Nadine’s Insights
If you are a Real One and those of you who are, know that you are because you ‘know’ who you really are, in love and light of your divine truth, and if that statement speaks directly to you then the following message is divinely intended for you.
Only the real ones can see you for who you really are; only those who look at you with love can understand you, for all the rest still hold some level of hatred within their own heart and it is now time for you to know that you are not the problem, as they might like to have you believe. Know that they do not hate you; they hate themselves because you have a skill, talent, ability, possession or a way about you that they cannot obtain for themselves and this triggers their demons. They might not like the way you say or do something, know that this too is not about you.
The love that you hold is the sacred power that reflects back to them who they have become through the unhealed parts of themselves, allowing them to see for themselves what it is that they need to heal from within, in order to live a life of true value and of true happiness for their highest good and for the greater good of all. Know that love often looks like hate to those with hatred in their heart, for they cannot fully comprehend the true expression of love that stands before them in all of its divine power and in which surrounds them.
A real one naturally upholds the power of unconditional spiritual love which holds no bounds. Only hatred holds a level of restrain and restriction of the truth and of the love that each and every one of has buried within us. Only the real ones can see the truth of which you really are, for only the real ones can recognise the sacred power of unconditional love and that in which pure, unadulterated love emits and brings to life within oneself, within others and within the world we all live in.
Now that you hold the knowledge, the wisdom and the knowing in which you have obtained up until this point of your journey and have been approved for your position in life, now is an appropriate time to be aware and to beware of the falsehoods that surround you and to surround yourself with those who are true and as you remain true, all that is not true will be revealed to you for your highest good and for the greater good.
Continue to walk the path of truth regardless of what others may perceive and regardless of all this, let there be Peace and walk confidently with the knowing, that love itself has ‘a way’ of clearing the path ahead and of taking care of all the rest, with ease and with grace.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Humanity has just passed through a portal of great significance and for each and every one of us, the path ahead has been chosen and a new reality has been bestowed and for this a new day has dawned, for on this very day a new reality begins.
On this very day, many of you woke up to a new frequency, for you have passed the test of time and for this, on this day your new life begins and everything around you is about to change.
And for this Congratulation is in order!
And for this you can Expect God’s gift of Miracles!
And for the gifts you will bestow, blessed are One and ALL!
Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness
Vorce Activation Workshops for Self-Healing & Personal Transformation are available within Australia. Email for more information.
© Nadine Head 2024
You are the creative power of the Universe and the time and the power of creation is upon us. Humanity has entered a new era and the time has come to be brave and to be bold in our creation of the change we wish to see within our own lives and within the world around us.
As creators of our own reality and as co-creators of the universe around us, humanity is about to come into a greater depth of awareness that we are the creators of all things and as we do, our lives and the world around us will begin to change in ways that will bewilder and bewitch. The power of creation is to create and as we create, the true and divine power of creation will make itself known.
It’s time to step into our creative power as co-creators with the Divine, becoming a more conscious and active co-creator of the New Earth, where all is unconditional love and all mighty powerful. The time has come for humanity to learn of and lean into a new way of being through all that is truly divine and in which is of divine creation and that mankind holds within, the creative power of the Universe and the time has come to create!
It’s time to come together from within and to create, The Universe.
Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy, guiding humanity home to the Oneness of God Frequency!
© Nadine Head 2024
Edited – 25th Nov 2024
If you haven’t already noticed 2024 has brought with it some crazy energies as God the Universe has shaken to awaken and justice has been served and this December will be no different in fact things are about to be ramped up a little.
We all are aware that this time of year can get a little hectic out there in the world and sometimes that chaotic energy can make its way into our own personal or professional space but this year comes with a few words of advice from above. Many sit-uations are about to brought to a head and if warranted justice will be served swiftly. While on the other hand many will simply sink into a deeper sense of inner peace and wellbeing, regardless of external appearances or events, that may be taking place around them.
As we enter the silly season of 2024, this time period comes with this advice and divine guidance; unless you need to venture out, its best to stay in the peace and safety of your own home and regardless of circumstances, protect your peace first and foremost, for there is some crazy energy heading our way whether it be in our own personal lives or out there in the big wide world around us.
5 things to remember throughout Dec 2024 and through to March 2025
1. Home is where the heart is, be it your own home or extended family home.
2. Protect your peace first and foremost.
3. Disagreements are fine but disrespect isn’t.
4. Everything has a higher purpose, trust the divine plan.
5. All things done with Truth and Integrity support inner peace, balance and harmony.
The 3rd Dimensional world is about to be shaken some more and the 5th dimensional world is about to be at peace.
