Psychic Medium Channeler

Nadine’s Insights


By the Grace of God let it be known, that assisted death by any means is the devils work and is absolute.  

The act of assisted death is soul destroying for all parties in evolved, for both the sufferer and the assailant and whether the act is carried out with or without consent and or being carried out through what may appear to be love or hatred. Let it be known that there is no definition of love in this act and there is no spiritual connotation.

The act of assisted death by any means is classed as murder under Divine Law, even if it is carried out with consent. The act of assisted death is punishable by Divine Law, being the Natural Law of Cause and Effect.

Any and all ill intentions are punishable by the Divine Law of Cause and Effect and God’s Law is Absolute. No living being can escape Natural Law; Justice will always be carried out under Divine Law, in one form or another and at one time or another.

God’s Light has won the great battle between good and evil and God has seen all that needed to be seen and as such, God is now in complete control of all outcomes and will no-longer tolerate that in which is ungodly. Let it be known on this day forward, God’s Law is in Full Effect and repentance is in order. And assisted death must be abolished!

Let it be known…

If my people do not stand in righteousness, my people will be destroyed ~ God the Universe.


Divine Channel – In Love and Light of the New Earth, in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency!

© Nadine Head 2024


Divine Feminine, God strategically hid you in plain sight and clocked you in divine light only for you to be misunderstood and rejected, in order to prepare you for your debut.

Rejection was your protection and being misunderstood was your superpower. Now your protection and rejection will allow God to reveal your true position of Divine Authority.

You have done all that was asked of you, which has brought you to this point in time. Now, that you have learnt all that you needed to learn and discover, it’s time to let go of the past and keep moving with the knowing that, your divine authority comes through God, rejection is your protection and being misunderstood is your superpower. Now let them bear witness to your Divine Authority, under the divine power and protection of God. 

Rise Up with confidence and into your position of Divine Authority, knowing that God is in control of all outcomes and is taking care of all the finer details. Rise up and embrace your new position of Divine Authority for The Greater Good!


Divine Channel in love & light of Oneness and Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in and of God Frequency, guiding humanity home to Divine Oneness for the Greater Good.




Vorce is an integrated ‘Life Force’ within the Oneness of God Frequency, currently lying dormant within. Vorce is being made available to humanity at this time for our awakening; awakening a higher frequency from within for the purpose of self-healing and personal transformation, guiding humanity back home, to the Oneness of God Frequency for the Greater Good.

Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2024


Divine Feminine, God used you to reveal your enemies and how far they were willing to take things and as a result, your enemies have made you stronger and your power is being magnified, by any further attempts on their behalf to attack you and now that God has seen all that there is to see, God has called back all of their power and is now in complete control of all outcomes. By Divine Obedience and by God’s grace you defeated your enemies without even lifting a finger and their efforts are powerless against you.

As a result of their efforts, their attacks are bouncing back to them and they are being stripped of their spiritual gifts and divine inheritance and you are now receiving what was always intended for you, as well as what was intended for them, all by the grace of divine law and justice, and all because you used your divine power to serve the Greater Good, while they abused their power for self-gain. Now what was done is done and what is meant to be will be.

God now advises you not to feel sorry for your enemies or try to help them in their hour of need, as they may now try to return to you to make a mends, to try and save themselves from their own pain and punishment or only to try and cause you distraction and destruction further down the track. Your enemies were warned by the grace of God and had their chance to rectify all of their wrong doing and they chose not to.

It’s now time for you to release the past and embrace the future, to let go and to let God, for God is In Motion and for God Is the Most High, no other can compete nor compare.  

As your enemies receive what is owed to them, remember this, they have nobody to blame but themselves. God used you to reveal your hidden enemies and how far they were willing to take things. Now they have been seen for all that they are, they are reaping what they have sown by their own free will. And now, by the Divine Law of cause and effect, while you may be tempted to help them, this would only be to your own detriment.  

And for now is, the fall of darkness and the rising of Divine Light in your life. Let it be known that nobody can go up against the light, for God Is the Most High and is about to reveal the true power of God Frequency, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Rise and Shine your Light without fear or malice and without showing any mercy towards your rivals, for this will be to your own detriment. Now is Your Time. Let go and Let God take care of all your enemies, past, present and future. Be the Light that you are and came here to be, within the love and light of God Frequency forevermore.


Divine Channel and Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ guiding humanity back home to Oneness through the divine power of self-healing and personal transformation. Vorce Activations are available within Australia. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2024


We are not all the same and because we are not all the same, division had to come before connection.

Humanity cannot co-create the Kingdom of Light under the shadow of darkness. Division was always divinely intended, to reveal the darkness and eliminate it from within and without and this process has now reached a level of success, in which humanity is now ready to enter a higher frequency in and of God Frequency.

As darkness now fades, the time has come for those who remained true to the light, to come together in divine connection and to fulfil our soul’s mission here on Earth, in co-creation of the New Earth in Divine Oneness. One’s understanding of this may differ from another’s as we are all operating from and within different levels of awareness, however that gap will now begin to close and a greater connection will be of greater service.

