Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine’s Insights


Humanity is in a powerful time of transformation and as humanity now shifts into being, as it has never done before, Nature is also shifting into being.

Both humanity and Nature are returning to and restoring its Natural State of Being, by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing, rather than by man’s law, man’s guidance or man’s timing for that time period is now and will in time come to an end.

Nature knows the way, listen to and behold, as Nature now does a new thing and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a pure and true, Divine God.

Listen to the birds and the bees; listen to the wind and the trees, observe and connect with the changing of the seasons as both humanity and Nature come back into balance. Watch, listen and imitate the New Earth Rising into being, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of all, in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Behold for I AM doing a new thing – God


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy, for Self-Healing & Personal Transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia.

© Nadine Head 2024


God is shaking you to wake you. It is said that judgement will fall on “the living and the dead” before destroying the old heaven and earth, which are corrupted of sin.

God has called judgment and is wiping the Earth clean. God gave warning after warning but many did not heed the warning, which God so graciously gave to them, now their time is up.

Many are currently receiving karma for bad deeds done, as God now wipes the earth clean of sin. Unfortunately, many still cannot correlate their down fall to the bad things they have done in the past and for this reason, God is about to make it know, that karma has indeed hit them and for this very purpose, many are about to see that there is a God and what they do next will determine their future.

God the Universe wants it to be known, that Bad Karma can show up in many different forms, it can show up through illness, through incident or accident, it can show up through some form of loss or heartache but no matter how it shows up, it displays a fall from grace. On the other hand Good Karma can show up as a blessing in disguise, showing a rise in grace.

To disgrace God is to disgrace life itself. Many are being stripped of their divine inheritance at this time and many are being stripped of life itself, as they now fall from God’s Grace and feel the full force of Gods distain.

Humanity can expect to experience and bear witness too many more endings in the following months and years to come and just as many New Beginnings, as the New Earth simultaneously rises into being.

Sit tight and be still at this time, as God the Universe makes it known to the world, that karma has indeed hit, and bear witness to God, rise up in action!

The next three months will bring new revelations to one and to ALL.

Love and Blessing


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ for self-healing and advancement in the Oneness of God Frequency.

© Nadine Head 2024


Regardless of your intention, all that you embrace that is fake and false in your life and in this world insults your sacred being, offending your authentic self, denouncing God, the Holy Spirit of Life that is within you and moves through you and through all living things on earth, for you are one.

When you desecrate your body, mind and spirit you desecrate God the Holy Spirit of Life, the Living Earth and all that is in the Oneness of God Frequency. It’s not personal, it’s frequency. The New Earth is the Pure Earth and the Pure Earth is the rising of God Frequency, representing and embodying all that is Divine, all that is pure and true.

Honour your sacred being in light of and for the New Earth to Rise Up in the Oneness of God Frequency. Embrace your authentic self, embracing the Holy Spirit of Life within you and within the world, As One, bringing in the New Earth in God Frequency forevermore.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God frequency

© Nadine Head 2024


Let me start by saying, God is good!

I have never known anyone more loyal and dedicated to me, nor more deserving of my loyalty and dedication, than God Is. God has walked beside me since the day I was born; God has spoken to me and through me, for We Are One.

God has shown me the way to salvation and to wholeness. Nothing and nobody has made me neither healthier nor happier in this life. God is all that I need and will ever want, for God is within me and within all divine living things. God is all there is and all that is good within me and within the world.

Whenever I have allowed myself to be lead astray, I have fallen into a dark hole and each time I hit the bottom God met me there, to show me the way back and to show me that there is no other way but through God’s Grace and wholeness. God is good and God is great!

I am not religious in any way but I know there is a God and that God is Within Me. The way back is though God’s Grace and wholeness, the way home is through each and every one of us.

The way back is through God, the way home is through God’s Grace.

May God be with you and may God bless you!


Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, Guiding Humanity Home.

Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


It is raining here in my part of the world today and flooding has been predicted for some parts but the Divine has spoken that when the big wind comes, a significant transformation will follow.

A great wind is coming; it will blow away the cobwebs and remove many illusions across the world. Unfortunately, I was not given a timeline for this event but sense that it may take place, sometime between this very day and the end of the year.

The Divine speaks to all of us, of whom will experience the great wind that will come and advises the following; to stand in the frequency of the wind when and where it is safe to do so and when the first rain comes thereafter, there will be a cleansing.

