Nadine’s Insights
Prayer is a form of gratitude and manifestation – It’s HOW you pray that brings your manifestations into fruition. Humanity has been led astray in this sense, conditioned to believe payer is of worship, which really comes from a place of fear. Prayer is magic in motion. Prayer is a process. Prayer is a formula made up of gratitude, clear vision and joyful manifestation, prayer is a frequency that you tap into within the Universe, and the Universe responds to your frequency, as part of the creation of all that is. Prayer is a pathway to creation.
The right process or formula of prayer has the power to create miracles, bringing your manifestations into reality, in real time. God ‘The Universe’ is responding to you and your manifestation prayer, ask and you shall receive.
Your prayers should come from a place of high faith frequency and joyfulness, not through fear, heartache, sadness, lack or despair. It’s not that prayer doesn’t work; it’s that we have been led astray when it comes to the real meaning and power of prayer, and we ourselves have forgotten the way.
Just because you haven’t yet worked out the right formula to make something work, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Live and let live, learn and grow. Never think you have all the answers, you are here to grow, so you can reclaim your divinity and rightful place within the Universe, in Oneness of All That Is…You are God, God is All That Is. ‘All That Is’ is responding to YOU, because you are One. Just as all of the natural elements work together to grow plants and food, All That Is within the Universe works together to bring your truest and purest desires into reality. If you don’t tell God the Universe exactly what you want, the Universe cannot bring it into fruition. Ask and you shall receive. Reach for the stars and the Universe will give you the moon.
Believe, Trust, Hold a High Frequency of Faith – Have gratitude in joyful manifestation with clear vision, surrender and release your manifestations to the Universe to take care of all the details. Let go of attachment. Celebrate your Divine Blessings. Keep praying, Prayer is Powerful!
My friends and co-creators of the Universe – I’m not just talking out my arse here, nor am I just repeating something I’ve already heard or believe in. I am living proof that prayer works in miraculous ways. I am sharing this from a place of love and from my own personal life experiences and divine channel.
You don’t have to believe but know this, when you do not hold faith in the power of prayer, you do not have faith in yourself as a Creator of the Universe and as a result, your lack of faith creates an imbalance within the Universe… through the lack of faith in ‘All That Is’ Divine. Remembering that you are ‘All That Is’ Divine. Your divine connection in Oneness has the power to create new worlds.
The power of belief, trust and faith, holds the ability to be the force of miraculous manifestation through the divine frequency of prayer…becoming a co-creator of New Worlds with ease, by divine will and grace. You are God the Creator of the Universe, you can create with easy or you can do it the hard way, the first will thrive and the latter will merely survive. Flow, Ease and Grace brings all divine living things together in peace, balance and harmony, creating optimal health, abundance and happiness for one, and for ALL.
To all of Earths divine leaders, if and when you preach and teach, preach and teach from a place of love rather than ego, and you will lead your people towards greater truths, through a divine connection. Guide your people towards greater love, light and connection, rather than disconnection. Guide your people to discover their own truths, becoming their own God Creator within the Universe, bringing ‘All That Is’ together in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good! In divine connection we are All God, god creators of the Universe!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness – Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy of ‘God Frequency’ – The Vorce Frequency Activation is now available in a One day Workshop. Will travel, conditions apply.
Vorce Activation for Self-Healing & Transformation, Divine Connection & Community, Optimal Health & Wellbeing, Divine Love, Counterparts & Offspring, for the creation of The New Earth in Divine Oneness, restoring the Kingdom of Light.
Vorce is not just a healing energy. Vorce is a way of ‘being’ in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of ALL. Join me and the Vorce Community, coming together in co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Divine Oneness, for the Greater Good!
© Nadine Head 2023
IMPORTANT MESSAGE – What you Need to Know about The False Light & Soul Harvesting!
I have held back for some time now from posting this information for obvious reasons; the divine knowledge and wisdom I have to share is not always easily accepted by others, some people just aren’t ready to hear the truth, and I understand my delivery is not for everyone but it is for those who are ready to face a deeper truth than what we see on the surface and that there are two sides of a coin and we cannot continue to ignore either polarities, if we are to fulfil our mission here on Earth for the Greater Good. We must face both the light and the dark if we are to fulfil our purpose here on Earth.
I have learnt like many others, that I am here to move others in a way that only I can and I will no longer dim my light for anyone. Regardless of the rejection or back lash I may receive around this subject, I am not afraid to put myself out there to help bring awareness surrounding this topic in an attempt to help others find their way back to the light. So, today I’m coming out with this very important message by divine guidance in divine timing, but not to scare anyone, as there really is nothing to fear. Please read that again, there is nothing to fear! However, you do need to follow this golden rule…stay in your body!
