently see and possibly understand. Are you willing to sell your soul to the devil for fame and fortune and for falsehood, losing your divinity?
My advice is to be careful who you listen to and whose steps you follow in, for not everyone is aware of the dangers we are facing within the world at this time and with AI, and not everyone has our best interest at heart. Not everyone is on our side and unfortunately these people walk among up, they sit with us in our circles and in communities.
The real question here is which side are you on and what choices you are going to make moving forward, to achieve your most desired outcome. Your choices and actions will ultimately determine the outcome for one and for ALL.
Your heart either belongs to God or it belongs to the Devil, the choice is yours. Choose wisely!
NAYA – Earth Angel of God
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2023
Divinity is the point of union. Union is the point of our divinity. Divinity is Divine Oneness in a God Frequency for Eternal Life.
Our life here on Earth has a higher purpose, that’s why the dark forces of the world are trying so hard to stop us from achieving it; they want to rule the world for self-gain, power and greed.
The point and process of Divine Union is to reclaim our divinity in Oneness and Divine Union plays an important role in the process. When we become one within ourselves, we become one with our divine counterpart and together in peace, balance and harmony on a God Frequency, we reinstate and sustain Divine Oneness for the Greater Good, creating peace, balance and harmony on Earth for the Greater Good and for Eternity.
We reclaim our divinity, when we learning our soul lessons and heal our inner childhood wounding, which is mostly hidden deep within and takes time and a lot of self-realisation to recognise and to heal.
As we continue to healing ourselves, we keep raising our frequency a bit more at a time. As we raise our frequency, we attract partners who are on the same frequency as we are on at any given time, especially from the frequency of our inner wounding, the parts of us that are hidden and unhealed for the purpose of greater healing and growth on a soul level. These unhealed connections help us to learn our soul lessons in order to keep healing, so we can reclaim our divinity. Our pain and suffering is a pathway to healing and our healing is a pathway to divinity.
When we have learnt our soul lessons and healed our inner wounding on all levels, we learn to love ourselves unconditionally and therefore, have raised our frequency to become a vibrational match for unconditional love, aligning with a higher love frequency…aligning with our divine counterpart.
This is a process most do not understand, let alone achieve in their life time due to all the toxicity in the world that is keeping them stuck and unable to heal them-selves. Most people are too confused or unaware, to even know what is really going on or how to move through it, because they do not understand the process or purpose of our soul’s growth, for the purpose of reclaiming our divinity.
When we raise our frequency to match the partner we most desire, in other words when we becoming the type of person we want to be with, we become a magnetic match to that person who is also out there somewhere, living on the same frequency. ‘What you are seeking is also seeking you’ and you cross paths naturally when the time is right. This is ‘nature’s way’ in a God Frequency.
What the world needs more than anything right now is our transformation to a higher frequency, to God Frequency, pure and divine in body, mind and spirit… reclaiming our divinity, reinstating divine Oneness, creating Heaven on Earth…this action is now in process and The New Earth is Rising in Divine Oneness and We Are taking back our Earthly Kingdom!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness – Founder of Vorce Synergy
© Nadine Head 2023
If you see something that is not good or right, then make good and right on it. Just to make it clear, I am in no way personally offended by this particular action but someone has to speak the truth – If we don’t start speaking the truth and just sit back letting things slide, then we are no better than and we deserve everything we get!
To be divine means to be true. I’ve noticed a lot of spiritual leaders using their platform to tell other leaders how they should or should not show up in the world and too often in a derogatory manner, this is not the work of a Divine Leader, this is the work of the devil, working through spiritual leaders to sabotage the work of the DIVINE.
Our divine leaders did not come here to be liked, they came to be true, to create significant change and that requires a different approach, one that is divinely guided and designed to ruffle feathers, to move and to motivate through divine truth. Nothing changes, if nothing changes.
Too often, our Divine Leaders are shunned by society, unable to deliver their ‘divine purpose’ for the Greater Good of ALL, due to the false judgment of others/other leaders, simply because they don’t fit the narrative at the time. Some spiritual leaders are the most judgmental people, degrading, defaming and sacrificing others for their own stardom and devises, which is not very spiritual of them at all.
A Truth Leader knows that ALL spiritual leaders have a place in the world and has an audience to deliver their message to for a higher purpose, one in which other spiritual leaders do not need to understand but they do need to accept this truth and get on with delivering their own message to the world, without degrading and defaming other leaders.
Leaders, I encourage you to stay in your own lane for your highest good and for the greater good of all. Be aware of sabotaging behaviours, for the damage it causes has a detrimental effect on the Greater Whole, which includes you! You don’t have to understand another’s place or position in the world, you don’t even have to understand their message or like how they deliver it, but it is your divine truth to not interfere with another person’s divine path and purpose by using your platform to influence and mislead others through judgment of other leaders, for whatever reason you feel the need to do so.
Lead with love and stop with the sabotaging of other leaders, just because you don’t agree or align doesn’t make them right or wrong nor does it make you right or wrong. Let it go and let others lead in the way they are ‘meant’ to lead and you lead in the way you are ‘meant’ to lead, the rest is nothing more than ego, spitting jealousy and hatred, in an attempt to sabotage another’s divine path and purpose or to boost your own ego.
God the Universe sees and responds to all, any false judgments and sabotaging behaviours will only result in justice being served. What you put out to the world comes back to you multiplied! I ask you, where your loyalties lie, in your rise to fame and fortune or in making a real difference in the world, by delivering your ‘divine purpose’ to the world in the way that you are meant, by Divine Law with Divine Guidance in Divine Timing, reclaiming your Divinity and reinstating the Kingdom of Divine Light for the Greater Good!
