Ignite the Feminine Senses
Hi there, to all my lady friends out there. Have you ever really stopped to breathe in and absorb all the senses that come alive when you spray on a little fragrance, or when you put on a little make up, your heels and jewelry feeling like a women, you feel good right? But have you ever really stopped to connect with those senses as they come alive in the moment?
When you take the time to fully awaken all the senses, in a single moment of what you are doing, you feel the feminine within every cell of your being. Take perfume as an example, perfume awakens the senses in an entirely sensual way, intimately feminine. Connected to the feminine within, you feel the soft spray hit the soft skin of your neck and you breathe it in, feeling it through your entire body, awakening all of your senses to unknown possibilities, arousing your sexual pheromones, not just feeling good about the self being all dressed up for a good night out, but really feeling all that you are in your feminine energy, feeling your body, mind and spirit come alive through all of your senses, your body lights up with sparks of joy and happiness, engulfing and empowering all of the cells in your body, mind and spirit and your feminine senses come alive in ways you could never imagine, offering you a sense of total wellbeing… health and happiness.
Have you lost your connection to the feminine senses in this way? You know what I’m talking about; you know the feeling you get when you’re really feeling beautiful, free, strong, sensual, awakened, and empowered, shinning your light from within for the world to take in, and breathe in all of your heart essence. I know for some of you it can be a little difficult to allow yourself to feel completely free in this moment, but once you experience and acknowledge its magic you will never look back again, awakening the feminine in all that you do.
Have you ever been completely engulfed by a man, other than in the bedroom. Have you been sweep up in the arms of a strong and sensual man who draws you in and holds you firmly to his body, breathing you in as he takes all of you in through all of his senses, all that you emanate, in all of your femininity… he feels you, senses you, inhales you, lighting little sparks of love, light and joy within your entire being. Have you truly and completely embraced this moment with all of your being… all of your senses?
If not I suggest you give it a try, open all of your senses up to all that you are and all those surrounding you, and watch the transformation take place as you begin to ignite a spark within your heart that in turn ignites a spark within those you love the most. Your entire existence will be transformed, showing your true essence to the world as it seep’s out of your entire being.
When a woman is consciously aware and consciously ignites all of her senses, she awakens the feminine within her very being, in all of her cells; this in turn emanates outwardly and begins to attract all that she is, in all of her femininity… attracting her equal masculine counterpart, even if he is on the other side of the world, you will ignite a spark within his heart through the invisible thread linking your hearts as one and he will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame and when the time is right and all is in its place… he will find you… in one way or another.
For the men out there reading this, you can do the same, ignite the masculine within and connect with every breath you take to all of your senses, attracting your vibrational feminine match, you have a inner power that can and will draw your love match to you. Be consciously aware of all that you are and offer only the best you have to give from the heart and from every cell of your being, living a more rewarding life for yourself and for your loved ones.
Be all that you can be though all of your senses and become embodied in a single moment in time… creating all that you can be for all eternity… Ignite the feminine or masculine senses for totally wellbeing, balance, and harmony.
Don’t forget that your total wellbeing requires many life threads… not just this piece of the puzzle. Honor your body, mind, and spirit for your total health and wellbeing… creating all that you desire.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2014
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