Divine Judgement

“To Judge or not to Judge”
We are all at different stages of awakening on our soul’s journey at any given time and understandably as one begins to further awaken, there can be some residual confusion surrounding the topic of conditioning, either our own or another’s.
The conditioned belief that all judgment is negative and un-just, in truth is somewhat untruth. In truth, judgment is a useful tool to the awakening soul finding their way back to self-love. Any judgment made with absolute Truth and Integrity, is in fact just and true. Anything just and true is so by and within Divine Law.
There will be times in the awakened souls life that ‘Letting Go’ will indeed be a more appropriate action to take however during the process of transformation from the state of being conditioned to the state of discovering one’s own truth and releasing our conditioned patterning – constructive and loving self-judgment and judgment of others is most appropriate – for true change requires a correct course of action that can only be made by means of constructive and loving judgment.
Passing judgment verses being judgmental = Love verses Hate (Ego)
Being Judgmental is different to and then making a judgment of a situation, person, place or thing for constructive analysis with some sort of positive or peaceful resolution to the situation in mind, either for oneself and or any other involved.
Breaking another person down with devaluing comments however great or small is unattractive to say the very least and is the language of ego. When you are being judgmental towards another person it is and always will be a much bigger statement about you then it will ever be about them and will bring to you and you alone, a karmic effect. What you put out, through love or through ego always comes back to you at some stage throughout your life, either in one form or another.
Rule of thumb – If you cannot say anything nice, do not say anything at all.
If a situation needs addressing for the betterment of yourself and or another – always find time to address it ASAP through appropriate communication with absolute TRUTH & INTEGRITY. Letting it go, will only keep the cycle in progress for either or both parties – what we resist persists. If we want a better life for ourselves, for our loved ones and for the planet as a whole we must first address in one way or another, all that needs to change. ‘letting it go’ isn’t always the best action to take, however there are times that ‘letting go’ is the appropriate action to take and for the awakened soul, this will over time become a way of being as one begins to live a life of Divine Love.
Living a love based life starts from within, love thy-self first and ‘embody love’ in all that you do – Eradicating any judgmental thoughts, words and actions for the greater good of all. Self –resolve offers greater peace, balance and harmony to the individual and as a result to the world as a whole through a rippled effect. Divine Judgment offers Divine Love.
Be Loving in your constructive judgments and you will indeed become love itself.
Many Blessings
Nadine X
Top Image by – Widener University
© Nadine Head 2019
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