Psychic Medium Channeler


Divine Beings of Light and Co-creators of the New Earth, as the New Earth continues to Rise into being from within, we are entering a frequency that will no-longer allow for the toxic ways of our lower vibrational self and as a result, our toxic thought patters and actions will now begin to bring a greater sense of discomfort to our lives, with the rising frequency of the New Earth.

Therefore any falsehood, judgment, misguidance, confusion, misconception, pre-empting, assuming and so forth will now bring greater discomfort within our lives, for the New Earth is built on the manifestation of truth and integrity from within, bringing forth a world living in peace, balance and harmony, in health, wealth and happiness and of ease and of grace, and all that lacks truth and integrity, ease and grace will no-longer allow for the flow that comes with letting go. Any toxic ways of thinking and doing, which has kept mankind in separation of self in the sacredness of our divinity, and from the Oneness of God Frequency, will bring greater dis-ease to oneself and to one’s life.

Prepare yourself to live in flow, with truth and with integrity, with ease and with grace, by releasing any toxic thought patterns and behaviours or be prepared to feel a greater sense of discomfort and dis-ease within yourself, within your life and within your connections and while the New Earth Frequency leads the way, through discomfort, to a better, lighter and bright way of being in the flow, of all living things in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Trust the process, be kind and gentle with yourself and with others, for we are all in this together and while our personal transformation in imminent, this process will take some time to transpire. No matter what happens, remind yourself that it is all just a part of the process, which is bringing humanity into a better way of being for one and for all and letting go of the old and embracing the new is the aim of the game, so just keep moving forward, for under god’s divine guidance and protection all things are working out for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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