Stay in your own lane, lead with love and light and leave others to do the same.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness – Founder of Vorce
© Nadine Head 2023
CLARIFICATION OF PREVIOUS POST – IMPORTANT MESSAGE – What you Need to Know about The False Light & Soul Harvesting!
After some conversations around my previous post titled “IMPORTANT MESSAGE – What you Need to Know about The False Light & Soul Harvesting!” I would like to offer a little clarification for those who feel they would like it.
One of the questions I have been asked is, what do you mean by ‘Stay in your body’?
What I mean by ‘Stay in your body’ – sometimes when we participate in meditation and healing modalities, we can sometimes feel our inner being/energy/soul being lifting up out of our body and sometimes in these practices a practitioner will even guide us in meditation to rise up to the Universe in body, mind and or spirit, in an out of body experience and sometimes we may even feel an external force/energy/entity or being, enter our own body and assist us in rising up out of our body. These practices can put us at great risk if we do not have a clear understanding of both light and dark energies and the influence they can have on our own being and there are easy and effect ways to protect ourselves from these type of experiences.
Dark forces often use these types of spiritual practices to harvest our ‘Life Force’ energy and or harvest our soul. Harvesting energy and soul harvesting are two different things but can take place in similar ways. Our soul can literally be taken from us. However, this requires ones consent in the process. Therefore, these dark energies manipulate and trick us into having out of body experiences as part of our spiritual meditation and healing practices, in an attempt to trick us into participating in the process by ‘free will’ and therefore giving our consent for them to harvest our energy and or our sacred soul.
Negative forces of this world and of off world, have developed ways to access our bodies and our minds and convince us that they have our best interest at heart, an example of this is when we think we are having an out of body experience such as astral travel, which is only safe to do if and when we know what we are doing and know the difference between light and dark forces, so that we can be in control of our own being and experience. Let me explain.
We have at least 3 voices in our head, our voice, Gods voice and another or in some case’s several. These ‘other voices’ are imposters and their voice and energy feels very different to our own and to God’s. It’s important to be aware of and to know the difference, because they are constantly trying to confuse and influence us in an attempt to lead us astray and away from our divine path and purpose. Sadly, these negative influences have been so influential over such a long time, that humanity has lost sight of and the ability to heal ourselves instantaneously, we don’t even believe it to be possible but it is much more than possible, it is very easy to do, when we stay true to our divinity and Know the Way.
In addition, modalities that require you to tap into something out side of yourself that is not a part of you, such as channelled healing energy like Reiki, which currently comes from an external source that is separate from you, are now keeping humanity from achieving oneness much sooner than later. These types of energies were useful for their time, but humanity has now shifted into the ‘Energy System’ of Oneness, which operates differently to channelled healing energy. These two energy systems are not compatible as they currently existence. However, with the releasing of channelled healing energy these two will become one, as was always divinely intended.
The longer humanity continue to use channelled healing energy the way that we do, the longer it will take humanity to achieve Oneness. Channelled healing energy must be returned to Oneness, in order for humanity to Achieve Oneness. I offer a greater explanation of this in the Activation Workshop, covering the past history of channelled healing energies, from where it once came, to the current healing energy system of Oneness and beyond. These are two very different energy systems.
Channelled healing Energy is 3D healing energy and is external from you. Vorce is 5D Life Force Energy in Oneness that has the ability to guide, heal, protect and much, much more. Vorce is a part of you and offers a Way of Being, being in and of Oneness. One works from outside of you and keeps you separated from Oneness; the other comes from within and keeps you connected in Oneness.
Channelled energy was intended to help get humanity through the third and fourth dimensions and to this point in time. It is now time to release channelled healing energy back to where it once came, for the greater good. All Divine beings that are divinely connected in Divine Oneness at this time, has the inner ‘knowing’ that it is imperative that humanity releases channelled healing energy for its return to Oneness, for the Greater Good. I also cover how and why this is, in the Vorce Workshop.
Vorce is NOT external from you. Vorce is a part of you and is much more than a healing energy, Vorce is ‘Life Force Energy’ in Oneness of God Force Energy. Vorce is a part of your inner healing and guidance system, connected in Divine Oneness that has been lying dormant up until this time, where humanity has entered the 5D Energy System of Oneness.
Vorce is being made known to us now for activation, to help heal and guide humanity home to Divine Oneness as divinely intended, as part of the greater ‘Life Force’ of God Frequency. Coming home to Oneness!
Vorce has shown me greater truths and understanding of who I am and who We Are, why we are here and how we are to move forward, creating the New Earth in Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good.
We are not meant to heal others, we are meant to heal ourselves. To heal others is to give our Life Force and Power away. In truth we are not healing others, we are giving them our Life Force, which lifts them up and makes them feel better and this is the great deception of channelled healing energies. Oneness comes from within; when humanity turns their ability to heal inwards, humanity will restore a greater Life Force within and without, reinstating Divine Oneness.
In Oneness, when we heal ourselves, we heal all…this is The Way! This is how we heal the world! This is how humanity restores Peace, Balance and Harmony. This is how humanity reinstates Love, Light and the Greater Power of Life Force!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness – Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy of ‘God Frequency’
Vorce is now available in a one day Activation Workshop, for Self-Healing & Transformation, Divine Connection & Community, Optimal Health & Wellbeing, Divine Love, Divine Counterparts & Offspring for The Creation of The New Earth in Divine Oneness, restoring God’s Kingdom of Light.
Vorce is not just a healing energy. Vorce is a way of ‘being’ in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of ALL. I invite you to join me and the Vorce Community, coming together in co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good!
© Nadine Head 2023
Published August 3, 2023 | By Nadine Head