Psychic Medium Channeler


Your spiritual abilities are a blessing, not a curse nor a sin…

A strict Catholic recently told me that Clairvoyance is evil and in a roundabout way, that it is their job to guide me back to God. It saddens me to know that so many people out there have been conditioned to believe, that their natural God given abilities are evil.

In today’s world we must be careful not to listen to those who try to confuse us or distract us from our divine path, for when someone is unconscious to their own innate truth, they are in all truth, unconscious to divine truth.

What I find evil and sacrilegious is that humanity as a society has had their innate abilities supressed and stripped from them and has been conditioned to hold, such ludicrous believes for far too long. Mankind has much to answer for particularly when it comes to the true origin of who we really are and what we are capable of in and of the Light, the writings of the Bible and of our true history here on Earth, which has mostly all been fabricated in an attempt to misguide us.

Our spirituality and spiritual gifts have come under scrutiny for far too long and while our divinity has been under attack and our sacred souls have been fighting a silent war, between good and evil from within and without, much of humanity has lost their own ability to know right from wrong, to know what is truly sacred and what is not. Humanity has forgotten who we are and how to honour and nurture our divinity for our highest good and for the Greater Good of All.

As we speak many are still waging war on our God given abilities to see beyond this realm, leaving much of humanity confused as to who they really are and why they came, unwilling or unable to go within, to reawaken their innate abilities and to their own sacred connection to God and where all truths reside.     

As many hidden truths come to light at this time and in the years to come and specifically surrounding the bible, religion and spirituality, and as our innate abilities continue to come under scrutiny, be sure not to allow others to confuse or distract you from your divine knowing and spiritual path. Now more than ever, is a time to allow your own innate, God given abilities to help guide you forward from within.

Over the last number of years I have heard many people begin to question their natural (supernatural) abilities or that of others, as the scrutiny of the Bible continues to raise more questions about the supernatural, and this is where common sense must be forthcoming.

So, let’s talk about the Clair’s, most people by now would have either heard of, or knowingly or unknowingly awakened to one or more of the following abilities from within. The Clair’s consist of the following; Clairvoyance (clear seeing) Clairaudient (clear hearing) Claircognizance (clear knowing) Clairsentience (clear physical feeling) Clairempathy (clear emotions) Clairgustance (clear tasting) Clairalience (clear smelling) Clairintellect (clear thinking) Clairtangency (clear touching) and Intuitive (having clair-ity) all of which derive from our natural senses, our God given senses.

We are all born with these abilities but most people lose them at a very young age due to the interference of and dumbing down of their natural senses, which starts the very day we are born, through medical interference and from there on, through social conditioning, elemental, medical and technological interference and apartheid and in this sense, mankind has a lot to answer for. Without all of these un-natural interferences and with the sharpening of our natural senses, humanity would have evolved far beyond this realm, reclaiming our true divinity and divine inheritance long before now and life for humanity would literally be, Heaven on Earth.

The Clair’s are simply a natural part of us, a sensory perception of reality and of divinity that when nurtured, allows us to see beyond what is in front of us, that which is beyond this realm. These innate abilities have been stolen from us, through the suppression and theft of our divine inheritance, that which is our divine knowing and ability to reclaim our divinity, reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth in God Frequency.

Our natural senses are a part of what connects us to self and to God, and the Devil has done everything in his power to dull our natural senses, to keep us from advancing beyond our current reality, beyond this realm and reinstating Gods Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore.

The devil introduced humanity to a toxic life style, by introducing entertainment, alcohol, drugs, lustful relations and many other toxicities in which robs us of our sacredness, and robs us of having sharp senses, robbing us of our true nature as divine beings of love and light, in and of God Frequency.

The devil introduced humanity to an education system, religion and technologies that are all intended to weaken our natural senses and distract us from our divine connection to God, and to the Divine Living System in God Frequency, essentially using humanity to help destroy all that is GOD the Divine Living System and in which including ourselves, by engaging in such things humanity is destroying all life on Earth. The more we consume of this world, the more we destroy what actually sustains us.

The God I know and trust lives and radiates through me and through all living things in the Oneness of God Frequency and is the greatest, most powerful and beautiful thing I have ever known and experienced.

I serve God by speaking Gods word, not from the bible but through my divine connection to God. We are in a spiritual war, fighting a battle between good and evil from within. One must learn to know the difference between good and evil to know and to live Gods Truth.

It is my belief that the bible has been written many times over and had many changes, intended to deceive and lead humanity away from discovering who we really are, what we are really capable of and what we came here to achieve; to reclaim our true Divinity, reinstating the Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore, and the Bible as we know it today is simply a book written by men, that has lead humanity away from our true and divine path. It’s time for humanity to return to our divine path from within, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of all, where Gods Law resides within us and God’s word flows through us, for in truth We Are One with God.

God’s word is my bible, the Natural Earth is my church and the rest is and should always be questioned. Never doubt yourself and your divine connection to God and the Divine Living System, for all else in this world, is of no true substance nor power and therefore, may common sense prevail, for your spiritual gifts are a blessing, not a curse nor a sin, as the devil would like to have you believe.


Divine Channel in Love and Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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