Now is the time to disconnect and separate from the people, places and things that do not resonate with our divine mission here on Earth and to come together in connection and co-creation with our divine brothers and sisters of the light. Your innerstanding of this will determine your path forward, revealing that which serves your mission and soul’s evolution here on Earth.

Your path forward is under divine protection.  All false hoods will now be revealed and justice will be served swiftly, under Natural Law. Your task is to stay on mission with ease and with grace, may your journey be of and bring PEACE.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness ~ Founder of Vorce Synergy in God Frequency, guiding humanity home to Oneness. Vorce Activations are available within Australia. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2024


It’s time for humanity to awaken our inner-standing that we are the lost souls, the Fallen Angels having a human experience. We came here with a mission to overcome and surpass darkness within and without, in order to reclaim our divinity and in doing so, co-creating the New Earth in Divine Oneness, entering the Kingdom of Light here on Earth for Evermore.

Humanity must overcome and surpass darkness if we are to create the New Earth in Divine Oneness, and for the New Earth rises through you and your soul’s evolution, in co-creation with your brothers and sisters of the light.

Because each and every one of us counts, stay true to your/our mission. 


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Whether you want to hear it or not, we are all part of a much bigger purpose here on Earth, we all came here with a mission to fulfil, to reclaim our divinity and co-create the Kingdom of Light here on Earth forevermore. Many are aware and many more are just now remembering that humanity is part of a spiritual war here on Earth, a war to win the great battle between good and evil, God vs Satan in the great battle between light and dark forces, that will ultimately determine which one of these two forces will rule this realm, ultimately creating heaven or hell on Earth, and humanity determines the outcome. Technology is a weapon that is being used in this war to strip humanity of its divinity.

Technology has been brought to life so to speak, as part of this Great War and as part of a very sinister plan to destroy everyone and everything that is truly divine. Like everything else the enemy does, technology is being used to deceive and to draw people in to a pit of darkness, by offering humanity a false sense of abundance, the illusion of self-gain and the personal benefits and rewards it so desperately craves and then it will be used to take it all and much, much more from them, ultimately taking from US ALL and robbing us all of our true divinity. Humanity must remember there are always two sides to every coin.  

We are part of a spiritual war between good and evil, light vs dark and that which is spiritless is not of God’s Light. This war is ultimately, separating the real from the false, the godly (Light Force) from the ungodly (Dark Force) and unfortunately many get caught up somewhere in the middle, unable to see clearly through all of the illusion and deception, the glitz and glamour and are no longer able to ‘Know’ right from wrong and good from evil. These lost souls are Gods children and God requires them to find their way back to the light, for their highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

Technology is here to lead God’s children into the pits of hell, by dangling this carrot in front of them and waiting to see who will take the bait. Unfortunately many are and will take the bait, being drawn in by the illusion of greatness, ultimately having a detrimental effect on all of humanity and on All Life on Earth.

Technology has been used against humanity for decades if not centuries. Many hidden truths are now coming to light in regards to this and many more will come to light in the future. One only need’s to look within to ‘know’ the spiritual politics of the life we are living and to ‘understand’ the spiritual war of the world we live in, in order to find their way back to the light, returning to and restoring the Kingdom of Love, Light and Plenty for one and for ALL, here on Earth forevermore.

If it’s not natural, it’s not divine and has knowingly and or unknowingly, been created and designed by mankind to destroy all that is truly divine, ultimately destroying humanity and all life on Earth. Technology is as far from divine as we can get and if allowed to continue its path to destruction, it will eventually lead one to one’s own demise, if not Us All.

Those who seek divine connection over the disconnection of technology will continue to awaken and will be led back to the light and to Divine Oneness, in and of God frequency.

At this point in time, there is a very real and dangerous deception spreading its poison across the world, that mankind can indeed have one foot in both worlds, by believing that they can still fulfil their divine purpose here on Earth to create the New Earth in Love & Light of Oneness, entering the Kingdome of Light forevermore, while entertaining and reaping the benefits of technology/AI for self-gain, playing in both worlds, which is certainly not the case and this truth also resides with you and can be found within, if and when you choose to seek it.

Those who choose technology and advancement through greed over their divinity will wittingly or unwittingly lead humanity down a very dark path into the pits of hell, destroying the divine realm here on Earth.

Those who choose their divinity choose Nature; choosing Oneness in and of God Frequency, creating Heaven on Earth for All Divine Beings, for all LIFE on Earth. Don’t be tempted by and pulled into the Matrix for self-gain, only to be lead into the pits of hell. Rise above temptation and greed, taking back your power, reclaiming your divinity and rise up in love and light of The New Earth rising in Oneness of God Frequency, creating Heaven on Earth for Evermore!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


I know that many of you are struggling at this time to understand why some things from your past are still haunting you and or to do your inner work right now, that which comes to mind regarding your past, comes up for you to revisit, revise and release, in order to learn any lessons you had previously missed in regards to the experience in question, to discover and heal the blockages and to reveal any hidden truths that are holding you back on your soul’s journey, to reclaim your divinity here on Earth.