In the last few years I was guided to take a step back from the work I am here to deliver, so that I may assist others in navigating these tumultuous times and to assist the awakening as we all move through a very intense time, and for my own protection, as the spiritual war we are all caught up in comes to an end and as those who operate in the dark desperately searched for new ways to break, bind and turn those who are of the light and therefore, I have spoken on topics that are less then desirable, which brings me to today’s topic. Over the last five years, soul harvesting has been a part of ‘their’ insidious game and sneakily, disguised within our own spiritual practices. Many of us have been aware of this and have been fighting spiritual battles that others couldn’t even begin to understand, while others are completely oblivious to what is going on right under their nose and in their own spiritual practices, and some have been so caught up in their taught and teaching practices that they have failed to acknowledge their own souls truth and divine connection to All That Is, in all of its PURITY. One must innately know and understand the true meaning of purity in the divine sense, to know if something is or is not of pure divine essence.
Unfortunately the true meaning of purity has been misconstrued to great extent across the world. A good example of this can be seen in the growing belief that Satan is God. Let’s take a look at the definition of God for just a moment.
God – “The creator and ruler of the universe”
Ok, that can be debatable, both God and Satan are creators of the Universe in their own way, one of light and the other of darkness, but what about this next part…
“And source of all moral authority; the Supreme Being.”
Hmm… moral…does that sound like Satan to you!? Not by my moral compass it doesn’t and not by my Natural Existence.
God – A superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.
Hmm ok, having power over nature or human fortune, you could say they both fit this description. However, one has proven to be ‘one with nature’ influencing nature and fortune in a positive manner from within. The other has proven to influence nature in a negative manner, by destroying nature and fortune from an external source, so which one is superior… it isn’t rocket science, now is it!?
Did we come here to create or to destroy; who do you worship, the dark or the light? We worship what’s in our own heart, love (light) or hatred (darkness). I know which I prefer and I know the outcomes of choosing one or the other. I know which side of history I wish to be on…how do I know, because I am of Divine Essence, I am Light, I am Love, I am a Creator, I am God and I fear God, because ultimately, my God has the power to overrule theirs, through me and through nature…because I, like nature, have the power to overrule darkness and hatred from within, with ease and grace. On the other hand, it takes a great deal of force to overrule love and light. Therefore, The God of Light is superior. It’s that simple. One operates with ease and grace and creates that which gives greater Life Force, giving me and nature greater Life Force. The other uses great force to destroy that which gives greater Life Force, destroying mine and nature’s Life Force. Hmm… problem solved. Satan is not God. God is God! God is Nature, I am Nature!
Ok with that said, let’s move on.
Many spiritual guides and teaches today are blind to the darkness operating incognito within their own spiritual light practices, unaware and unwilling to look beneath the surface for hidden truths. A true divine spiritual leader knows the importance of questioning everything, remaining aware of both the light and the dark and innately knows the difference.
In todays world, many believe they are a clear channel for source energy but in reality they are caught up in an illusion of false light, channelling a less than pure source. This is easy to recognise when you are in your divine truth. Sadly, we currently live in a world where the truth has been used against humanity, allowing humanity to believe that we are spiritually evolving, while the truth is, we have been caught in a cycle of illusion, which has held us back from evolving at a much faster rate than divinely intended. And not all self-proclaimed light workers are operating from a place of pure divine essence. However, in their defence, the majority of them are not even aware of it.
Soul harvesting is very real and has increased over the last number of years, and as those who operate in the dark, found ways to attempt the harvesting of souls, by way of sabotaging our own spiritual practices, through meditation and healing modalities and by attempting to get us to assist them in the process through trickery, making us believe that we are having a wonderful out of body experience, while they attempt to harvest our souls.
Don’t get me wrong, we are capable of having out of body experiences that are divine in nature, but as I said, this has been used against us and some out of body experiences are not divine at all and are easily recognised if you are aware. This type of trickery is nothing new, humanity has been fooled in many ways to believe they are having a spiritual experience and or spiritually evolving, yet in reality we have been kept in a cycle of illusion, in order to slow down and or prevent our divine evolution.
Many spiritual practices today are not of Divine Light but are impure forces pretending to be of pure light, not the person, but the practice. These dark forces have created an illusion of false light, which many spiritual guides and leaders are currently operating in. I know that may be hard to hear and even harder to accept, but ultimately the choice is yours, to learn and to grow or to ignore and restrict your souls journey here on Earth. The truth is, once you know the simple truths of the universe, the rest becomes easy.
Many ‘pure hearts’ have been assigned to deliver this message over the years, which has fallen on deaf ears, as the world at large has mostly been conditioned beyond their ability to return to their soul’s pure divine essence and divine truth for the answers they seek. The process of conditioning has been very well played by the opposing side up until this point in time, for the tide has changed and the Light will reign once again.