Live in this world but not of it, up until which point that the world around you, mirrors that which is in your loving heart and until which case remain mindful and stay vigilant of that in which is being kept hidden in the dark, and wait patiently while the Universe brings it out of the dark and into the light, where a new and divine path awaits you and all of humanity.
2025 will be a game changer. Help is on its way and good tidings await us all. Remain true to you and out of harms way, what this means is, if you know something or someone is not good for you, then keep your distance and stay out of their way.
Blessings to one and to all x
Divine Channel
© Nadine Head 2024
God is exposing the false and lifting the true to greater heights and they shall be known by the fruits of their labour.
Let it be known, that God’s chosen (assigned and approved) are highly protected, untouchable and on mission regardless of external appearances.
God has spoken, that anyone who has impure intentions towards The Chosen will be blocked; experiencing blockages and loss within their own lives.
The only successful path forward is to Let Go and Let God, to Live and to Learn.
Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency. Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia.
© Nadine Head 2024
And God said, let it be known that humanity is about to move into a deeper awareness, that no matter what the subject matter is, speaking and living the truth is far more powerful and valuable than keeping it hidden and more than this, the truth holds divine power. And furthermore, those of whom the truth offends will be exposed.
The hidden truths within our own world and of this world have caused humanity to live a false and senseless reality but the truth holds the power to bring us all back to our senses in a very literal way for a much greater purpose, bringing us all back into alignment with our soul’s truth and divine path.
The truth will set us all free and those who choose to reject the truth will be exposed. Humanity has opened the door to truth and as a result the future now belongs to the truthful, for only the truthful will be granted access to the Kingdom of Light, where Heaven on Earth will remain forevermore.
Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy
© Nadine Head 2024
God teaches us discernment to be of good judgment, to rise to our divinity. The Devil teaches us to be judgmental, to be of poor judgment in an attempt to prevent us from rising to our divinity.
The derogatory labels we use to describe ourselves and others have been devised by the Devil, in order to work his will against us and through us, to distort and stunt our growth and that of those around us.
All judgments devised through one’s own thought process, through ones spoken words and ones actions must cease if humanity is to reclaim and restore our divinity to its former glory, creating Heaven on Earth in man’s own image, for we are the lifeblood of the Earth, for we Are One. We Are Earth and…
We will heal…
We will grow…
And we will move forward together!
God hears and sees all that has been devised from within and without. God sees all truths and all deceptions and as a result, justice will be served upon us all. That which one attempts to impost upon another will be dealt with harshly.
Let Go and Let God, and for God has prepared the way forward.
Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency, guiding humanity home.
The Vorce Activation Seminar is currently available within Australia, email for more information.
© Nadine Head 2024
We are in a time of transformation and the following blog post is just as relevant today if not more so, than it was when I wrote back it in 2015 and as we now close out a dark and dreary cycle and prepare to enter a new.
Humanity is in a time of great change, the type of change that the world has never seen before. In the years ahead everything will return to normal, it will be a new normal but it will be a wonderful new normal and because of this transformation, you can now rest assured that in the future there will be peace on Earth, upon the rising of the New Earth. The New Earth will be one of Divine Love, the kind of love that you give to yourself and to the World, As One. But before this can happen, we must close out any old cycles, leaving the past in the past and entering a new.
Now is an appropriate time to refrain from partaking in all the mindless things that steal your time and energy and focus on all the things that breathes life back into you. Now is not a time to get caught up in all the distractions of The World but rather, to focus on self and close out any old dark and dreary cycles in your life. Now is a time of purification, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All. May the following blog post be a guiding light for anyone who wishes to close out the old and welcome in the new.
Copy and paste link to URL – NEWS FLASH – 12 Day Pareve –
Whenever you happen to come across this post, know that it is within perfect timing, for it will be within Divine Timing, a sign of its relevance in your life at that precise time. Use this information as a guide to create greater alignment within yourself and in connection to all living things in and of God Frequency but above all else, follow your intuition, and may God Bless.
Love & Blessings All and Happy Pareve x
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
The 7th of November 2024 – The Day of ALLEGIANCE!
To all Divine Beings, there is a magnificent shift in the air today and that shift is the sweet frequency and fragrance of Truth and Freedom, and there is a deep sense of peace washing over the world. It is too soon to say too much but it is righteous to say, Congratulations to the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald J Trump, to the White Hats and to all patriots which of whom have made all of this possible, not just for America but for The World and last but not least, to all of humanity, welcome to the allegiance.
With the American Election done and dusted, the truth can finally be revealed. The next few months to years will be telling, as much of humanity awakens to and finds themselves in the Golden Age of Truth, Integrity and Freedom – Progress, Peace, Prosperity and Happiness.
