Psychic Medium Channeler

Oneness…A Higher Calling!

If you are hearing a higher calling to embrace the path to Divine Oneness, then I would like to invite you to become an active co-creator of the New Earth rising in Oneness, through the Vorce Journey – Vorce is one of many ‘Life Force Energies’ many of which are yet to become integrated within the Energy System of Oneness, through the evolution of mankind. Vorce has been divinely gifted to us now to assist this process for humanities evolution in Oneness, by guiding humanity home in love and light of all life on Earth and throughout the Divine living System, In Divine Oneness.

If you would like to know more about Oneness and how you can access ‘Vorce Synergy’ for your personal evolution in Oneness, then contact me today to arrange an ‘Activation Workshop’ in your home or community, or find a workshop coming to a town near you.

This divinely gifted ‘Life Force Energy’ offers humanity the way forward, through a personal and profound healing transformation, and advancement in Oneness, all from the privacy of your own home.

Join me and the Vorce Community today on the Vorce Journey, making a real difference, with Vorce Synergy…guiding humanity home.

Activation Workshops are now available with Australia. Will travel, conditions Apply.

PM or Email for more information or to book a Workshop and start your Vorce Journey today, joining me and the Vorce community, actively co-creating the New Earth rising is Oneness for the ‘Greater Good’.

Nadine Head (NAYA) ~ Founder of Vorce Synergy

© Nadine Head 2022


Experiencing or sensing great change from within?

Negative emotions at this time can be nothing more than an illusion, intended to assist one’s own transformational process… bringing in RENEWAL OF LIFE and a deeper awareness as we move into a new way of being from within.

Let Go now of negative thoughts and feelings, let go of all negatives from within, let go of any pain, sorrow, judgment, anger, frustration, controlling patterns etc. This way of resistance of existence, is coming to an end and we are awakening and transforming to a higher vibrational existence, where all love and light resides from within.

All life on earth is experiencing this shift to some degree, some will experience a more profound transformation and awareness of the process than others, depending on where one is at on their own soul’s journey, but rest assured all life on earth has entered into this metamorphosis for the highest good of all that Is, and will contribute to the unfolding of what is to come as a result of the current shifts.

Just be… right now… without resistance to what is unfolding within your own heart, remain centered and connected to the self and listen from the heart for any signs of movement toward the future. Your positive thoughts and feelings hold your future experience within your own hands… stay true to your true heart’s desire.

The time of suffering will ease gradually as it comes to an end here on earth over the coming time. Embrace the journey however difficult it may seem for we are not only coming back to LIFE… we are coming HOME.


Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2016


The power of ‘All of Creation’ is within you and is connected to all living things. You are a part of the ‘divine essence’ of creation, that creates all life on Earth.

When you disconnect from your divine essence you suffer and in turn, all Life born of the divine essence of creation suffers, for we are one. When you return to love, joy and happiness, you return to the creation of all life and in turn, life on Earth returns to love… peace, balance and harmony.

When humanity returns to love, all life on Earth will return to love…creating heaven on Earth.

You hold within your divine essence the future of all that is, as an intricate part of the Oneness of all that is of divine creation and as such, each and every one of us has an effect on the future outcome of all life on Earth. The more we rise to greater heights within ourselves, through embodying the frequency of Divine Love, becoming the change we wish to see in the world, the better the outcome will be.

The choice is yours and yours alone. What path do you choose to take on this journey, will you be a part of humanities shortcomings or are you going to rise up in co-creation of the New Earth for the Greater Good. What you choose for yourself, you also choose for the future of our planet and for all life within the Divine Living System. You determine the outcome for us all, for your personal frequency contributes to the greater whole and to the final outcome.

The choice is yours along with each and every one of us, may you choose wisely, may we all choose love.

Choose to rise up in your divine essence… to meet your divine creation.


What is Divine Love?

What does divine love look like?

Divine Love is the essence of the Divine Creator, divine love is the essence of divine creation.

To love is to be love; to be love is to be divine. Divine love is the essence of all that is in Divine Creation.

To love in this way, is to rise up above all lower vibrations with an open heart, ready and willing to give and receive with grace and dignity, truth and integrity.

To love in this way is to become divine, embodying the essence of all that is love, becoming the essence of Divine Creation.

Where there is love, there is growth. Where there is growth, there is creation.

Where there is divine love, there is divine growth. Where there is divine growth, there is Divine Creation.

Choose to become love, becoming an active co-creator of the New Earth rising in Oneness, for the Greater Good.

Be love!

Be Divine!



Conduit in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2022



We are in a time of deep Forgiveness and Gratitude, embrace and trust this process by taking these necessary actions without delay, forgive and give thanks, for humanity must now release the past in order to create a successful future, where there is a wellspring of Divine Oneness.

It’s time to forgive ourselves and the world we live in for all of the hurt, pain and suffering WE have imposed upon humanity and on the Divine living System. It’s time to apologise to Mother Earth and to all life on Earth for the suffering it has endured through the destructive force of mankind.

