Psychic Medium Channeler


Humanities return to love has demoted the devil and placed God back in power to a greater extent. God’s return to power requires God to shake things up, in order to restore peace, balance and harmony to the world and therefore the journey home begins with greater intention.

God is about to shake you to wake you. When you do wrong by yourself or by others, God makes sure things go wrong for you, this is God’s way of guiding you back towards the light, back to righteousness and to divinity, through what humanity refers to as karma.

God see’s and knows all, for the omnipresence of God is within all living things. God will warn you to stop doing the things that are not good for you or for others, more times than you deserve, just to see how far you are willing to take things and If you are unwilling to stop doing unrighteous things and start living by the way of righteousness, God will take all that is good in your life from you and if you still continue to turn a blind eye, God, will take life from you. If that is not a big enough wake up call, then what is!? And if you turn your life around, God will test you to see if you have learnt your lesson and if you are deserving of your position in God’s Divine Kingdom of Light.

Life is not a game. The gift of life requires one to be righteous and those who do not do right do not survive. God is about to show the world, that LIFE and all that life represents, is servitory and involves a statutory process that many will not survive, for this is the way.

The only path home is through God and God Is Love. Return to love for where there is love, there is a way!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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