Psychic Medium Channeler


A question that has been raised by many throughout the ages and seems to be on the lips of many at this time is “Is anyone born evil?” The answer as I know it to be, is that everyone is born pure and divine until something dark gets inside of them. However, through the right process we have the power to release all darkness within and to return to the pure divine essence of our true divinity, in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Karma on the other hand is something quite different and is brought through with us from one life time to the next, if we have not previously learnt and healed all that we are meant to learn and heal from the experience of it, breaking the attachment we have to it.

All of this darkness may seem like a natural process of the life we live but in truth it is not who we really are or where we originated from but rather it is a process that has been thrust upon us in a spiritual war between good and evil as it has been told in the Bible, the original Bible, the one that has been kept hidden from humanity, which is unlike the one we all know today, for the original Bible speaks of truths that live on inside of us all and has the power to come to life from within.

Take a moment or two to let all of the above to sink in; for there is much to learn from this that will ultimately serve humanity and help shape our future, in love and light of the New Earth Rising. When we heal ourselves, we raise our frequency and as we do the New Earth in all of its Divinity rise’s into being. Our New Frequency brings in the New Earth and in this way good triumphs over evil.

The real question is… are you doing the spiritual/healing work that brings you back into alignment with your soul’s purpose and divine mission here on Earth; to bring in the New Earth, through healing, clearing, cleansing and raising your frequency, in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency?

If this has been a struggle for you, then I invite you to ask me how you can gain access to the untapped healing power and potential you have lying dormant within you and learn how to heal and transform your own life and become an active co-creator of the New Earth Rising in the Oneness of God Frequency, all from the privacy of your own home. Healing Within, Healing the World, with the assistance of the Divine Healing Power that is currently lying dormant within you, and for We Are One.


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Activating the New Healing Frequency, that is guiding humanity home to Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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