It is time to recognise and give thanks for the arduous journey we have travelled, that has brought us to this time and place, all of which has been relevant to our becoming, and to the redirection we currently find ourselves in. It’s time to recognise our own shortcomings and to use all of the knowledge and wisdom we have gained along our journey, as tools to forge forward in creation of the ‘The New Earth rising in Oneness’ for the Greater Good of All That Is.

It’s time to let it all go and put the past behind us. It’s time to step towards creating a successful future of peace, balance and harmony for humanity and for all Life on Earth. It’s time to honour oneself and the Divine Living System as One. It’s time!

It’s time to let Mother Nature lead the way, it’s time to listen to the great wisdom she has to impart… she’s calling, for humanity to join her in the great ebb and flow of life. Mother Nature is inviting you to reconnect to the cosmic web of all life, reclaiming your rightful place within the Divine Living System…where all is truly divine! Mother Nature is reaching out her hand to you now and wants you to know…it’s time!

Your time has come…the time is NOW… Make your move! Let the past go and step towards the future… re-creating Earths Divine Kingdom.

~ NAYA ~

Image: Source Unknown

NAYA ~ Divine Channel & Energy Activator in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2022

RISING UP TO MEET THE NEW DAWN – Walking the Path Home

As darkness lifts from this world, it lifts us from suppression and from out of suppression ‘light bodies’ rise up to meet The New Dawn.

Many who have felt that they do not fit in or belong in this world, will now beginning to see and feel the light at the end of the tunnel and will now beginning to have a sense of belonging, for the very first time since their arrival here on Earth. These are the people of the New Earth and have always known from within, that things were not quite right within the world, these are the light bearers of their birth family, often referred to as the black sheep of the family, these are the light bearers, bringing the light to the New Earth Rising in Divine Oneness. These are the creators of the New Earth… Earth Angels sent to bring the world out of darkness and back into the light, these are the God’s and Goddesses of the Heavenly Kingdom, of Divine Oneness.

Beings of Divine Light, this is a time to celebrate, for you are now free to walk the path home, bringing in the love and light of Divine Oneness, this is your time. This is your birthright. Shine your Divine Light in Co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Divine Oneness, for The Greater Good of all Life on Earth and throughout the entire Galaxy.

Earth Angels…Welcome Home!


NAYA – Founder & Activator of Vorce Synergy in Love and Light of Oneness – Life Force Energy, Guiding Humanity Home!

© Nadine Head 2022

Guiding Humanity Home!

Change is in the air, can you feel it!?

Change Waits for no-one.

Now is the time, for now is the future!

Click on image to enlarge.


Vorce is Life Force Energy in Oneness. Oneness is made up of different energies here on Earth and throughout the Universe that have one common goal, to come together in Oneness. In Oneness these energies recalibrate the Life Force of Divine Oneness, in God Frequency. Vorce is just one of these energies. Vorce has been gifted to humanity at this time, to show humanity ‘the way’ home to Divine Oneness… of God frequency.

When humanity realigns with the Life Force of Oneness, the Life Force of Oneness will realign humanity in God Frequency! This process is already underway. However, there are many different elements that need to come together before this process can reach totality.

If you would like to become an active participant in this process, then I invite you to join me and the Vorce Community, making a real difference through the activation of Vorce Synergy for profound self-healing and advancement from within the Energy System of Divine Oneness, guiding humanity home, for the Greater Good of All Life on Earth and throughout the entire Universe, for We Are One.

Join me for a one day activation workshop, learn more about the past, present state and future success of Divine Oneness. Learn of the significant roll Vorce plays in this process and how Vorce can help you to heal and advance yourself and the world As One in Divine Oneness for the Greater Good of All.

‘Vorce’ Activation Workshops are Now Available within Australia. Will travel (Conditions apply). Email for more information.


NAYA – Founder of Vorce Synergy in Oneness

Vorce – Life Force Energy, for profound Self-Healing and Advancement within the Energy System of Divine Oneness.

🕊 🪷 🕊

© Nadine Head 2010-22


When the world is full of deniers, those speaking the truth are branded liars, both seemingly trapped in a cycle of life and death that neither can ever truly be released from, unless… one moves into being.

Deniers are sleepers (less connected to their soul’s truth) who may be consciously and or unconsciously living a lie. Truthers are wakers (more connected to their soul’s truth) who may be consciously and or subconsciously living a larger portion of their soul’s truth, both and all in the name of the cycle we call life and death, none of which is actually real and all of which is an illusion of the mind and of the world we currently live in.

When we live our life for ourselves, either as a denier or a truther, the energy we emit becomes our reality. Life becomes what we make it. Therefore, we can deny ourselves and others or we can awaken ourselves and others to a portion of our soul’s truth OR we can simply ‘just be’ unconditional love, creating eternal life on Earth and for all Living Beings, being in Oneness with the Divine Living System for the ‘Greater Good’ of ALL. 