Most people only want to see and experience the good in life and as a result of ignoring the darkness, the darkness has been able to over shadow the light, restricting growth. It is now time to learn and accept the hidden truths that have kept us from reclaiming our divinity instead of ignoring them, simply because they make us feel uncomfortable.
For your highest good and for the Greater Good of All, stay in your body. Your greatest healing power and abilities comes from within not from without and should never require you to rise up out of your body. Don’t just take my word for it, this truth resides within you, go within and discover the truths of your sacred soul, where you come from, why you are here and where you are heading. Discover the truths of the Universe. What the world needs now more than anything is your transformation back to your sacred soul and to your divinity. Be the change!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
Readings and Workshops are Available.
© Nadine Head 2023
As we move forward and as humanity begins to restore a greater connection to self and to all living things, returning to oneness, all living things are returning to reconnect in oneness with humanity and therefore nature is coming in closer. These are wary times for both humanity and nature as we begin the process of reuniting in Divine Oneness but a process that is overdue and welcomed by all divine living things.
You may have noticed over the last period of time, that nature has been coming in closer but in some cases this has put both nature and mankind in danger as our two worlds overlap in an attempt to close the gap and come together. This process requires humanity to slow down and to be more present in our aware of our own divine being; our connection to self and to our surrounding and to all living things, and to recognise the messages, signs and synchronicities nature has to offer at this time and moving forward in a greater connection for our highest good, for our divine path and purpose, shifting the world into Divine Oneness for the Greater Good.
This is a time of new found connection for us all and on a level that has been somewhat foreign to many, for far too long. This is a time to be more mindful, soft and gentle with yourself and with nature, which is in essence responding to your new found awareness (your new frequency) and therefore may be just as confused and wary as you may also be at any given time.
Nature is responding to your frequency, if you are confused so is the natural world around you, if you have clarity, so too will nature and vice versa, this process works both ways and on many different levels, upon the rise of awareness in Oneness for all divine beings. Humanity and Nature are energetically responding to each other, much like a push and pull repletion.
Be mindful now to move with a loving heart, allowing for a greater connection and growth in this wonderment, for the coming together of humanity and nature in greater peace, balance and harmony, health, abundance and happiness by free will, with ease and grace and in love and light of Divine Oneness for the Greater Good. You are the change that is being required. We are the change that Nature has been waiting for!
Divine Channel in Love and Light of Oneness ~ Founder of ‘Vorce’ for greater health and wellbeing, guiding humanity home to Divine Oneness from within, activation workshops are available.
© Nadine Head 2023
Earth has mystical and magical healing powers. The Earth has the power to cure all dis-ease. All that you require and desire for optimal health, wealth and happiness, the Earth provides for free.
Did you know that walking barefoot on the Earth can help relieve and even completely rid the body of dis-ease, aches and pains and other more serious conditions? And even much greater than this, Earth has the power to revive and restore Life! Earth has the power to cure the body, mind and spirit of dis-ease and restore Vitality of Life to all living things. As each individual returns to the Earth in body, mind and spirit, each person reclaims a greater power to heal themselves and many others through the ripple effect, for we are all connected… We Are One!
The Earth has seen and unseen healing properties. The Earth has the power to boost your immune system and revive your life. The reality of it all is that humanity was meant to walk barefoot and naked upon the Earth, which boosts our immune system and offers a ‘healing pathway’ to greater health and wellbeing, through the power of divine connection.
The life we have all been conditioned to live reduces our Life Force and life expenditure drastically, by creating imbalance and dis-ease in the body, mind and spirit. All we have to do is to return to the Earth and to our divinity to regain and restore optimal health and wellbeing. This may seem to be easier said than done but not impossible, for at the end of the day, it is merely a choice we all have the power to make within ourselves and within our communities.
The next time you step outside, choose to walk barefoot upon the Earth, lay your body down upon the Earth regularly and watch how your health and wellbeing improves, and embrace our natural resources for greater health and wellbeing. Of course diet and other factors are huge contributors in creating balance or imbalance within body, mind and spirit but the good news is we have the power to choose or change what we put into or on our personal being.
Make the change today, making any necessary changes to live and to enjoy, healthier, happier and brighter days, from this day forward and by reconnecting with nature, healing yourself and the world, As One!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness ~ Founder of ‘Vorce’ for Greater Health, Wealth & Happiness in Divine Oneness, Workshops are currently available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.
© Nadine Head 2023
When we live in misalignment with our soul’s truth, misalignment shows up in our life, body, mind and spirit, as imbalance. Imbalance shows up in our life as illness, disease, disharmony and discomfort. The greater we are in misalignment to our souls truth, the greater the imbalance and the greater the dis-ease.
Realign your inner and outer worlds with your soul’s truth for greater peace, balance and harmony, health, wealth and happiness, within and without. This can be achieved by aligning your thoughts, spoken words and actions with each other and with your soul’s truth. Your soul’s truth lies within your divine essence, within the purest parts of your heart, in body, mind and spirit.