A transformation will take place across many lands, causing many endings and many new beginnings and what may appear to be Natural disasters will be a shaking up of great proportion, many falsehoods will come to light at this time and thereafter, and just as many of the trees will fall in the wind, many who walk amongst us will fall from grace and many will rise up, to bring in the new and the righteous. 

The Kingdom of Light is rising and where there is still darkness there will be light. This process won’t happen overnight but it will happen over a period of time and for in this instance timing is everything.

Stand in the frequency of the wind and when the rain cleanses the Earth and brings forth transformation; be sure to uphold the light above and beyond all else and with the knowing, that if you are of the light you are indeed, protected by the light.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


We are in a time of heightened supernatural events, signalling that The Event and great change is here and a breakthrough is near.

Our ancestors are here and are taking their place and therefore divine protection is within its rightful place.

A great deal is taking place behind the scenes. Justice is being served. Anew is being prepared. Stay true to you and to God, trusting the process.

Know that a great event is taking place here on earth, for this is the end of the world as we know it and what is to come will serve the Greater Good, as it is and always was divinely intended.

This event is happening right here and right now. Savour this moment for it will never come again, although it will be stored within your DNA forevermore.

You are the story teller, the history keeper and the time changer for you are the creator, and you are here to bring forth and to bear witness to the greatest event the world has ever seen. Savour this moment for it will serve you and the rest of humanity in times to come for this is your time and you are on time! So let it be known that you are the footprints in the sand and You Are the voice of the future. Let your story be told and let your path be seen, for today is the beginning of something brand new.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency

© Nadine Head 2024


Wow! August is quickly approaching; the year is going so fast but there is good news coming in. The energy coming in throughout August 2024 is sure to impress many of you, whether it takes hold of you or someone you may know or the world at large, upon the rising of these magical energies.

August brings in an energy pertaining to the Dead Sea Scrolls, this may come through by offering, new perspectives, enlightenment, downloads and possibly some new information or energy coming to light within the world regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls and that time period but it is mostly bringing forth the spiritual energy of that time period in a conscious or subconscious way.

August is also set to brings in the energy of NEW BEGINNINGS, ABUNDANCE, BLESSING and MIRICALS – God has opened the doors for many to RECEIVE at this time, to receive all that has been blocked from you and or owed to you and will bring this to you in one form or another.

Many can now expected a blessing or miracle in the form of New Beginnings, perhaps you or someone you may know will receive a new cash flow, a new home, a new car, a new job or new beginning of some sort and or blessing in disguise, creating positive outcomes. However it may show up, it is yours to have and to hold, there’s just one word of warning, do not squander it.  Good fortune, magic, inner peace and balance is all for the taking, if and when you open yourself up to the Blessings of the Universe.  On the another foot, those who are still operating in the dark to any degree, may choose to or be forced to take a seat, as justice is served in a way that will not allow their forward movement.  

If you have made it this far on your journey by walking in the light, God is about to deliver you from all evil and evil will fall from God’s Grace and from this world in the months/years ahead and in which case, I congratulate you for making it thus far on your journey to Oneness and wish you and yours all the very best life has to offer. Best wishes to one and to all.


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Vorce Activation Workshops are available within Australia, taking humanity from illness to wellness, to greatness in the Oneness of God Frequency. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Great changes are taking place behind the scenes in regards to Media and Social Media Platforms and further changes can be expected in the coming months.

Gain of control has been reached. Many companies are now in the right hands and changes are taking place in alignment with right action. Investigations, arrests and changes have been and still are taking place in regard to media and social media corruption and for your personal interest, this includes the interference of online business growth and progression, particularly in the areas of Natural Health and Wellbeing and that in which is of a Spiritual Nature, due to a conflict of interest or more to the point, an agenda.

Furthermore, another warning goes out to humanity in regard to the infiltration of consumer related businesses and products, including manufactured health supplements and other Natural Health related ‘processed products’ for both mankind and all animals as we tend to refer to them. What you see or hear isn’t always what you get…consumer beware!

Natural Health and Wellbeing comes directly from Nature and is intended to be consumed from plant to mouth or to another part of the body. That which is intended to imitate Nature is not as powerful, as that which comes directly from Nature itself in its natural form. Processed foods, which include supplements, lack a very important component, one that cannot be replicated, and in which is ‘The Spirit of Life’ that is within it and in which upholds all life, of and within the Divine Living System here on Earth and Beyond.

