Psychic Medium Channeler


Pure Divine Energy upholds all LIFE on Earth and the Matrix destroys it. These are two very different energy systems, one exists within you and connects you to the Holy Spirit of Life and the other is external from you and exists only to take life from you. The first is designed to bring you into the Oneness of God Frequency and to create New Life on Earth and the other is designed to keep you in separation from it, robbing you of the true divine essence of life itself.

The Matrix is a war on humanity, a war designed to rob humanity of our Soul’s Divine Essence. The matrix secretly promotes the loss of Divine Energy, through distracting and separating humanity from the Divine Energy which up holds all life and in this way, it aims to rob us all of the very essence of Life, that is to say, it intends to rob us of all Life within and of the Divine Living System.

The matrix has been built on the foundation of technology and is designed to harvest our divine energy, our divine essence, the very fabric of our existence and to make mankind a slave to the system and all the while, those who enforce the matrix system, continue to get healthier and richer off our divine energy.

For each and every one of us who willingly promotes and engages in the Matrix System is willingly, taking part in a system, which is harvesting our divine energy and that of the Divine Living System for self-gain and for greed, ultimately destroying all life on earth.

If you didn’t already know, this war has already been won and Nature is back in Power and if you hadn’t noticed it yet, the matrix’s is crumbling, as divinely intended and moving forward, those who continue to choose the matrix system over Nature by free will, for self-gain will now fall and crumble with it.

If you believe in something greater for this world by nature, I encourage you to leave the matrix system as best to your ability and to embrace your divine energy, reclaiming your divinity and co-creating the New Earth with all other divine beings of the light, being in and of God Frequency, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL, walking away from that which means to do you and the rest of humanity great harm and destruction, destroying all that is of the divine living system.

God (nature) is the ‘All Knowing’ of the Universe that surrounds us, God sees and knows if you are genuinely committed to the light or not, there is no hiding the truth, for God is within you and God is the Truth.

I encourage you to choose wisely for the fate of the world is in your and in my hands, every decision we each make, determines the outcome for us all. To go against one is to go against God and to go against God is to go against all, for We Are One!

Choose to make better choices for one and for all, for if you are not promoting life, you are promoting the end of all Life on Earth. To promote life, is to bring about a shift in our reality for the better, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of all!


Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia, for self-healing and personal transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency. Will travel, conditions apply.

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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