Some deniers may live half-truths and some truthers may live to some degree of ‘being’. As such, neither deniers or truthers are living ‘soulfully’ in one’s own true essence, but rather living a process which will eventually lead us all towards the very same place, of being.

We are all living the process of becoming. The becoming of God Frequency, as a Living Being. Not that of a human being but that in which we truly are as Light Beings, being of God Frequency.

The power of being is within each and every one of us and reaches far and wide, beyond our imagination, creating the New Earth… being the kingdom of God, and of all light beings in God Frequency.

God Frequency is the frequency of all that is truly divine, in Oneness. God frequency brings us into being, beings of Love and Light in Divine Oneness.

Trust and enjoy the process, for everything in Divine Oneness, is simply being.

Nadine Head (NAYA) Divine Channel and Energy Activator in Love and Light of Oneness, showing ‘The Way’

© Nadine Head 2022

Warning to Humanity – Technology is Hostile

DO NOT be fooled by what technology can do for you. ALL Technologies, seemingly good or bad, past, present and future… whether they are from this world or off world, are hostile to ‘All Living Thing’ on Earth and throughout the Universe.

ALL technologies of this world and ‘off world’ prevent  the ‘Natural Evolution’ of humanity in Divine Oneness, and being for the ‘Greater Good’ of ‘ALL Life’ forms on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe, in love and light of Divine Oneness.

Humanity has a choice to make, for the future success of all life on Earth and throughout the Universe relies on it. We have reached a point in time where humanity must choose between the Natural Living World and the hostile world of Technology. Technology has now reached a point of evolution that requires humanity to make this decision, and to make this decision is to choice between Life and Death.

Technology = Separation, Death and Non-fulfilment of Oneness.

Nature = Connection, Life and Fulfilment of Oneness.

A world without nature will not survive. The world without technology will thrive!

Return to Self, return to Nature, return to Source Energy to know this truth for your-self.

‘The All Knowing Truth’ of the Universe resides within YOU!  All the answers you seek are within you.

You Are the Future of ‘All Life’ on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe, for the future of humanity lies in the hands of every single one of us. Every single man, and woman and child can make a difference. Humanities future depends on the choices each man, woman and child makes, from this moment forward. Make yours count!

Choose wisely, choose Nature, choose your Divinity… securing a successful future for ‘All Life’ on Earth and throughout the Universe, in Love and Light of Oneness. The choice is here for you to make… choose! Then align your actions with the choice you make, co-creating the New Earth with those who choose the same. Many will choose life, many will knowingly and unknowingly choose death, and the side with the most support will rise above the rest.

May we all choose wisely… may we all choose in favour of the Divine Living System… to give us Life.


Divine Channel and Energy Activator in Love and Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2022

Awakening Souls…Walk In the Light!

An open letter to those who are awakening to new spiritual truths, awareness and abilities, I say this with the greatest of respect. Please ‘stop expecting’ more from whom and what you do not fully understand, especially when seeking spiritual knowledge or guidance from others through social media platforms. Unfortunately we are living in a time where things are often not what they seem.

As many of you know all too well, we are in a ‘spiritual war’ between light and dark, good and evil. The light has already won but because of this, we are still fighting the battle to remove dark forces and clean house.

One must understand the politics behind the type of war they are battling before making any moves and it is very clear at this point in time, that many are still not aware of and or fully understanding that in which we are currently up against.

As such, we the people are entertaining social media platforms that have been created, managed and monitored for all the wrong reasons. All of our interaction on these platforms is being used against us ‘the people’ in one way or another from behind the scenes. Therefore, if one persists in using these platforms (playing in the devils playground) then one must carefully consider each move they make, as not to give too much away to the wrong people. Only a fool shows all of their cards to the enemy.

So, please stop expecting spiritual guides and leaders to show all of their cards (knowledge and insight) especially on social media and public forums. Any true spiritual leader knows that they must play their cards carefully at this time, while still helping and guiding others to awaken and move in the right direction.  

So, please stop expecting more from whom and what you do not fully understand and therefore passing false judgment on good and true spiritual leaders. If you want to know more, through understanding, than make the effort to make ‘real connections’ with those who you are drawn to for guidance and let the rest go.

A spiritual leader of the light will encourage and show you how to heal yourself and tap into your own innate abilities for inner guidance, and by Divine Laws are not required to offer their spiritual services for free, in fact it is quite the opposite and with good reasoning. However, they will not abuse this power for self-gain or greed. Make an effort to understand whom and what you are deal with before passing judgment and therefore abusing your own soul’s truth and divinity, and that of those who are falsely judge.

Lastly ‘We Are One’ what we say and do to others, we say and do to ourselves and what we say and do to ourselves we say and do to others…we reap what we sow. “So within, so without” Therefore, it is wise to act accordingly with truth and integrity.

Do not fear the enemy, for the enemy fears you and has no real power, over those who walk in the light.

So, it is quite simply this… the answers you seek from within and from others can easily be found, when you walk in the light.


Divine Channel & Energy Activator in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2022

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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