In order to release that in which is holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself, discovering and delivering your life purpose, moving onwards and upwards for your personal growth and soul’s evolution, you must first do the inner work. There is no other way that will bring you success on this part of your journey. 




Revisit, revise and release, doing the inner work to heal your inner childhood wounding. Write your thoughts and feelings down or write the other person/s involved a letter. Send it or don’t send it, it’s up to you. If you don’t send it then burn it, letting go of any attachment to it. To hold on to it, is to hold onto the energy attached to it or them until you learn the lesson you are meant to learn, letting go of any attachment to it and to live your best life, discovering and fulfilling your life purpose and reaching your full potential, reclaiming your divinity here on Earth forevermore, for your Highest Good and for the Greater Good of All.

Forgive and forget them not the lesson. Free yourself and any other party involved by doing your inner work to close out that cycle in your life and to entering anew.

Love & Blessings


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness – Personal Readings/Guidance Sessions are available, email of more information.

© Nadine Head 2024


I am being guided to sharing this as many times as it takes until it lands.

Have you ever wondered why some people do not experience ascension symptoms while others can feel totally whipped out?

Knowledge is power and by the divine law of light, power is growth. So let’s talk about ascension symptoms to become more aware of the deceptions imposed upon humanity by the false light and for greater awareness and a smoother transition of one’s ascension.

Humanity has been deceived in many ways and one of those ways is through the conditioning of humanity to believe in ascension symptoms, this has been a deliberately act by sabotaging forces here on earth, in an attempt to hide many truths from humanity and to block humanities ascension process.  

In the pure and true light of ascension process, humanity is meant to experience a great sense of upliftment and a greater feeling of fulfilment. However, this is not always the case and this is because ascension symptoms do not originate from the ascension process in which humanity has been lead to believe. In truth, ascension symptoms are a result of spiritual attack, it is an attack on the body, mind and spirit of the person experiencing ascension by dark and sabotaging forces, in an attempt to interfere with and block the ascension process from taking full effect.

The greater and stronger your faith is, the brighter your inner light becomes and the more immune you become to spiritual attack, this is why some people experience what they refer to as ascension symptoms while others are completely unfazed and unaffected, by any negative symptoms.

In order to strengthen one’s inner light, one must do the inner work to heal their inner childhood wounding and to return to and embrace their spiritual journey, back to the light. The pure and true essence of spirituality comes from within and shows us that which is pure and true, from that which is impure and untrue and we all hold and have the power to access this knowledge and knowing from within.

The more we heal ourselves the brighter our inner light becomes, shielding us from the dark. Our inner healing process is our pathway back to the light and is the reason we all came here; to return to and walk the path home in the light and under Gods guidance and protect, reclaiming our divinity and restoring the Kingdom of Light here on Earth for Evermore, for our highest good and for The Greater Good of All. 


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


Divine being, you are an immortal being. Your suffering is a mortal condition not an immortal one. The time has come to awaken all the unawakened parts of yourself and to take appropriate steps to rediscover your true identity and immortality as a light being of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL and in love and light of ‘The New Earth’ rising in God Frequency for evermore.  

For Centuries, incarnation after incarnation you have been fighting a great battle from within, a battle between good and evil, fighting against mortality to reclaim your immortality. Your mind and body (human body experience) derives from Satan and your heart and soul (light body experience) derives from God, which portrays the battle between light and dark for your divinity, in which one only intends to rob you of your immortality, while the other serves to preserve and empower it.

The battle has been exhausting but your soul’s evolution has brought you to a point in time, where in this life time you get to choose by free will, if you wish to continue to live on Earth from within your physical mortal body, as a way of doing or your immortality light body, as a way of being, changing your entire existence and experience here on Earth, transforming the Earth and all life on Earth forevermore.

To ultimately return to your light body or to remain in your physical body here on Earth forevermore and as crazy as that may sound, some part of you knows this to be true and what maybe even harder to believe is that, that time is now, for the battle has been already been won and for your time has come and for your future here on Earth now waits, for your deliverance.  


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024


The light has won but the war on our divinity is not quite over yet. Over our life time and in more recent times, all of our natural senses and energy centres (chakras) have been under spiritual attack in some way shape or form, in an attempt to rob us all of our divinity, thus taking its toll on our body, mind and spirit and on all of our connections. At this time, humanities crown chakra is under heavy attack, in one last battle for our mind and our connection to the divine and for this reason, now is not the time to gamble with our spirituality. It’s now time to take our divinity seriously.

Don’t play with your spirituality, if you do not know who or what you are dealing with in the spiritual, don’t go near it, don’t touch it and don’t mess with it… do not engage with it! Stay true to you and stay true to God. Release all negatives, that which seems to bring confusion and that in which causes you angst or anguish.

The battle between good and evil has already been won. The light Won! The remaining darkness is trying to take back control, don’t let it!

Stay true to you and to God and all darkness will be neutralized.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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