Realign with your soul’s truth, restoring vitality of life and with love and light, reclaiming your Divinity, reinstating Divine Oneness for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness ~ Founder of ‘Vorce’ for greater Health, Wealth & Happiness in Divine Oneness, Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.
© Nadine Head 2023
There is a major shift taking place over this full moon period with a greater dismantling of dark forces and negative energies, for the individual and within the world as a greater whole. Some of you may have felt these energies coming in and leading up to tonight’s full moon, bringing up and clearing away that which does not serve the light, that which does not serve our highest good, nor the Greater Good of All.
Tonight’s Supermoon is going to be a rather exceptional one, ending out an old cycle and bringing in a new, by releasing more of the darkness and bringing in the light. Make good use of these energies by releasing any negative thought patterns holding you in any level of contempt and by releasing any scarcity mindset, bringing in more light and abundance, moving forward and in the future.
What has been and is being done in the dark will come to light as we move forward, bringing in new opportunities to move forward and towards brighter days, as more of the light shines through. Those working in the shadows will reap what they sow to a greater extend following this supermoon, through to and following the next Luna eclipse in October and as these energies continue to intensify over the coming months and so too will those of the light. All life on earth will reap what they have sown.
Now is an appropriate time to detoxify body, mind and spirit, declutter, clean, clear and cleanse your home and environment. Raise and hold your faith, and welcome in the light that this supermoon brings forth.
No weapon forged against you will prosper. Do not fear the enemy for the enemy fears you and your inner light. So, Shine Bright!
Love & Blessings x
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2023
There is only one path to Divine Oneness and that is through the heart and souls of every man, woman and child.
Humanity have many paths to choose from in the coming years, but the only path that lead to where we are meant and where we belong is the one that is led by the heart, it is through our souls path and our inner being knows the way, all other paths are led by force and all other paths lead humanity to greater despair.
The soul has no need nor desire to force things, nor to lead in any other direction other than towards love; it simply flows in the direction of Divine Love, with the Divine Will and Divine Power to create only that which is Pure and Divine.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness ~ Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy guiding humanity home, to Eternal Love & Life in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of ALL – Activation Workshops Available.
© Nadine Head 2023
It has never been more obvious, it’s out there in plain sight for all to see, it’s hitting us all in the face right now…God the Universe, divine frequency that flows through us all and through all living things and responds to that in which is in our own heart, favours the righteous, the good at heart and shows the wicked the error of their ways, through their own demise, caught in their own trap.
“The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.’ (Psalms 9:15-16)” – Thank you to the good David Sorensen who brought this Psalm to my attention in his latest email, not that I really needed it but because it is another confirmation of what most of us already know to be true, through our own experience, there is a God! Whatever that means to you, is to be true.
Pay close attention right now to what is going on in the world around you and in the world at large, God’s wrath is upon us, for all to see and with eyes wide open, you are able to see this playing out right before your very own eyes, much clearer than ever before… by way of the divine law of cause and effect, by way of karma, both good and bad.
The truth is out there for all to see, you just have to look closely and once you see it, you can’t un-see it, there is no doubting it, for this is god’s way of bringing all truths to light, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of all. However, this is not to be confused with good hearted people who are experiencing difficult times, for they are merely being steered back towards their own divine path – we must first ‘let go’ of the past if we are to be shown a better way, to a better future.
Now is the time to ‘Let Go and Let God’ show you the way. For your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL place your faith in the higher power of the Universe…place your faith In God!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness ~ Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy, guiding humanity home to Eternal Love & Life in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of ALL.
© Nadine Head 2023
The sky is high and the earth deep, aim high on and dive deep into your soul’s journey, for you are made of both the sky and the earth, you are made of source energy.
The time has come for you to remember who you are; you are the source of all that is truly divine, all that is divine moves through you and is connected to all living things, in this very way you are a co-creator of all that is Divine. Through these divine energies, feel Father Sky and Mother Earth calling your energy source to create anew, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
~ NAYA ~
Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy. Vorce Activation Workshops Available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.
© Nadine Head 2010 -2023
PERSONAL & WORLD EVENTS – a mirror of each other!
Our own personal & world events are a mirror of each other.
What you need to know right now, is that regardless of appearances, things are moving in the right direction.
What you need to remember, is that certain things must take place before other things can happen.
Know that legal is not the same as lawful no matter the realm you stand in, thus being a key that can and will unlock many new doors of opportunity.
Many truths are coming to light, you just have to look for them beneath and beyond the darkness, look within to know them, to know that they are truthful. Trust your intuition.
Stay true to you, stay focused on the bigger picture and keep moving forward.
Place your Faith in the Divine, and Trust the Universe for you are one… We Are One!
~ NAYA ~