When Nature is consumed in The Way that it is Divinely Intended to be consumed, it has the Divine Essence and Power to take mankind and the world as we know it, from illness to wellness, to greatness, transforming All Life on Earth and Beyond for the Greater Good.

Become aware of your Divinity, for you are a Divine Being in and of God Frequency and all that upholds your divinity and that of the entire Divine Living System, is within Nature. Optimal health and wellbeing awaits you within Nature and in co-creation of the New Earth, in the Oneness of God Frequency, which is the True and Divine Spirit of Life.

Return to Nature for optimal health and wellbeing and to reclaim your Divinity, upholding the Divine Living System in the Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.


Divine Channel and Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency, transforming lives!

Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. Will travel conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


Pure Divine Energy upholds all LIFE on Earth and the Matrix destroys it. These are two very different energy systems, one exists within you and connects you to the Holy Spirit of Life and the other is external from you and exists only to take life from you. The first is designed to bring you into the Oneness of God Frequency and to create New Life on Earth and the other is designed to keep you in separation from it, robbing you of the true divine essence of life itself.

The Matrix is a war on humanity, a war designed to rob humanity of our Soul’s Divine Essence. The matrix secretly promotes the loss of Divine Energy, through distracting and separating humanity from the Divine Energy which up holds all life and in this way, it aims to rob us all of the very essence of Life, that is to say, it intends to rob us of all Life within and of the Divine Living System.

The matrix has been built on the foundation of technology and is designed to harvest our divine energy, our divine essence, the very fabric of our existence and to make mankind a slave to the system and all the while, those who enforce the matrix system, continue to get healthier and richer off our divine energy.

For each and every one of us who willingly promotes and engages in the Matrix System is willingly, taking part in a system, which is harvesting our divine energy and that of the Divine Living System for self-gain and for greed, ultimately destroying all life on earth.

If you didn’t already know, this war has already been won and Nature is back in Power and if you hadn’t noticed it yet, the matrix’s is crumbling, as divinely intended and moving forward, those who continue to choose the matrix system over Nature by free will, for self-gain will now fall and crumble with it.

If you believe in something greater for this world by nature, I encourage you to leave the matrix system as best to your ability and to embrace your divine energy, reclaiming your divinity and co-creating the New Earth with all other divine beings of the light, being in and of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL, walking away from that which means to do you and the rest of humanity great harm and destruction, destroying all that is of the divine living system.

God (nature) is the ‘All Knowing’ of the Universe that surrounds us, God sees and knows if you are genuinely committed to the light or not, there is no hiding the truth, for God is within you and God is the Truth.

I encourage you to choose wisely for the fate of the world is in your and in my hands, every decision we each make, determines the outcome for us all. To go against one is to go against God and to go against God is to go against all, for We Are One!

Choose to make better choices for one and for all, for if you are not promoting life, you are promoting the end of all Life on Earth. To promote life, is to bring about a shift in our reality for the better, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of all!


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia, for self-healing and personal transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024


There are many different paths that one can take to find God. However, each and every one of us is already operating from within a resonance of God frequency at any given time. Just as we work our way up the ladder earning a higher position within our chosen career, earning a higher rank and gaining greater rewards for our efforts, so too, it is with Frequency, we work and earn our way up to higher frequencies, moving up the grades so to speak. 

When we choose to open our heart and mind up to our own spirituality, do the inner work and strengthen our connection to God, we earn a higher position (a higher spiritual rank) which offers greater benefits and rewards, our souls journey here isn’t about matching another person’s frequency, or rising above them, it’s about embracing and allowing what resonates with us to help us grow, within the frequency of that which is truly divine; as we grow and embrace that which resonates with us from deep within our soul, we strengthen our connection to God and discover new pathways to rise in God frequency, raising our own frequency and that of the entire divine living system as one, ultimately embodying that of the most high, embodying the Pure and True Divine Essence of God Frequency, through purity of body,  mind and spirit. All pathways to God lead to the embodiment of God.

Choose that which resonates over that which doesn’t, embrace your passions and allow for growth and expansion in all areas of your life, rising up through the ranks and becoming all that you came here to become in and of God Frequency, discovering your soul tribe along the way, by the way it feels and the frequency it emits, and by allowing yourself to grow within and beyond that which currently resonates from within.

There are many pathways to find God but much more than this, our divine purpose here on Earth, is to embody the Oneness of God Frequency, through purity of body, mind and spirit, embodying God.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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