Psychic Medium Channeler


As the New Earth continues to rise into being, it brings to light and into position many New Truths, which will be an absolute game changer for humanity, moving forward.

Be mindful of what you say and do, for the things you say and do will now have new and enlightening consequences, not just for one but for all. Live in truth with integrity, creating ease and grace, for one and for all.

Those who judge and speak out of turn will now begin to face greater consequences for their actions and for humanity will now learn the gravity of their thoughts, spoken words and actions, and the true meaning of a Fearing God.

To be of the light is to be in and of God Frequency, embody the Light!


Divine Channel

Assigned to assist the Awakening of Humanity

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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