Nadine’s Insights
If you’ve been paying attention from both within and without, you would have to know by now, that we are not the only intelligent species living here on Earth and many hidden truths, lies and secrets will be revealed more publicly in the distant and not so distant future in regard to this.
Of course, as with everything else in the world, you cannot believe everything you see or hear and the truth is not always pleasant but do be sure to stay tuned in and tapped in.
Know that there is nothing to fear but life on Earth could be about to get a lot more interesting, in regards to this very interesting revelation in the years to come and I’ve got good reason to believe that something very special is being prepared for humanity in regards to this and as with everything, time will reveal all.
Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Some of you beautiful 😇 are about to receive your 🪽
Are you ready to fly!?
The energy coming in over the next few months:
💫 Sudden & Unexpected Changes or New (Blessings)
💫 Breakthroughs, Down Loads & Up Grades
💫 Personal Freedom & Transformation
💫 New Beginnings & Fast Moving Action
💫 Answered Prayers & Divine Blessings
💫 Greater Acceptance & Flow, Ease & Grace
💫 A Greater Depth of Awareness, Innerstanding & Understanding
💫 New Earth Emergence
Now is not the time to be too complacent or too comfortable in current surroundings or circumstances. Prepare for lift-off and get ready to fly!
Well Done and Congratulations! 🎉 🥂 🎉
This message will not pertain to everyone, take it how it fits and keep up the good work, your time is coming! ✨ 🦋 ✨
Love & Blessings
Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
A major shift is about to take place, revealing divine truth, lies and justice, activating a greater spiritual awareness and protection. Power shifts are likely to take place simultaneously on the 3rd and 5th dimensional planes at this time.
June 5th, 7th, 18th and 21st will be a significant time line with greater changes taking place behind the scenes, both on the 3rd and 5th dimensions and in which may be brought to the world’s attention. Any endings that may take place in your life and or in the world during this time are divinely intended to create new beginnings. Acceptance will allow for a greater and more powerful transformation.
Allow time for connection to and reflection of self and of the world we all live in. Allow time for grounding, for stillness and for gentleness. Move with the flow, moving with ease and with grace. Positive changes will follow on a personal and worldly level.
The month of June brings great change within the world, whether you become aware of it or not, change for the better is here and now. The world as we have known it is no longer and the New Earth is coming into view with a much clearer and greater perspective. Humanity will now lean into and to a much greater extent, towards a more spiritual way of being within the world, thus being for the Greater Good.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
The New Earth is the Pure Earth. A Pure Earth is the New Earth!
Humanities pathway towards restoring divinity is through righteousness and purity of heart. Purify in body, mind and spirit, home and environment, manifesting and co-creating the New Earth in Divine Oneness, for one and for ALL.
The tide is turning. What has been stolen and kept from you will astound you but a new pathway is now being made available to humanity, to restore Earths true Divinity through the assistance and Divine Activation of Vorce Synergy.
Vorce is a Light Force, reactivating humanities Pure Earth DNA & Light Codes, in love and light of and in co-creation of the New Earth. This is an absolute game changer!
Through ‘Vorce Synergy’ the Light Force is being returned to the people and through Vorce, The Force will always be, within you.
Vorce Activations are now available within Australia. Come and join me, and learn how Vorce can elevate you and humanities evolution in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Founder & Activator of Vorce Synergy
© Nadine Head 2024
Sickness is God’s way of guiding you to wellness. When sickness hits, your body, mind and spirit is asking to be cleansed and purified. You are being asked to stop living a life that insults your soul and pushes against your soul’s path and purpose in the world. This is God’s way of guiding you towards alignment within self and within the world, As One.
God is asking you to cleanse and purity your body and blood, to be reborn again, to return to and restore the Kingdom of Light, here on Earth, in Divine Oneness, forevermore.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
As the New Earth continues to rise, a new life and a new way is unfolding. Humanity is shifting into being, being of the light. Whatever you are experiencing right now is all part of the process of ‘letting go’ of the old, to usher in the new. Believe and trust in the process.
That uneasy or nauseous feeling you sometimes get when you engage with the 3rd dimensional world, is energetically bringing all the injustice, darkness and heaviness of the 3D world to the forefront, pushing you to shift into the lighter energy of 5th dimensional realm, for humanity can no longer stay where we don’t belong.
Let go of the past in order to embrace the future. Let go of the 3D world and move into living in the 5th dimensional reality of the New Earth, shifting yourself and the world around you into being.
Live in this world but not of it and as your do, the world will shift with you.
As humanity releases more of the ego, so too shall all of God’s heavenly creatures. As you release more and more of the ego and shift into the lighter energy of the 5th dimension, the world will shift with you.
You hold the power within you to create a new reality, you hold the power to create the New Earth!
You are a divine being of god frequency and you hold the power to create New Worlds. Believe it, know it and align yourself with it. Align yourself with the higher frequency of the New Earth. Align and immerse yourself in God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Love or hate him, he’s got this right…
We Do Not Worship Government, We Worship God ~ Donald J Trump
Anyone can speak these words into existence but not everyone holds the Divine Frequency of Light, which brings them to Life and into Power.
If you represent the light, you represent God and whatever God represents to you in any given moment, is to be true.
You may hear many positive and many negative things about Donald J Trump in the future but this too shall be known, energy does not lie.
The world is changing and so too shall our awareness of that in which holds Divine Light and of that in which does not, bringing energy into greater power.
Every man, woman, child and animal of God’s Divine Kingdom holds the Divine Frequency of Light, which shall be known to all Divine Beings, of and within the Kingdom of Light and for this too shall be known in more ways then one, to be of the Light, you have to be one to know one.
