Psychic Medium Channeler


Great changes are taking place behind the scenes in regards to Media and Social Media Platforms and further changes can be expected in the coming months.

Gain of control has been reached. Many companies are now in the right hands and changes are taking place in alignment with right action. Investigations, arrests and changes have been and still are taking place in regard to media and social media corruption and for your personal interest, this includes the interference of online business growth and progression, particularly in the areas of Natural Health and Wellbeing and that in which is of a Spiritual Nature, due to a conflict of interest or more to the point, an agenda.

Furthermore, another warning goes out to humanity in regard to the infiltration of consumer related businesses and products, including manufactured health supplements and other Natural Health related ‘processed products’ for both mankind and all animals as we tend to refer to them. What you see or hear isn’t always what you get…consumer beware!

Natural Health and Wellbeing comes directly from Nature and is intended to be consumed from plant to mouth or to another part of the body. That which is intended to imitate Nature is not as powerful, as that which comes directly from Nature itself in its natural form. Processed foods, which include supplements, lack a very important component, one that cannot be replicated, and in which is ‘The Spirit of Life’ that is within it and in which upholds all life, of and within the Divine Living System here on Earth and Beyond.

When Nature is consumed in The Way that it is Divinely Intended to be consumed, it has the Divine Essence and Power to take mankind and the world as we know it, from illness to wellness, to greatness, transforming All Life on Earth and Beyond for the Greater Good.

Become aware of your Divinity, for you are a Divine Being in and of God Frequency and all that upholds your divinity and that of the entire Divine Living System, is within Nature. Optimal health and wellbeing awaits you within Nature and in co-creation of the New Earth, in the Oneness of God Frequency, which is the True and Divine Spirit of Life.

Return to Nature for optimal health and wellbeing and to reclaim your Divinity, upholding the Divine Living System in the Oneness of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.


Divine Channel and Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency, transforming lives!

Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia. Will travel conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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