Psychic Medium Channeler


Love or hate him, he’s got this right…
We Do Not Worship Government, We Worship God ~ Donald J Trump

Anyone can speak these words into existence but not everyone holds the Divine Frequency of Light, which brings them to Life and into Power.

If you represent the light, you represent God and whatever God represents to you in any given moment, is to be true.

You may hear many positive and many negative things about Donald J Trump in the future but this too shall be known, energy does not lie.

The world is changing and so too shall our awareness of that in which holds Divine Light and of that in which does not, bringing energy into greater power.

Every man, woman, child and animal of God’s Divine Kingdom holds the Divine Frequency of Light, which shall be known to all Divine Beings, of and within the Kingdom of Light and for this too shall be known in more ways then one, to be of the Light, you have to be one to know one.

Where humanity is heading, energy holds the power of all truths and this too, shall hold great power.

Energy holds the power of all truths within God’s Kingdom of Light and of all Divine Beings.

Energy holds the power of our future!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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