Psychic Medium Channeler


Some of you beautiful 😇 are about to receive your 🪽

Are you ready to fly!?

The energy coming in over the next few months:

💫 Sudden & Unexpected Changes or New (Blessings)

💫 Breakthroughs, Down Loads & Up Grades

💫 Personal Freedom & Transformation

💫 New Beginnings & Fast Moving Action

💫 Answered Prayers & Divine Blessings

💫 Greater Acceptance & Flow, Ease & Grace

💫 A Greater Depth of Awareness, Innerstanding & Understanding

💫 New Earth Emergence

Now is not the time to be too complacent or too comfortable in current surroundings or circumstances. Prepare for lift-off and get ready to fly!

Well Done and Congratulations! 🎉 🥂 🎉

This message will not pertain to everyone, take it how it fits and keep up the good work, your time is coming! ✨ 🦋 ✨

Love & Blessings


Divine Chanel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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