Psychic Medium Channeler

DESECRATION TO SANCTIFICATION – Transforming the World from Within!

To desecrate one’s own sacred body, mind and spirit, is to desecrate the very essence of life itself.

To desecrate one’s own sacred body, mind and spirit or that of another’s, is to desecrate the very essence of one’s own divinity or that of another, and that of which our ‘sacred being’ gives life to, for our body, mind and spirit is in co-creation with the Holy Spirit of Life, every minute of every day, ultimately giving new life, to all of which is of the divine living system, for We Are One.

When we contaminate our body, mind and or spirit or that of another, we contaminate the very essence of life itself and at which point we are both drained of a Greater Life Force, in which is available to us and to all, and which is a part of the Divine Living System, As One.

The world is nothing but a reflection of who we are and who we are penetrates All Life itself, either strengthen or weakening the world around us from within. In purity of body, mind and spirt, our Pure Divine Essences strengthens and gives New Life to the entire Divine Living System, creating the New Earth in God Frequency from within.

When we purify our body, mind and spirit, we becoming an active co-creator of the New Earth, reinstating God’s Kingdom of Light here on Earth forevermore but when we continue to contaminate and desecrate our sacred body, mind and spirit, we continue to be a part of, that which contaminates and desecrated the World around us and the Entire Divine Living System, as One.

Purify in body, mind and spirit, becoming an active co-creator of the New Earth, living life as a Divinity Being, in and of God Frequency, as divinely intended, for the Greater Good of All.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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