Psychic Medium Channeler


Sacred Soul’s, the New Earth is built on true and integrity. God’s Kingdom of Love and of Light is built on Truth (love) and Integrity (light). We cannot desire a world living in truth and integrity and yet reject the truth when it is spoken, for the world in truth does not work that way.

If we want to live in a world of truth and integrity, we must learn to live from a place of truth and integrity and to open our hearts in order to accept the truth, when it is gifted to us. How do we know if the truth is being spoken, we live truthfully!

When we live in truth and integrity of our soul’s truth, we can hear and see what is said and done and what is not, in truth and integrity. Humanity has reached a point of evolution, in which from this time forward, those who do not live in truth and integrity will continue to struggle even greater in their own life and to live in harmony with others upon the Rising of the New Earth in Love and Light of the Oneness in God Frequency, which is of the utmost of all Truth and Integrity.

God’s Kingdom is the Righteous Kingdom, only the righteous will bask in its heavenly delights, for God’s Heavenly Kingdom Delights are sacred and in which reaches far beyond our Earthly realm.

Rise in truth and integrity, cultivating the New Earth Rising in truth and integrity.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of the Oneness in God Frequency

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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