Where humanity is heading, energy holds the power of all truths and this too, shall hold great power.
Energy holds the power of all truths within God’s Kingdom of Light and of all Divine Beings.
Energy holds the power of our future!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Did you know that our ancestral history is full of darkness and sorcery, which has been carried on through us in this life time and has held us back from living the life which was always divinely intended for us, by our own free will?
Did you know that the toxic patterns in our family and ancestral bloodline and those pesky little thoughts from our past that keep distracting us are significant pieces of the puzzle, to which surrounds our past, our past lives and ancestral bloodlines, in which we came here to resolve in order to break free from that which is holding us captive, due to the generational curse or curses that have been imposed upon our bloodline and which are holding us back, form discovering who we really are and what we came here to achieve.
We all came here with a mission to fulfil and have been led down the garden path by those who came before us, in order to confuse and distract us from fulfilling our mission.
Those pesky or haunting thoughts are more like golden nuggets offering us clues, intended to help us unravel and break free from the mysteries and secrets of our past and to guide us towards the wonders, that our future holds for us in waiting.
It’s time to take our power back and dive deep into the mysteries of our own past, discovering and freeing ourselves and our bloodline from all that is holding us and our bloodline back in this life time and beyond, in order to reclaim our Divinity and Divine Inheritance here on Earth, to experience the true Divine Power in the Oneness of God Frequency, Forevermore.
By God’s Grace, set yourself free and set your sights on the land, of the free!
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
The signs are all around us, if you are paying close attention you will see them. The corporate world we live in is being dissolved right before our own eyes, the signs may be subtle but they are growing exponentially, and upon the rising of the righteous across the lands, we the people are returning to our sovereignty and to our true Divinity, restoring Natural Law. Of course it won’t happen overnight but we can now say that it is happening. I have been saying now for over 30 yrs. that it will happen in our life time and by God’s Grace, Here We Are!
It was never meant to be easy but by God’s Grace it has been and will be worth it! And upon saying that, like many others I have been waiting for this moment in time, my entire life and now that we are here all I can say is, how incredibly amazing and wonderful it is to be here on Earth at this time and to be moving from one reality or system to another, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of All and what comes next will invoke the rising of the New Earth for all to see. My advice to the world at this time is to trust God’s plan and to be guided and empowered to activate the God Frequency within.
Now is the time to go within to discover who you really are and what you came here to achieve and to align your actions with your divine purpose here on Earth and within the Oneness of God Frequency.
God is the Living Earth and We Are of God Frequency. We Are Gods creation and we came here to reclaim our divinity, restoring Full Power to All Living Things within the Oneness of God Frequency Forevermore, for our highest good and for ‘The Greater Good’ of ALL.
I invite you now to become an Active Co-creator of the New Earth and to soar upon the rising of the New Earth in The Oneness of God Frequency, with the assistance of ‘Vorce Synergy’.
Vorce is a Life Force Energy within the Oneness of God Frequency. By activating Vorce you are reactivating more of The God’s Frequency that currently lies dormant within, for your highest Good and for the Greater Good of ALL.
Vorce offer us, all that we need and require on our souls journey towards reclaiming our divinity and restoring ‘The Oneness’ of God Frequency. Vorce reactivates a higher power within and for the purpose of healing oneself, discovering and fulfilling one’s life purpose and to reach one’s full potential; reclaiming one’s divinity here on Earth and Co-creating the New Earth rising in The Oneness of God Frequency, Forevermore.
‘Vorce’ Activation Workshops are available within Australia. Email me today to organise a workshop in your home town or to find a workshop coming to a town near you, and may we all rise up together in the Oneness of God Frequency, Forevermore.
Founder & Activator of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024
Once you see it and understand it, it’s undeniably prophetic. Once you experience it, you can no longer deny it for what it is and everything else begins to make sense.
When the light of God shines through you, it shines a light on that which is angelic and that which is demonic. Gods light attracts and neutralises demonic energy; when gods light shines through you, Satin sends demonic energies to attack you, through those of whom he has recruited, with or without their knowledge and through other demonic life forms such as parasites, who become and are not unlike a moth to a flame but when they get too close to the flame, God’s Light neutralises them. The stronger and brighter the flame, the more effective it becomes.
The stronger and brighter your love for God is; the more effective Gods Light becomes against demonic energies and life forms.
We all have parasites living inside of us, even if there are no obvious signs of them being present. Parasites dwell within us all and can be the main cause of many health problems within the human body, which is as Satan intended. Once a parasite gains access to its host, it sets out to cause havoc within and without the body, mind and spirit of its host, causing all kinds of health and wellbeing related issues within the host and within their life.
All angelic and demonic beings have spiritual gifts, the difference between them is, one uses their gifts to serve the greater good the other uses their gifts to destroy all of that, which serves the greater good. Your unshakable faith in God repels and rebukes demons and all of which is demonic in nature and Gods light neutralize them. Read that part again… your unshakable faith in God repels and rebukes demons and Gods light neutralize them!
Not all creatures on Earth are of God’s creation, parasitic life forms are demonic in nature and humanity has been and still is under heavy spiritual attack through these demonic entities. Do not allow them to dim your light and shake your faith. Shine your light, raise and hold your faith, neutralising all demons that have been sent to attack you and all of which is of God’s Light and Divinity.
God’s light neutralises demons from within and without, not only taking effect on humanity but that of the entire Divine Living System. God’s Light is humanities greatest weapon against demonic warfare and has the power to transform the world as we know it.
Embrace the Light of God, neutralising all demons within and without, transforming your life and the world around you; co-creating the New Earth, God’s Kingdom of Light Evermore.
Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness
© Nadine Head 2024