Major life changes and a few big surprises will be forth coming throughout 2025-2026, along with two significant energetic (spiritual) shifts taking place across the world in 2025. Unfortunately, it is unwise to give more specific details in this regard and at this point in time but you will be sure to feel these energetic shifts taking place in one way or another. Rapid changes are likely to follow.
Prepare for the kind of changes that are on the right side of history. As more and more of the truth comes out, understand that the world is a stage and inner-stand, that it had to happen this way or it would not have happened at all. Focus on the bigger picture and count your blessings for all’s well that ends well.
It’s now time for humanity to learn that we are all a part of something much bigger than oneself. This is a turning point in history, and help is on its way.
Welcome to the Golden Age, the Age of Allegiance!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
THEY LIED! Now let’s talk about The True and Divine Power of the Sun.
The sun is the greatest source of vitamin D that humanity can source anywhere on Earth. So why do we shy away from it!? The answer is simple, it’s because someone told us that the sun is not good for us and that it causes skin cancer, this is simply not true. Big pharma would have you believe this, so that they can sell you harmful manmade products that actually do cause skin cancer, so that they can continue to make money off unsuspecting people.
For decades those in high places, in positions of power and control have been lying to humanity about many things, one of the things they lied to us about is the power of the sun, to create optimal health and wellbeing and to enlighten. They lied to our ancestors who unbeknownst to them lied to their children and their children lied to us and so forth, because that is what they were told and so it was carried on down the line. It’s now time for that lie to end here with us, along with all the other lies they have told us.
Many of these people in positions of power and control have been removed from power in more recent years, this is a good thing but it is not to say, that there aren’t any people out here trying to fill their shoes but it is to say, that due to their fall from power or due to their demise, the power has shifted and as a result the power is now coming back to the people and as it does so too will many hidden truths and outright lies.
They lied about the suns ability to harm us, causing skin cancer which is also not what it appears to be, but that’s another story for another time. The truth is that the Sun is the greatest healing element in the world and in the Natural World of God Frequency, and is at its greatest healing power and potential in the middle of the day, this is why they have conditioned humanity to believe that the sun is safest in the morning and in the late afternoon, sadly because they didn’t want humanity to know the truth. This is not to say that you should go out there and burn up your skin, No, that is not the way. Every Natural Element of the Natural Earth is meant to be met with and taken in with a certain level of moderation, by one’s own ‘divine will’ (one’s own intuition) and by necessity rather than excessively. In this way, Nature truly is a super power within itself, where everything in Nature is balanced, and it has the ability to bring to life your very own super powers.
The sun has great healing powers and potential, if and when humanity meets it with poise and takes it in, in moderation. Ideally allowing the sun’s rays to penetrate the skin, the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the crown, taking in its ability and greater potential for healing, and for the sun’s rays to illuminate the soul, to shine over us and move through us, ultimately allowing God’s omnipresence and benevolence to be bestowed upon us, and upon us all.
The sun’s innate abilities and far reaching potential, aims to dissolve toxins from our mental, physical and spiritual bodies, from within and without. This is because, that which is Light is of The Light and that which is Dark is of Darkness, and that which is light illuminates and eliminates that which is dark. In this way, the suns rays eliminates that which is unhealthy and undesirable from our entire being, particularly if and when our sacred being is elated, with God Frequency.
By listening to our own intuition above all others, humanity is being asked to meet the sun with a sense of poise and to take it in with a level of moderation. As the sun is more powerful in the middle of the day, start out at first by meeting the sun for 5 – 10 mins a day, between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm, ideally aiming closer to midday of the day with each revisit and as your body, mind and spirit merges with the divine power and frequency of the Sun.
The Sun holds a Holy Healing Power, divinely intended to be embraced for optimal health and wellbeing for one and for all, of whom are ‘living’ in the Oneness of God Frequency, for the Greater Good of ALL. Embrace the Sun with a sense of divine connection and in moderation, for optimal health and wellbeing, in body, mind and in spirit.
Carry this knowledge and divine wisdom with you wherever you many go and share it with others, for the sun has the greatest power and potential of all the Natural elements to eliminate all toxicity from within our body, mind and spirit, ultimately eliminating unhealthy and unwanted organisms and reducing dis-ease within our total and sacred being, when all the Natural Elements of the Earth are met in this way, together they have the ability to restore humanity and all living things on Earth to its former glory, being of optimal health and wellbeing, under the Divine Power and Protection of God Frequency.
For spiritual health and enlightenment allow the sun’s rays to penetrate the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, your forehead (third eye) and crown for a minimum of 20 mins in total per day and begin to listen to and follow the guidance and great wisdom of your sacred being, in connection with the Great Spirt of the Divine, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024